Capsules Vs Tablets In Medicine:Which Suits Your Pharma Business

Do you hesitate in choosing medicine form? Capsule and tablet in medicine, it seemed that they have their own different only in features. But the small change of the form of your medicine may induce the big change of your medicine effect or sales. The change of form are not a trivial matter.

Capsules vs tablets in medicine:which suits your pharma business? What are the difference between capsule and tablet? Which one is better? Is it safe to crush tablet or open capsule? Have you ever wondered these questions? If you do, then you are in the right post.

You can get the comprehensive knowledge about capsule and tablet in pharma business. The deeper understanding can help your medicines give out its biggest effect and help your patients better. Now, come on and have a reading!

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    1.What IsCapsules VS Tablets In Medicine?

    Capsule And Tablet

    Capsule And Tablet-Sourced:welzo

    Capsules VS tablet in medicine are most frequently used in your curing or caring process in pharmaceutical field. Both of them are great drug carrier. Capsule has hard and soft shells. Medications are enclosed in the shells and get out in your digestive track. They are mostly cylinders and have the shells made by gelatin or polymer.

    Tablets are a member of pill. The powder medical ingredients are compressed into the hard pill of different size, shape or appearance. And it will break and absorbed when swallowed and dissolved in your stomach. Both of them are safe and easy taking.

    2.What Are The Difference BetweenCapsules And Tablets In Medicine? 

    Capsules vs tablets in medicine all made great job in pharmaceutical field, but the difference of them are still obvious and make important effect.

    The Difference Between Capsules And Tablets

    The Difference Between Capsules And Tablets-Sourced:nicerx

    Difference Capsule Tablet
    Appearance Capsules have its main medical ingredients enclosed in two shells. They are mostly cylinder with smooth and colored shells. Tablets have medical powder pressed into round, square, oval and many other shape. They can also be coated and have varied color.
    Processing   Capsules are easier to manufacture and save energy and time in its simpler processing. Tablets are harder to make and have more complex processing, but it saves more in bulk production.
    Taste Capsules are tasteless with its shells help prevent the flavor of medical in our mouth and digest track. Tablets have the bitter flavor if not coated. And for coated one, you may taste sweat or other acceptable flavor.
    Swallowing Capsules are thought to be swallowed easier as it is smooth and can be opened to fill in drink for better taking. Tablets are harder to swallowed for their unpleasant flavor. But the chewable or coated can help reduce the swallow difficulty.
    Absorption   Capsules are dissolved faster in body compared with tablets and are thus has the faster absorption. Tablets has the dissoluting rate varied according to tablet design and their absorption rate is also varied.
    Additives Capsules use less additives compared with tablet. The largest additive parts may be the gelatin shell. Tablets ask for more additives to make the tablets shaped and formed.
    Split It may be hard to split capsule. If you wanna divide it, you may  open it and deal the powder. Tablets can be split evenly for smaller dosage or more precise pill taking.
    Expense Capsules often save your money as it saved the complex manufacturing process and facility cost. Tables cost more as they are more complex in manufacturing and production. But in long run, it saved more in bulk production, .
    Dosage Capsules lack the flexibility and accuracy in medicine dosage compared with tablets. Tablets have the accurate dosing compared with capsules and can prove the sufficient intake.
    Durability Capsules are easier to get affected by damp, moisture or other features and are thus less stable. Tablets are more stable and have longer shelf life compared with capsules.

    3.Capsules VS Tablets In Medicine:Which Suits Your Pharma Business?

    Have you made the hard decision in capsules and tablets in pharmacy or your medicine manufacturing of your business? If you do, then you should take the suitability of capsule and tablet in different condition seriously. So capsules vs tablets in medicine: which suits your pharma business?

    According to pharma type

    pharma type

    Pharma Type-Sourced:baygreenpharmacy

    Capsules is the ideal form when transporting the potent medicines and the high bioavailable makes the better delivery to blood. For people with hard absorption or medicines like proton pump inhibitors, calcium, or iron, capsule is more suitable.

    Tablets should be applied to medicine with flexible dosage as it is easy to get the precise split. Besides, for antibiotic azithromycin, tablets are more effective compared with capsules when taking with food.

    According to budget



    Which suits your pharma business, you should consider your budget and production scale. Capsule can save your money in the primary stage as it applied simpler manufacturing and easier production facility. In the long run, tablets saved more in bulk production for its cheaper material and mass production technique.

    According to patients preference

    medicine preference

    Medicine Preference-Sourced:wkhs

    Patients have their own preference in selecting medicine form. The stability, swallowing difficulty and medicine accuracy are the essential consideration for your picky customers. Besides, you should also consider the marketing of your medicine. Tablets are easier to change shape and color to attract customers.

    According to market technique

    market technique

    Marketing Technique-Sourced:neilpatel

    What is your market technique? Do you attract your customers with quality, brand reputation or your products’ appealing look. If you are the later one, you should choose tablets as it can show more changeable shape, size, test and so on. It varied and attracting appearance helps attract more and improve your sales.

    According to manufacturing experience

    manufacturing experience

    Manufacturing Experience-Sourced:toistersolutions

    What is the most skilled product type of your factory and your business, capsule or tablet? It may be more insured if you choose the medicine form which is more familiar to your manufacturing. You have the well formula and facility. It saves your energy and fund in medicine investigating and manufacturing.

    4.Which One Is BetterIn Medicine, Capsule Or Tablet?

    Capsule vs tablet in medicine, which one is better? This question is frequently asked. Do you have the answer? There are both advantages and disadvantages of capsule and tablet. For different feature or group, this two forms have different values.

    Swallowing difficulty

    Swallowing difficulty

    Swallowing Difficulty-Sourced:nebraskamed

    For smother swallowing, capsule can win in the battle. It is smooth and no taste at all. You may also open capsule and add the powder of capsule in drink or food. This swallowing is much easier compared with tablets.

    Taste acceptance

    Less disgusting taste

    Less Disgusting Taste-Sourced:medcoatusa

    Tablet gives bad flavor if not coated, while capsules are better on this point as it has the shell to prevent the bad taste. To avoid the disgusting taste or smell, you may also seek chewable tablets and coated tablets.

    Storing difficulty

    Longer shelf life

    Longer Shelf Life-Sourced:lablynx

    For people who dose not like storing or has the long medical use need, the medical form with longer storing is preferable. Tablets are thus better in this term.

    Splitting difficulty

    Splitting difficulty

    Splitting Difficulty-Sourced:yougoodsar

    You may find the shining point of tablet in splitting medicine. Tablets are easier to split as it may have a notch to help splitting. And the precise dosage of medical ingredients in tablet makes convenience in splitting. You may get powder from capsule easily but it is difficult to make the precise divide.

    Absorption rate

    Better absorption

    Better Absorption-Sourced:parkmaster

    For people has the slower or damaged absorption ability, the better absorption of medicine is rather important. Capsules have the quicker and better absorption rate generally, while tablets have the varied absorption rate.

    Vegetarian friendly

    Vegetarian friendly

    VVegetarian Friendly-Sourced:plantbasedscotty

    Capsules or tablets, which have no adding of meat ingredients? Of course tablet. Some capsules have the shells made from gelatin which is made by animal skin. For vegetarian or people allergic to meat, tablets are the better choice.

    5.Is It Safe To Crush Tablet Or Open CapsuleIn Medicine?

    You can of course crush tablet or open capsules, but the safety can not always assured. If you have the swallowing difficulty or have the flexible medicine taking need, you should consult the professional person to get the permission of crushing or opening. Here are the reasons.

    Low medicine effect

    medicine effect

    Medicine Effect-Sourced:genomind

    The tablet and capsules are designed to bypass our stomach. As the crushing and opening of tablets and capsules changed the way they absorbed in your body. You may not get the expected effect of medicines for your disease.

    The hard control of dosage

    Dosage control

    Hard Control Of Dosage-Sourced:westend61

    The incorrect dosage can’t cure or care you, but make trouble. Too much or too little is all bad to your body. As capsules and tablets all have the dosage fixed, the casual or unprofessional change of it may induce the mistake and even destroy body.

    6.Are The Tablets And CapsulesIn Medicine Share The Same Manufacturing?

    Capsules vs tablets in medicines are two representative products in medical products. So do you have the question: are the tablets and capsules share the same manufacturing? Of course not, the manufacturing of this two is different.


    Capsule making

    Capsule making

    Capsule Making-Sourced:richpacking020

    Material preparing Preparing material is the first step of capsule making. You should prepare the capsule shell material and the inner medicines. Weighing, coloring are the basic process. The prepared material are then waiting for the formal production.
    Capsule making


    Your well prepared gelatin then filled into capsule manufacturing machine. Pins are submerged into the mold and removed when shell got formed.
    Capsule filling The medical ingredients are then filled in to the shells. They can be powder, liquid or granules.
    Capsule sealing


    Capsules are made of two pieces of shell. The two halves of capsules then got twisted and become the sole one.
    Quality control You well made capsules should experience a series of test like weight, integration and so on to prove the nice quality of it.

    Tablet making

    Tablet making

    Tablet Making-Sourced:researchgate

    Weighing material


    The different tablet needs the different composition, so does the portion of its material. You should weight the different material and get the right one according to formula.


    The various ingredients in tablet should be granulated to ensure the better conformity.


    Sieving is also important to make the small size of granules. This can help increasing dissolution and ensure homogeneous mixing.


    Granules, after the full blending, should get compressed. This process decides the shape, size and appearance of your tablets.
    Coating Coating is the necessary process for some tablets. The suitable coating inhibit the bad flavor and protect your tablet.
    Quality inspection Tablets also has the quality inspection requirements. Its completion, weight and so on should also be inspected carefully.

    Manufacturing machine

    Capsule making machine

    Allpack Automatic Capsule Machine

    Allpack Automatic Capsule Machine

    There are automatic capsule making machine. After the feeding of enough material, it filled material in capsules and sealed well. The whole process is hygienic, accurate and efficient. The nice corporation with material processing and capsule shell making machine can also improve your efficiency greatly.

    Tablet press machine

    Allpack Tablet Press Machine

    Allpack Tablet Press Machine

    The automatic tablet press machine can press the dry powders and granules into a compact structure. The appearance, size, shape and such panel can all be adjusted. You may also made symbol or text on your tablet. Its help makes your work of tablet pressing continuous and efficient.

    7.Can Capsule Transformed Into TabletIn Medicine?

    Capsules vs tablets in medicine sometimes serve the same kind of medicine. So have you ever wondered the transformation of capsules to tablets. You can of course make the transformation if you follow the below rules and make the safe and clean transforming.

    Capsule valuation

    Capsule valuation

    Capsule Valuation-Sourced:anangpuria

    Capsules can be transformed to tablets, but not all are available. Before the transforming, you should evaluate the key features of medical ingredients and other key points. Only the suitable one can make the available tablet and your later operation can be smooth.

    Choose for suitable excipient

    excipient choose

    Excipient Choose-Sourced:pharmtech

    Excipients are the irreplaceable part for tablet shape and forming. You should choose the suitable excipients for the better effect of tablets which are made from capsules. The excipients you choose should be multi functional.




    The transforming of capsules to tablets change the feature of medicines. You should then get the right and reliable formulation to make the real effect medicines. The formulation should also be safe and effective. You should make more test to get hidden change of some features in the transformation and get the best formulation.

    Manufacturing procession

    Making procession

    Making procession-Sourced:geminipharm

    The processing is just like the above mentioned. Your medical material should be granulated, sieved, blended and pressed. The improved tablet processing can make you the better works.

    Quality inspection

    Quality inspection

    Quality Inspection-Sourced:martinkuehn

    Just like the former processing, your well-made tablets should be inspected seriously. This is the assurance of your product’s quality and your brand’s reputation.


    Capsules vs tablets in medicine: which suits your pharma business? You may have your own answers now! The different medical form has different feature and makes different effect. Finding the suitable one can help your medicine make progress. If you have any questions about capsule and tablet, contact us!

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