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Desiccant Inserter-6

Desiccant Inserter: The Complete Buying Guide in 2025

Desiccant Inserter: The Complete Buying Guide in 2025

Ever wondered how various products are maintained with freshness, quality, and proper shape? The answer is very simple! A desiccant inserter that takes your business to a high level by sustaining the impeccable integrity of your product for a longer time.

Desiccant Inserter

Today, where entire manufacturing and packaging industries face intense challenges, a desiccant inserter is a game changer that helps in offering what you look for. Now, do not worry about intense temperature, humidity, and other factors, because a desiccant inserter is growing in popularity as it can sophisticatedly place a desiccator inside each container and prevent against humidity. Looking to purchase a desiccant inserter? This is the right place for you! Go through this article and find answers that will help you grab the right machine.

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    1.What Is a Desiccant Inserter?

    Desiccant Inserter-1

    A desiccant inserter is an advanced device which is designed to insert desiccant into products in order to extend their shelf life. Most of the products require desiccants as it helps in absorbing extra moisture present in the inside atmosphere of the material. By this, it improves protection against progression of microbial growth such as fungus, spores, or bacteria.

    Desiccants are mostly composed of silica gel that has affinity to absorb humidity present in the surrounding. That’s why, this is commonly inserted in the medicinal packaging, food packaging, and other. Because these sectors are mostly concerned with maintaining stability and quality of the products. A desiccant inserter is useful machine in this way that speed up the process by automatically sensing the presence of packaging container and placing an individual strip inside each packaging and allow them to move to the next machine. This machine is typically works in an integrated way or packaging production lines offering a seamless operation.

    2.Where Is a Desiccant Inserter Used?

    A desiccant inserter has various applications on the industrial sector. Some of them are discussed below.

    Medicine Industry

    Desiccant Inserter-3

    A desiccant is used to keep medicinal products safe and effective against moisture content. For that reason, a desiccant inserter is used to ensure that production processes are carried out smoothly and rapidly.

    Food Industry

    Food Industry

    Food products such as breads, chapatis, dry-fruits, spices, sugar, rice, or related grains, snacks, etc needs to be dry to maintain taste, fragrance, and quality. Food industries are equipped with desiccant inserter to keep food packaging effective till end-user.

    Nutraceutical Industry

    Nutraceutical Industry

    Picture Courtesy: Dryndry

    Nutraceutical industry deals with manufacturing and supply of nutraceutical items such as vitamins, proteins, enzymes, that are also prone to oxidized in the presence of moisture content. This is why, desiccant inserter is used to place desiccant inside packaging of nutraceutical products to prevent humidity and damages caused by moisture during transportation.

    Cosmetic Industry

    Cosmetic Industry

    Moisture is the culprit behind damaging cosmetic products. That’s why products like powders, bars, creams, lip-glosses, etc. should be kept in a dry environment. For that, manufacturers and packaging industry use desiccant inserter to keep their product safe from moisture-related problems.

    3.What Are the Benefits of a Desiccant Inserter?

    When it comes to placing a desiccant inside products; it is much more difficult to handle manually or alone. Today, desiccant inserter has occupied an eminent place in competitive sector due to mentioned below benefits:

    Machine Cuts and Places Desiccant Automatically

    Machine Cuts and Places Desiccant Automatically

    Desiccant inserter shows fast automation in the term of detecting containers, cuts the pack from the roller strip, and position each strip inside the container. If there’s any problem whether in container or strip; machine rejects the products and transfer them into the rejection unit.

    Flexible Integrate to Production Line

    Flexible Integrate to Production Line

    Picture Courtesy: ValueLink

    This is an adaptable machine that allows flexibility in the term of setting with other machines so production line can be speed up following right configuration as required.

    No More Labor Cost

    No More Labor Cost-1

    Picture Courtesy- BellaRx

    The automatic desiccant inserter has cut down the labor cost as the machine is designed to perform entire functions itself ensuring the right track and precise piece of desiccant is inserted as required by manufacturer.

    Reduced Chances of Production Error

    Reduced Chances of Production Error

    The machine working strategy is highly planned and fully controlled so that one can’t expect any big blunder from this robust device. Feel free to add this reliable machine as it is considered as master in accuracy and precision that has minimized the chances of production errors.

    Space Efficient

    Space Efficient

    Picture Courtesy:Capplustech

    The desiccant inserter has taken up a concise footprint, you can install this machine for larger and smaller facilities without worrying about its adjustment.

    Can Control Large Production Batches

    Can Control Large Production Batches

    Indeed, a compact solution that can often work with large production batches showing huge output smoothly. You need to put data and press the button; the machine is highly advanced to carry out complicated tasks sensibly.

    4.What Are Parts of A Desiccant Inserter?

    Parts of A Desiccant Inserter

    Components of Desiccant Inserter

    Emergency light As the name indicates, it is provided for the safety of the machine as well as the user by immediate alertness in the form of a visual indicator light. For example: red light for emergency or when seeking immediate action, yellow for caution, and green when the system is in the safe zone. Due to its timely safety feature; the user, unit, and work environment is considered as secure.
    Feeding Supplier A desiccant inserter is equipped with a feeding supplier at the top of the machine that is meant to provide a consistent and regulated supply of desiccant strips toward the insertion zone of the machine. The unit is designed to offer a fast and uninterrupted desiccant insertion procedure sustaining a continuous flow of packaging process.
    PLC Touchscreen This is the Brain of the machine. A programmable Logic Controller refers to a functional unit that receives signals from User-in-feed data and sends messages to mechanical parts of the machine to proceed with input action.
    However, you can visualize procedures, store memory, modulate settings, and troubleshoot the problems using a PLC touchscreen.
    Support Roller Once the desiccant film is fixed on the feeding supplier, the roll is guided by support rollers that facilitate an uninterrupted movement without any chances of twisting or winding. These rollers align the strips during the procedure and contribute an important role in sustaining an accurate and even cutting by offering a fixed pattern of desiccant roll.
    Jog Belt Assembly This unit is also meant to provide a consistent movement of desiccant strips contributing to the precise and accurate cutting of individual packets.
    Fix Guide As the name indicates; this unit helps assist in maintaining the fixed position of the desiccant roll during the cutting and inserting procedure.
    Cutting Knives This is the main component that facilitates an even cutting of each desiccant packet that directly drops down the container. The cutting knives receive desiccant strips in aligned forms therefore it promotes uniform and clean separation.
    Sensors Sensor plays an important role in detecting the presence of bottles and regulating the process of desiccant insertion effectively. The unit is responsible for ensuring each container is treated properly however in the case of any error it sends the product to the rejection unit.
    Conveyor The entire activity and movement of the product take place smoothly with the help of a conveyor. This unit is meant to facilitate a continuous and uninterrupted flow of products inside and outside the unit.
    Outfeed Once a desiccant is placed inside the bottle; it is existed via an outfeed unit. This is the unit where filled products leave the system and enter the next machine for the packaging process.
    Adjustment Screws For different size containers, bottles, jars, and others, the running pathway’s settings are regulated by using adjustment screws. This unit is required to facilitate a consistent flow of products.
    Electric Panel This unit is specialized for assembling all electrical components such as switches, connections, wires, plugs, and circuits. This unit is bounded which allows safe performance by controlling electric operation consistently.
    Frame Supporters To provide stability and integrity to the desiccant inserter, frame support plays an important role in facilitating holding the machine and ensuring smoothing functionality with proper alignment and reducing vibration during operation.

    5.How A Desiccant Inserter Works?

    Desiccant Inserter Works

    A desiccant inserter works sophisticatedly to position individual packets into each packaging container by using the following steps:

    STEP 1: Desiccant Feeding Supplier Unit

    Desiccant Feeding Supplier Unit

    The strip of desiccants is always available in the form of a film roll. These are marketed in various shapes and sizes which is selected by user according to their needs. Users need to fix the desiccant roll manually using a feeding supplier unit of the machine. This unit helps in the smooth movement of the desiccant strip when used by the unit. The machine is featured with holding units that help in supporting the roll which moves upon receiving signals from the PLC. Always ensure that desiccant film is compatible with the unit.

    STEP 2: Introducing Packaging Product

    Introducing Packaging Product

    A desiccant Inserter- Picture Courtesy: COUNTEC

    Step 2 is accompanied by the entrance of packaging products i.e., bottles, containers, jars, and others into the unit for the purpose of desiccant placement. An oriented and aligned number of bottles along with filled material comes inside the machine for acquiring desiccants. The movement of containers is easier with the help of a conveyor belt which assists the integration of the machine with the production line.

    STEP 3: Sensory Detection and Desiccant Positioning

    Sensory Detection and Desiccant Positioning

    The desiccant inserter is equipped with sensors and detectors that help identify of product. Plus, you can also monitor/visualize the process as it is interpreted on the screen. Once, the packaging material is right there on the feeding unit, the machine detects and accurately places individual desiccants into each container and allows it to be the next. As desiccants are rolled in the film. Therefore, they are separated by the help of cutting knives located just above the feeding section. The purpose of a scanner is to determine and verify if each container is accompanied by a desiccant packet or not. Therefore, no sign of failure is possible when the product passes through the machine.

    STEP 4: Final Journey

    Final Journey

    This is the final step where the inserted desiccant inside the packaging material leaves the desiccant inserter and moves to the next machine for the proceeding subsequent processes.

    6.What are the Types of a desiccant inserter?

    Types of a desiccant inserter

    A desiccant inserter has various different types depending on automation and machine design. Please find below one by one.

    Desiccant Inserter: Based on Automation

    Based on automation, a desiccant inserter has the following types.

    Semi-Automatic Desiccant Inserter

    Semi-Automatic Desiccant Inserter

    A semi-automatic desiccant inserter the fastest version of desiccant placement inside the packaging product that is involved with automation and manual processing. With machine, user must stand beside the equipment throughout the procedure; for example, placing and removing the packaging product. Beside this, remaining of function can be achieved automatically, for example, cutting, speed, troubleshooting etc., This machine is suitable for running small to moderate production.

    Fully-Automatic Desiccant Inserter

    Fully-Automatic Desiccant Inserter

    This machine is highly advanced technology that can works with high-production lines. The machine can perfectly sense the presence of packaging product hence allow cutting, inserting, and discharging processes. The movement of packaging products takes place with the help of conveyor attached to the machine. This is an ideal solution that can run large production batches effectively.

    Desiccant Inserter: Based on the Working Principle

    Based on working principle, a desiccant Inserter is divided into the following:

    Rotary Desiccant Inserter

    Rotary Desiccant Inserter

    A rotary desiccant inserter machine that works on the basis of rotational pathway where empty container comes and leaves the system following a circular turret. This machine is suitable for managing various jars, bottles, or round packaging products. Moreover, the machine is recommended for fast functionality or high output.

    Inline Desiccant Inserter

    Inline Desiccant Inserter

    Inline or linear desiccant inserter are designed to follow a linear pathway where bottles come and leave the machine linearly. This is a simple machine that can be integrated with other parts of the production line to achieve fast and efficient outcomes.

    7.What is the difference between rotary and linear desiccant inserter?

    Points Rotary Desiccant Inserter Linear Desiccant Inserter
    Working Principle The cutting and placement of desiccant takes place via a rotary pathway; each packaging products come to the feeder using circular wheel that helps in the smooth transportation of each container. The working principle of a linear desiccant inserter follows a linear or straight pathway for desiccant placement and leaving the system.
    Working Capacity The production capacity of the rotary desiccant inserter is way too high; gives you a high working yield. The linear desiccant inserter is also giving you maximum throughput and can be recommended for high production.
    Machine structure Due to rotation, machine internal structure is bit complex. Due to linear structure; the machine is simpler in structure as compared to rotary desiccant inserter.
    No More Labor Cost Linear Desiccant Inserter

    8.What is the Production line of a desiccant inserter?

    Production line of a desiccant inserter

    The production line of the desiccant inserter is composed of multiple sets of equipment. We have described the enlisted machines one by one with their importance.

    Production line of a desiccant inserter-1

    Machine 1: Container/Bottle Unscrambler

    To begin the process, your packaging containers must be in an aligned position following an upright face. This is helpful in the fast counting and filling process. A bottle unscrambler is a significant machine that ensures your bottles or containers can be subsequently provided in a corrected position. This machine follows easy working by using vibration and high air blowers to arrange random bottles in a single step.

    Machine 2: Counting and Filling Machine

    Step 2 belongs to the major category of packaging where a counter and filler can detect the products and insert them into the container; both actions take place simultaneously. The counting and filling machine works with highly advanced sensors and software equipped inside the machine that can rapidly detect the presence of packaging products and items to be packed. Such as tablets, capsules, beads, beans, etc.,

    Machine 3: Desiccant Inserter

    Some manufacturing lines use this step before counting and filling machines. As mentioned above, this is essentially important to add the machine to minimize workload and maximize production speed. The machine working principle is also based on detectors and movable supporting rollers that facilitate the desiccant strip once the sensor detects the presence of the container.

    Machine 3: Capper

    This is also known as a capping machine that helps in securing the bottles/containers/pouches and other relevant products. Machine pick the cap and twist it around the neck using strong grippers and torque to firmly close the product.

    Machine 4: Induction Sealing Machine

    Once the bottles/containers are received from the capping machine. It becomes tamper-evident foiled by using an induction sealing machine that radiates electromagnetic radiation which warms the inner lining of the cap which melts and adheres strongly around the neck upon cooling and preserves the freshness till the user opens it.

    Machine 5: Labeling Machine

    This is an important step as helps in improving, boosting, and identifying your brand and product. A labeling machine with the help of hot-melt glue, wet glue, or self-adhesive application can apply the label over the surface of the product that is mentioned with important messages, information, or logo about the product and company.

    9.How to clean and maintain a desiccant inserter?

    clean and maintain a desiccant inserter

    Cleaning of Desiccant Inserter

    Regularly wipe off extra remnants present on the machine’s surface, debris around the supporting joints, rollers, and around the sensor.
    For dusting, use a dry cloth and compressed air.
    For sticky material, or rupturing of silica pack, ensure using detergent cloth first followed by compressed air and blower to confirm surface is fully hygienic and cleaned.

    Maintenance of Desiccant Inserter

    For maintenance, always follow regular lubricating schedule for movable parts of the machine, such as conveyor, joints, supporters, feeding suppliers, etc.
    Keep monitoring and replacing worn out plug, electrical connections for safety.
    Re-calibrate the machine’s setting regularly to avoid interruption, downtime, and irrelevant hanging or freezing of the system.
    Adjust and observe the alignment of the conveyor and other supporting parts.

    10.What Are Possible Problems and Solution Of A Desiccant Inserter?

    Whether purchased from good sources or not; every machine strikes with some technical problems. Though, it doesn’t mean equipment is not good, but you need to know how to troubleshoot the basic complications. Discussed below are some very common and easy issues that can be tackle if you’re familiar with the machine. For example:

    What to do if the machine cuts the strip inaccurately or incorrect?

    Possible Problems and Solution Of A Desiccant Inserter

    This is the major problem when machine doesn’t separate the packs correctly that results in the tearing of the packet and gel beads can pop out, this results in rejection of the batch.

    To solve this problem, you can align the desiccant strip properly around the guide supporters and re-evaluate if fixation is correct. Calibrate the machine and determine the sensor functionality. Check the strip speed and cutting time; both should be followed timely.

    What should you do if desiccant strip is blocked in desiccant inserter?

    Possible Problems and Solution Of A Desiccant Inserter-1

    The blocking or jamming of desiccant strip is not an uncommon condition. The packet mostly gets freeze inside the system that ultimately interrupt the whole process.

    To solve this problem is pretty easy. You just must reset the whole process. For example, first clean the system and adjust the desiccant film properly. Check and regulate the speed of feeding supplier and re-connect the film over feeding roller, guide plate, and supporting roller and assess if it can move easily or not. Run the test and proceed the production.

    What to do if two desiccants Inserted instead of one?

    Possible Problems and Solution Of A Desiccant Inserter-2

    This condition is known as overdose or under dose. Each container is dealt with placement of either two or none of the desiccant material. To cater this situation; determine the setting of sensor. This is because it is unable to detect the presence of bottle or speed of the feeder supplier is more that can’t be manageable by the system hence result in over-cutting or over-dosing. Hence, cleaning of sensor and calibration of entire system can correct the set-up. Plus, slow down the speed of feeder supplier to regulate the movement of desiccant strip.

    11.What are the tips for purchasing a right desiccant inserter?

    Before investing in a desiccant inserter machine, consider the discussed points and determine how suitably it fits into your growth plans of production line.

    Determine the Nature of Machinery

    Determine the Nature of Machinery

    Picture Courtesy: ABOXautomation

    Always take a sensible step when opting a machine by replacing the manual to semi-automatic and later automatic can help in speeding up the entire process. Moreover, determine if the new addition of desiccant inserter support your production machineries or not.

    Enlist Necessary Points

    Enlist Necessary Points

    Picture Courtesy: Moneycontrol

    By expanding the packaging line is definitely a complex task, for that must enlist the essential requirement when selecting the machine. For example, conveyor and accessory needs to arrange along with machine and investigate how it will run the faster packaging process.

    Reliable Manufacturer

    Reliable Manufacturer

    Picture Courtesy: Baltimore Innovation

    This is the key point that must be determined before purchasing the machine. The reason behind is, a reliable manufacturer can cater all your problems efficiently and promising services. If you’re worried about post-sale services; then trustworthy companies like Allpack is the right answer who strives hard to maintain their client's expectations and profitability.

    Your Budget

    Your Budget

    Picture Courtesy: Wisesorbent

    This is the most important aspect when buying a desiccant inserter. Today, you can find user-friendly and advanced machines on such an economical budget. Remember, always check the company’s and product’s reviews prior to making a purchase.


    Indeed, a desiccant inserter is a valuable asset behind a company’s profile, profitability, and customer trust. Good packaging is the direct way to reach the customer’s heart. Similarly, a desiccant inserter can do this job very well; Allpack offers automatic packaging lines and accessories with complete customer and post-purchase services. Contact Allpack now to avail worthwhile services.

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    Desiccant Inserter: The Complete Buying Guide in 2025 Read More »

    Jar Labeling Machine-6

    Jar Labeling Machine: The Complete Buying Guide in 2025

    Jar Labeling Machine: The Complete Buying Guide in 2025

    Creatively labeled products in jars are instant hit among customers. Labeling and design are first thing that capture attention of customers. This is where jar labelling machine is of prime importance.

    Jar Labeling Machine

    Jar labeling machine has a significant place in jar packaging line. Brands can simplify and boost their labeling performance through the use of this machine. Many challenges in labeling are resolved by adding a labeling machines in the production line. If you are planning to invest in this handy equipment, look no further, and read this informative guide to select the best jar labeling machine for your business.

    Let’s take a closer look!

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      1.What Is A Jar Labeling Machine?

      Jar Labeling Machine-1

      Jar Labeling Machine

      A jar labeling machine is a versatile and adaptable piece of equipment employed in both small and multi-scale businesses for labeling products. This machine dispenses stickers or other addon tapes on different types of jars such as round, flat, or cylindrical.

      Sometimes this device prints and then applies labels. There are all kinds of jar labeling machines in the market- both portable and large fully automated.

      This machine is constructed for labeling in various orientations and positions such as labeling top, bottom, front, and back sides of jars as well as for wrap-around labeling of jars.

      2.What are the Industrial Uses of Jar Labeling Machine?

      Industrial Uses of Jar Labeling Machine-2 

      Jar labeling machine has gained immense popularity over the recent years in several industries due to its flexibility and ease of labeling. This useful equipment has found its use in several industries such as:

      Food Industry

      Food Industry

      Beautifully labeled food products with creative topography and graphics are usually the best bet to grab the eye of passersby. This is why a jar labeling machine is the first choice when it comes to designing food packaging. Honey, jam, ketchup, condiments, pastes, sauces, and many more yummy foodstuffs is labeled by this practical machine.

      Cosmetic Industry

      Cosmetic Industry

      Labeling of cosmetic products is necessary in informing users about ingredients, warnings, and usage of cosmetic products. Therefore, jar labeling machine is preferred by many popular cosmetic brands due to its neat, attractive, and stunning labeling of various cosmetic products like foundations, creams, dyes, blushes, etc.

      Personal Care Industry

      Personal Care Industry

      Tough and eye-catching labels on personal care products in jars are all because of jar labeling machine. The use of this machine in the personal care industry creates orderly and immaculate products. These labels by jar labeling machine are typically deployed for the promotion of shampoos, body washes, sanitizers, soaps, gels, etc.

      Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Industry

      Nutraceutical Industry

      Precise information communication is strongly advised by drug regulatory authorities. Thus, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industry use jar labeling machine to print and label facts and ingredients over the vitamin, cream, tablets, pills, and ointment jars.

      Paint Industry

      Paint Industry

      Appealing and colorful packaging of paint products such as oil-based paints, watercolors, acrylic, and polishes is because of jar labeling machine. This machine adheres to or prints eye-catching labels that often spark an artistic sense in customers.

      Home Decoration Industry

      Home Decoration Industry

      Scented and vibrant candles have acquired a special place in home decoration. People often buy these candles due to their visually captivating jar packaging. The jar labeling machine enhances the appeal of candle jar packaging by elegantly labeling fragrant candles.

      3.How Does Having A Jar Labeling Machine Bring Benefits To Your Business?

      Production recognition is significantly determined by labeling. Jar labeling machine is efficient equipment that greatly eases your labeling needs. Adding this machine to your packaging plant leads to a great many advantages.

      High Productivity

      High Productivity

      Picture Courtesy: avery

      This is one of the biggest benefits of jar labeling machine. Manual labeling could be slow and tedious, consequently resulting in fewer labeling products. But jar labeling machine is automated with advanced controls and labeling systems leading to more labeled jars in a short time. Having this machine will boost the production efficiency of businesses.

      Low Labor Assistance

      Low Labor Assistance

      Picture Courtesy: Capital Label Company

      Yes, the use of jar labeling machine in your production requires minimal human assistance thus decreasing burden on workforce. A single operator is needed to adjust the settings of jar labeling machine in turn saves your labor wages.

      Consistency and Precision

      Consistency and Precision

      Picture Courtesy: Pharma Manager

      Jar labeling machine is best known for its accurate and precise positioning of labels over products. Its consistency often reduces the chance of misalignment and crumbling of labels and this machine strongly bonds labels that last long and uphold a professional display of product.

      Low Wastage

      Low Wastage

      Moreover, with a jar labeling machine, you can save huge amounts of expensive label films. As this machine lowers human mistakes while labeling you can minimize label waste which in turn increases your industrial sustainability.

      Product Tracking

      Product Tracking

      With modern labeling technology, jar labeling machine also has a role in product tracking and tracing. Often fraudulent activities are committed during product shipment. However, with a jar labeling machine, you can place QR codes, bar codes, batch numbers, tracing numbers, holograms, etc., to decrease counterfeiting and tampering events.

      4.What Is The Working Of The Jar Labeling Machine?

      The working of a jar labeling machine generally depends upon design and label placement. A general working principle in different kinds of jar labeling machines is detailed below for your information.

      Label Roll Placement and Label Dispensing

      Label Roll Placement and Label Dispensing

      Picture Courtesy: hanlar filling machine

      At the start of labeling operation, first, the operator loads the large roll of labels, foils, or paper on the label unwinding disk. Next, the label film or foil is passed over rollers to keep it under tension. Photoelectric registration sensor detects the gap between labels and ensures correct label placement.

      Jar Loading

      Jar Loading

      Picture Courtesy: Market Industries

      Next, the empty jars are placed one after the other on the conveyors either by the operator or by the bottle unscrambling machine. Jar labeling machine is equipped with different sensing systems that ensure proper space between moving jars.

      Label Application and Smoothing

      Label Application and Smoothing

      Picture Courtesy: Market Industries

      This process depends upon the type of jar labeling machine. In some equipped first hot glue is applied on the labels that are then wrapped or glued to the jars. Some labels have adhesive and are applied by force over the jars. The labeling head is pressed against the surface of jars to stick labels. After label application, the next step is evening or smoothing of wrinkles with rollers or brushes. This process ensures high-quality labeling.

      Jar Expulsion

      Jar Expulsion

      Picture Courtesy: Packaging Strategies

      After labeling, label quality is checked. If there are no deformities in labels such as wrinkles or misplacement then the label jars are removed and ejected from the labeling area and are moved down the line for further packaging or filling.

      5.What Are the Basic Components Of Jar Labeling Machine?

      Jar labeling machine consists of various mechanical components that have a specific role in jar labeling. Understanding functions of these parts can assist in troubleshooting the equipment. A list of important parts is composed for your knowledge.

      Basic Components Of Jar Labeling Machine

      Jar Feeder This part of jar labeling machine receives jars from hopper and systemically and steadily loads them in the right standing position on the conveyor. This part automates the labeling process.
      Unwinding Disk It is responsible for unwinding labels from the roll. It rotates for uncoiling of label film. This part also controls the tension in the film.
      Labeling Head Adjusting Mechanism It is a handheld wheel or level for adjusting the height or positioning of the labeling head. This ensures proper alignment of labeling press with the jar which in turn leads to correct label placement.
      Rollers These are the support rollers that hold film under proper tension and ensure there is no chance of error in label placement.
      Label Press This part sticks labels on the side or circumference of the jars. It applies the necessary force for the gluing of labels. It is also equipped with dispensing mechanism that cuts labels from films.
      PLC Touch Screen It is a computerized part that makes the programming of jar labeling machine easy. It is an intuitive touch screen with different options for adjusting labeling parameters.
      Product Chute Jars after label inspection go to the product chute from where they are removed from the machine.
      Motor It is an electrically powered part that mechanizes the movement of conveyors and labeling application systems.
      Electric Cabinet Various electric components like switches, relays, wires, and cables are enclosed in the fireproof cabinet. Electric connections to various parts are present in the electric cabinet.
      Emergency Light It is a safety feature present in jar labeling machine that indicates the fault in the system. It lights to notify users about problems with machines.
      Conveyor For consistent transport of jars across different units, conveyor systems are added to the equipment. Belts or chains ascertain the precise passage of jars and aid in the synchronicity of labeling process.

      6.What Kind Of Machine Are Integrated Into Jar Labeling Machine Production Line?

      Jar labeling machine production line consists of a series of equipment integrated to automate and increase the efficiency of packaging products. These machines have their specific function in the synchronized packing of consumer goods in various industries.

      Here is the list of some important machines that complete the packaging setup.

      Machine Working Principle Image
      Jar Feeding and Unscrambling Machine

      This machine is specially designed for increasing and systemizing the feeding and positioning of jars on the conveyors. It aligns the jars in an orderly manner on the conveyor platform.

      The jars are fed into the machine hopper in random order and the rotary disc and roller collect these jars and place them into holes. The jars are loaded on the machine conveyor in an upright manner from these holes. Jar Feeding and Unscrambling Machine

      Picture Courtesy: vkpak

      Counter and Filling Machine

      In the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and confectionary industry counting and filling machine aids in counting and loading an exact number of pills and other snacks in jars.

      This machine has a high vision system and camera sensors that detect several products passing through filling systems. After counting the right amount fillers are employed in this machine for feeding products into jars either by vibration or by gravity. Counter and Filling Machine

      Picture Courtesy: C.E. King Limited

      Desiccant Inserter

      To prevent hygroscopic and sensitive products from absorbing moisture upon exposure to humid environment, desiccant inserter machine is used. It places absorbent materials in the jars.

      Absorbent packs are loaded on conveyors as belts. This machine is designed with cutting knife that cuts packets from the end of belts into small pouches and inserts them into jars, placed under the chute. Desiccant Inserter

      Picture Courtesy: CVC Technologies

      Capping Machine

      For securing products and for preventing their spillage capping machine is employed in the jar labeling production line. This machine tightly applies caps on the mouth of jars to affirm their seal.

      First machine picks caps from the chute and puts them on the mouths of jars. Next spinning disc or capping heads in the equipment rotate and twist the caps to securely seal jars Capping Machine

      Picture Courtesy: C.E. King Limited

      Induction Sealing Machine

      To prevent tampering, induction sealing machine is often the part of packaging line. The function of this machine is to apply tamper-proof hermetic seals to the opening of jars.


      With the help of high-temperature heating elements in an induction sealing machine, the foil or liner present on the inner side of caps is melted and glued on the opening of jars. Induction Sealing Machine

      Picture Courtesy: Taiwantrade

      Jar Labeling Machine

      This is a robust and adaptable machine employed for brand awareness, product identification, and information communication purposes.

      Labeling heads, rollers, and unwinding disks offered with this machine apply and stick labels using hot or wet glue and pressure. Jar Labeling Machine-2

      Picture Courtesy: DirectIndustry

      7.In What Different Ways Jar Labeling Machine Is Classified?

      The details of classification are penned below which you might find useful.

      Different Ways Jar Labeling Machine

      Depending Upon the Level of Automation

      There are three types of jar labeling machine based on level of automation.

      Manual Jar Labeling Machine

      Manual Jar Labeling Machine

      Manual Jar Labeling Machine

      It is a simple portable desktop machine in which every labeling function is performed by the operator. Loading of jars, pressing of labels, and removal of jars from the machine is done manually. It has handheld wheels and rollers and is a cost-effective solution for small home-based industries.

      Semi-automatic Jar Labeling Machine

      Semi-automatic Jar Labeling Machine

      Semi-automatic Jar Labeling Machine

      This machine is the advanced form of manual jar labeling machine having output efficiency more than its manual counterpart. This machine has semi-automatic functionalities such as manual loading of jars while labeling process is autonomous. It is compact in design thus it does not have high space constraints.

      Automatic Jar Labeling Machine

      Automatic Jar Labeling Machine

      Automatic Jar Labeling Machine

      This machine is fully independent and with simple parameter adjustments on its HMI touch screen, this equipment is capable of carrying out labeling from scratch. Having this machine in production lowers the need for a large labor force. It is very effective in large-scale production where high-volume labeling is required.

      Depending Upon the Orientation

      Based on the orientation of the container, there are two types of jar labeling machine.

      Horizontal Jar Labeling Machine

      Horizontal Jar Labeling Machine

      Horizontal Jar Labeling Machine

      This machine labels jars while they are lying horizontally. This machine is ideal for processing jars with unstable bases. These containers cannot stand upright so labeling is done while lying on the side by a horizontal labeling machine.

      Vertical Jar Labeling Machine

      Vertical Jar Labeling Machine

      Vertical Jar Labeling Machine

      This type of jar labeling machine labels the jars while they are standing upright on the moving conveyors. The labels are applied vertically by this equipment. It is very effective for labeling jars with stable bases such as cylindrical jars.

      Depending Upon the Type of Adhesive

      There are four types of jar labeling machines when classified based on adhesive type.

      Wet-Glue Jar Labeling Machine

      Wet-Glue Jar Labeling Machine

      Wet-Glue Jar Labeling Machine- Picture Courtesy: NK Industries

      This machine is popular for applying glue to labels at room temperature. The glue used by this machine is liquid before labeling thus there is no need for melting the glue. It is typically employed for labeling rigid glass or plastic containers.

      Hot-Glue Jar Labeling Machine

      Hot-Glue Jar Labeling Machine

      Hot-Glue Jar Labeling Machine- Picture Courtesy: vkpak

      This kind of jar labeling machine uses glue for labeling that is solid at room temperature. Heating bars are employed for melting this glue and then smearing it on the back of labels. This machine usually applies wrap-around labels and jars are rotated for applying labels.

      Pressure-Sensitive Jar Labeling Machine

      Pressure-Sensitive Jar Labeling Machine

      Pressure-Sensitive Jar Labeling Machine

      This machine is also called a self-adhesive jar labeling machine since it uses pre-glued stickers for labeling purposes. It does not need any water or heat to stick the labels rather the labels are pressed on the jars using pressure. It is a cost-effective solution that minimizes utility bills.

      Shrink Sleeve Jar Labeling Machine

      Shrink Sleeve Jar Labeling Machine

      Shrink Sleeve Jar Labeling Machine- Picture Courtesy: Paima Packaging Machinery

      It applies ornate thermoplastic material over the surface of rigid jars before applying heat. After heating the material occupies the whole body of the jars. The labels also called sleeves, are not only used for labeling purposes but are also tamper-evident reasons.

      Depending Upon Label Placement

      Three kinds of jar labeling machines exist in the market based on their label placement.

      Side Jar Labeling Machine

      Side Jar Labeling Machine

      Side Jar Labeling Machine

      It is also called a front and back labeling machine. It can label one or two sides of the jars. It can apply self-adhesive labels on the front and back panels of jars at high speeds. It improves the visual appeal of products by adhering to perfect labels over jars.

      Wrap-Around Jar Labeling Machine

      Wrap-Around Jar Labeling Machine

      Wrap-Around Jar Labeling Machine

      The labels in this type of machine are employed around the whole circumference by rotating the jars. The labels in this equipment are more easily employed than pick-and-place labels and have better visual appeal.

      Corner Jar Labeling Machine

      Corner Jar Labeling Machine

      Corner Jar Labeling Machine- Picture Courtesy: Filling Machine

      This machine is suitable for applying tamper-proof labels at the adjacent corners of jars, especially over the top. This machine is employed for reducing criminal activities and tampering with product jars.

      Depending Upon Printing

      There are two types of jar labeling machines based on printing ability.

      Print & Glue Jar Labeling Machine

      Glue Jar Labeling Machine

      Print & Glue Jar Labeling Machine- Picture Courtesy: Quaderal Labeling Systems

      This machine has a built-in printer such as a thermal transfer or inkjet printer for printing high-definition labels before applying them. This machine is best suited for customized and specific labeling according to brand image and also for printing barcodes, product expiry dates, etc.

      Jar Labeling Machine Without Printer

      Jar Labeling Machine Without Printer

      Jar Labeling Machine Without Printer

      This machine applies pre-printed labels over the jars. It is a simple machine comprising of less parts than its counterparts. Moreover, it has more speed and less processing time than a print and glue labeling machine.

      Depending Upon Design

      There are two kinds of jar labeling machines when classified based on design orientation.

      Rotary Jar Labeling Machine

      Rotary Jar Labeling Machine

      Rotary Jar Labeling Machine- Picture Courtesy: Quaderal Labeling Systems

      This machine adopts a circular configuration. The jars are placed on the rotary wheel or turntable and different jars are labeled simultaneously in the rotary jar labeling machine. It has high labeling efficiency and is ideal for processing high-volume batches.

      Inline Jar Labeling Machine

      Inline Jar Labeling Machine

      Inline Jar Labeling Machine

      In this type of jar labeling machine, labeling functions occur sequentially due to its linear or Z-type configuration. The jars in this machine go one by one at different labeling stations. It can be easily accommodated in existing production plants.

      8.What Are The Different Label Materials Used By Jar Labeling Machine?

      With innovation in packaging, different types of label materials are used. Jar labeling machine is capable of handling diverse label materials.

      Material Explanation Picture
      Polyester Film It is a type of plastic (PET) film It is extremely tough, weather-resistant, and has flexibility and recyclability Polyester Film
      Paper It is one of the most cost-friendly options for labeling but is least long-lasting. It is coated with varnish, laminate, and other finishes to increase its weather-resistant ability. Paper
      Polypropylene This material is tough and resistant to tearing. Moreover, it has little oil and water permeability. Thus are suitable for a wide range of environments. Polypropylene
      PVC It is ideal for shrink-labeling purposes and is flexible and versatile. PVC is waterproof and withstands rigorous environmental settings. PVC
      Metallic Foils It is metallic foil paper known for its luster and sheen. It increases product display appeal with its premium look. Metallic Foils
      Holographic Foil It is metallic foil with striking color shifts and patterns. This label material is often deployed for security, anti-counterfeiting, and brand-building purposes. Holographic Foil
      Thermal Transfer Label This material is used for printing barcodes, ingredient tracing, and tracking numbers. Thermal Transfer Label

      9.What Type Of Jar Materials Are Labeled By Jar Labeling Machine?

      Recently advancement in material technology has seen unique hybrid materials for jar manufacturing. Some common jar materials handled by jar labeling machine are:



      Clear or colored glass is commonly used for storing different food products such as coffee, tea, chemicals, etc. The glass surface is smooth and pressure-sensitive labels are commonly employed for labeling glass jars.



      This type of jar is manufactured using PET, PP, HDPE, and BOPP plastics. Plastic jars are widely utilized in industries for packaging various consumer goods. However, plastic jars have varying labeling requirements.



      This type of jar is formed by plastic and metallic parts. Strong adhesive materials are required for labeling these jars.

      10.What Is Cleaning And Maintaining Tips For Jar Labeling Machine?

      Cleaning And Maintaining Tips For Jar Labeling Machine

      Some cleaning and maintaining tips for jar labeling machines that you might find useful.

      First power off the machine before starting.

      Next remove label strips, fragments, and other debris from the labeling area.

      Gently wipe down the frame and stand with wet cloth.

      Remove any sticky material from label head and applicator with spray of alcohol or cleaning solution and soft brush.

      Clean sensors and conveyors with a minute amount of cleaning agent and lint-free cloth.

      Remove debris and dust from electric components via a soft brush.

      Reassemble the machine after cleaning.

      On a daily basis, check the labeling components for damage or defect.

      Adjust the alignment of rollers, unwinding disk, and labeling head daily.

      Daily check for tension in labeling holder and rewinder.

      Lubricate moving components in the jar labeling machine once a week.

      Check the alignment of drive belts, chains, and guide system of conveyors every week. Properly align them if needed.

      Recalibrate various sensors to ensure their correct work status weekly.

      Check the insulation and working order of electric parts monthly.

      11.How To Overcome Common Problems In Jar Labeling Machine?

      Problems and issues routinely occur while operating any equipment and a jar labeling machine is no exception to the rule. However, lengthy downtimes can often cause slowing and delay in packaging. These problems are quite easily resolved by training workforce.

      A few common problems are discussed below for your information.

      Cause Solution Image
      Blockage or Jamming of Labels
      Improper label film tension.

      Faulty alignment of rollers.

      Dirty label applicators.

      Fix the tension in label film for smooth feed.

      Properly orient and align rollers.

      Clean dirty and sticky label applicator beforehand.

      Jamming of Labels

      Picture Courtesy: Miles Label

      Misplacement of Labels
      Improper setting of label registration sensor causing poor label position detection.

      Incorrect alignment of labeling head.

      Unsteady conveyor speed causes uneven transport of jars.

      Adjust and recalibrate the settings of sensor for proper placement.

      Adjust height of labeling head.

      Adjust drive belts and other parts to ensure conveyor is moving at steady speed.

      Misplacement of Labels

      Picture Courtesy: Keyence

      Inconsistency in Label Feed
      Faulty labeling speed settings

      Fluctuations in voltage supply

      Calibrate the instrument and adjust the label unwinding speed on the HMI

      Ensure stable supply of power

      Inconsistency in Label Feed

      Picture Courtesy: Focus Label

      Label Detachment from Jar
      Incompatibility of adhesive to jar surface.

      Poor quality label material.

      High temperature while storage of labels.

      Uneven adhesive application.

      Use adhesives that are compatible with jar material.

      Use high-quality labels.

      Adjust the temperature while storage of labels.

      Properly apply and spread adhesive.

      Label Detachment from Jar

      Picture Courtesy: M_use

      Air Bubbles in Labels
      Air molecules are trapped underneath the glue or other adhesive.

      The surface of jar is rough and uneven

      Presence of dust particles while labeling

      Adjust machine setting for uniformly spreading labels.

      Use jars of high quality.

      Thoroughly clean labeling heads and jars before label application.

      Air Bubbles in Labels

      Picture Courtesy: CTM Labeling System

      12.What Points Should Be Considered When Purchasing A Jar Labeling Machine?

      The purchase of jar labeling machine could be heavy on the wallet but in the longer run a well-match equipment can bring substantial revenue. So, it is best to select this machine with great caution. Here are a few important factors that should be taken into account before reaching a decision:

      Credibility of Manufacturer

      Credibility of Manufacturer

      Before going out for purchase, methodically evaluate the credibility of the manufacturer selling jar labeling machine. Go through customer reviews and endorsements. Look for aftersales support. A good manufacturer has a list of positive reviews and well-satisfied customers.

      Nature of Label

      Nature of Label

      First determine the material, size, shape, and adhesive type of label. Different makes and models of jar labeling machines have different label processing capabilities. Hence, it is best to select a machine that is capable of processing your label types.

      Jar Features

      Jar Features

      Secondly, determine the shape such as round or cylindrical, size, and material of the jar. Your selected jar labeling machine should be well aligned with your jar characteristics for an efficient labeling process.

      Production Volume

      Production Volume

      If you are part of a small-scale business then opt low a speed jar labeling machine. This machine would be best suited to your needs without going overbroad on the price tag. But for mass-scale production, it is best to not compromise on the budget and go for a high processing capacity machine.


      Jar labeling machine has gained quite a traction for their accurate and precise labeling. Having said equipment significantly augments your productions and brings higher profits. Hope this guide increased your understanding of a jar labeling machine. Want to buy this equipment then visit our website for further quotation and pricing. Happy Shopping!

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      Jar Labeling Machine: The Complete Buying Guide in 2025 Read More »

      Tablet Bottle Filling Machine-6

      Tablet Bottle Filling Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2025

      Tablet Bottle Filling Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2025

      Filling exact amount of tablets, pills and capsules in bottles is the most responsible task in pharmaceutical packaging.This is because incorrect counting and filling of tablets in bottles will create difference in the amount of bottles mentioned on labels and tablets present in the bottle. In this way, it can lead to customer doubts about products and ultimately the demand for your products may fall. To tackle this issue, Allpack has manufactured innovative style cutting edge tablet bottle filling machine.

      Tablet Bottle Filling Machine

      This tablet bottle filling machine is carrying with it immensely sharp technology for precisely filling the bottles with tablets on zero error principle. It also has simple operational procedure, compact structure and premonition to give excellent outcome. This, along with worthy to know information has been accumulated in this buying guide to better assist you in acknowledging the proficiency of tablet bottle filling machine. So, be ready to end your curiosity!

        Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

        1.What Is A Tablet Bottle Filling Machine?

        Tablet Bottle Filling Machine-1

        Tablet Bottle Filling Machine-Allpack

        Tablet bottle filling machine is a composite assembly of various systems which together contributes to the fulfillment of its main task, precise amount of tablet filling in bottles. The machine is made up of 304 corrosion resistant stainless steel which is fully safe from bacterial presence. It has integrated system of electric detection which greatly helps in eliminating product waste as well as false counting and filling of tablets.

        The machine adopts effortless procedure of tablet filling by releasing the tablets from hopper onto vibratory trays and passing them through counting phase and eventually accomplish the process. To add into context, it is perfectly capable of processing large number of products including tablets, capsules, candies and grains, thus, can be used in industries with diverse backgrounds.

        2.Explain The Essential Attributes Of A Tablet Bottle Filling Machine?

        A tablet bottle filling machine has been made with essential features which are discussed below:

        Zero Fault System

        Zero Fault System

        No fault logo-Picture Courtesy:

        A tablet bottle filling machine is equipped with the most advance feature of automatic detection through which it follows the principle of no bottle no filling, empty bottle rejection and eliminating bottle overlapping. Hence, the chance of erroneous filling become zero.

        Multiple Channel Configuration

        Multiple Channel Configuration

        Counting channels of tablet bottle filling machine-Picture Courtesy: Cremer

        With up to eight counting channels, this machine provides you multiple configuration for counting tablets. Each channel can process large number of tablets at the same time, similarly, the tablet bottle filling machine is helpful in larger production.



        User-friendly icon-Picture

        The PLC control system has made the machine more user-friendly. By using it, operator simply set all the desired commands into machine and the machine fulfill tablet bottle filling while following these commands.



        Capsule filled bottles in machine-Picture Courtesy: Cremer

        Tablet bottle filling machine is made with antibacterial stainless steel in compliance with GMP's requirements. It is fully safe for highly sensitive pharmaceutical tablets and pills as well as for other food items.

        3.Is The Tablet Bottle Filling Machine Capable Of Filling DiverseContainers?

        Definitely! A tablet bottle filling machine is perfectly capable of processing not only bottles but other packaging containers as well, such as:



        Jelly in glass jar-Picture Courtesy: Lisa sligh

        As jars are preferably used for their resistance to moisture, most of the confectionaries are packed in it. Therefore, these jars can be processed by this machine.



        Confectionary presenting idea-Picture Courtesy: Alice Grey

        Cans are metallic containers often used for their durable structure to store food items. Tablet bottle filling machine is capable to process it.



        Standup pouches-Picture Courtesy: Behance

        You might be surprised to know that bags are also eligible for filling by this machine. Hence, you can process your beautiful bags by tablet bottle filling machine.



        Tablet bottles-Picture Courtesy: stylish creative

        All types of glass and plastic bottles can be used to filled with tablets by this machine.

        4.How Does A Tablet Bottle Filling Machine Function?

        Tablet bottle filling machine follows pretty straightforward procedure for filling bottles with tablets. The steps which it follows can be better understood by looking into the underlying principles:

        Tablet Bottle Filling Machine Function

        Hopper Loading

        Hopper Loading

        Hopper with capsules-Picture Courtesy: Bellatrx

        In order to make the machine function, the foremost step required is to load the hopper of machine with enough volume of tablets or any other eligible stuff like candies or capsules etc.

        Bottle Placement

        Bottle Placement

        Bottles entering tablet filling station-Picture Courtesy:

        Now, the second step of tablet bottle filling machine requires an operator to have provided the machine with sufficient number of bottles for filling. For this, user can manually place bottles in case the machine is semi-automatic, or the bottles will be automatically fed onto conveyor belt through bottle unscrambler in fully automatic tablet bottle filling machine.

        Tablet Serialization

        Tablet Serialization

        Capsules on vibratory trays-Picture Courtesy: NJM

        Proceeding further, right after the machine is switched on, tablets will start releasing from hopper onto vibratory trays. Here, the vibration motor creates shaking sensation which leads the tablets to fall into individual units of trays. Therefore, all tablets form the linear direction sequentially.

        Tablet Counting

        Moving to the next step, the serialized tablets fall into counting compartment where tablets are counted via electric detection system and delivered to the filling nozzles.

        Bottle Filling

        Bottle Filling

        Filling of bottles-Picture Courtesy: Bellatrx

        Finally, when the presence of bottles are detected by sensors, sleeve hopper putted down the accurate number of tablets into bottles.

        Bottle Discharging

        Bottle Discharging

        Bottles undergoing filling and detection-Picture Courtesy: Cremer

        After the bottles get filled, conveyor belt takes them towards discharge chute. During this phase, the bottles which left empty or having broken tablets are separated from the accurate one via rejector.

        5.Describe The Various Components Of A Tablet Bottle Filling Machine?

        Various Components Of A Tablet Bottle Filling Machine

        Structure of tablet bottle filling machine- Picture Courtesy: CVC Technologies

        A tablet bottle filling machine is the composition of several components located top to bottom of the machine. These are described below:


        Hopper is the feeding unit of tablet bottle filling machine where tablets are loaded which are to be filled in bottles.

        Vibrating Channel

        Vibrating channel consists of vibratory trays attached to the hopper of machine. These vibratory troughs help in serializing the tablets which are released by the hopper.

        Counting Head

        This part of tablet bottle filling machine is also known as counting compartment. It has electric detection system which detect the tablets and count them before delivering to sleeve hopper.

        Sleeve Hopper

        Sleeve hopper is a type of filling nozzle which holds in it the counted tablets and dispense them into the bottles.

        Electric Detector

        It is the photo electric eye located on infeed conveyor. Its function is to detect the bottles and maintain distance between them to avoid haphazard.

        Dust Collector

        Dust collector play crucial role in sucking dust from tablets during vibration phase. With the help of attached pipe, dust is separated and collected in a bin.

        Control Unit

        Control unit is a box type device often located in the front lower side of the machine. It holds all the electrical components of machine including wires and switches, thereby, work as a core point of control.


        Conveyor is a guide rail onto which objects like bottles are circulated for filling in a tablet bottle filling machine.


        The place of rejector comes after the bottles are filled. It thus helps in rejecting the bottles which are unfilled.

        Emergency Stop

        Emergency stop in tablet bottle filling machine serves as a security device which can be brought into use in case operator finds machine is misbehaving.

        PLC Touch Screen

        PLC touch screen is the main operational device in the machine which provides operator with multiple options in form of displaying the features of machine including speed, counting number and detector setting etc.

        Warning Light

        The warning light also known as tower light is the combination of audiovisual indicators which in tablet bottle filling machine enables the user about ongoing working process. For instance, if the machine gets over-heated due to constant working, the alarm will alert operator through red light and alarm bell.

        6.Which Products Can Be Filled By A Tablet Bottle Filling Machine?

        A tablet bottle filling machine is an excellent equipment to deal with vast array of objects for filling into bottles. These products are enumerated below:

        Tablets & Pills


        Tablets & capsules-Picture Courtesy:

        Tablets and pills consists of medicine powder which when compressed form the shape of tablets and pills. These can be filled by tablet bottle filling machine.

        Hard Solid Capsules

        Hard Solid Capsules

        Granulated solid capsules-Picture Courtesy: Conscious life news

        Both solid and liquid capsules have hard external shell which is filled with solid or liquid dosage form including powder, granules, fluids or mixture of these.

        Softgel Capsule

        Softgel Capsule

        Softgel capsules-Picture Courtesy: Kimberly synder

        As the title illustrates, softgel capsules are made up of soft gelatin-based shell inside which liquid dosage is filled. Some examples of softgel capsules include Omega-3 softgel capsules, vitamin and proteins softgel capsules etc.



        Candy jar-Picture Courtesy: mylife.myloves

        Candies and other sweet confections including jelly, toffee, chocolate balls and gummies etc., can be filled in bottles by tablet bottle filling machine.

        Bubble Gum

        Bubble Gum

        Bubble bottle-Picture Courtesy: Behance

        It is a type of chewing gum with different sweet and sour tastes. As the size of bubble gum is often small, so, they can be filled by tablet bottle filling machine.

        Liquid Pods

        Liquid Pods

        Double layer laundry pod-Picture Courtesy: Popsugar

        Liquids pods are small plastic bags containing liquid dosage for various purposes. For instance, laundry pods contain liquid detergent which is used for washing clothes and similar stuff.

        7.What Are The Types Of A Tablet Bottle Filling Machine?

        Tablet bottle filling machine has various types which can be fundamentally divided into two classes: types on the basis of automation, and types on the basis of structure. In below paragraphs, these types will be elaborated clearly:

        Types Of A Tablet Bottle Filling Machine

        Fully Automatic Tablet Bottle Filling Machine

        Tablet Bottle Filling Machine-1

        Fully Automatic Tablet Bottle Filling Machine-Allpack

        Fully automatic tablet bottle filling machine is a lucrative machine with cutting edge technology of high automation. The machine has been made with automatic detection system, multi-channel configuration, rejection system and adjustable vibration frequency. It is mainly composed of a large hopper, followed by multiple vibratory channels, counting compartment, PLC and stainless steel body etc. It undertakes the filling of tablet bottles automatically once the setting is done by operator. Hence, its non-stop bottle filling mechanism is the great opportunity for large scale industries to boost their production.

        Semi-Automatic Tablet Bottle Filling Machine

        Semi-Automatic Tablet Bottle Filling Machine

        Semi-automatic Tablet Bottle Filling Machine-Allpack

        Semi-automatic tablet bottle filling machine is on the second number in list of automatic machines. It has precise structure while encompassing all the attributes of fully automatic tablet counting machine except the limited production capacity and manual intervention. It requires an operator to be part of the tablet bottle filling during operation by manually placing and taking out bottles. Therefore, this affordable machine is the most suitable solution for medium scale production facilities.

        Manual Tablet Bottle Filling Machine

        Manual Tablet Bottle Filling Machine

        Manual tablet bottle filling machine-Picture Courtesy:

        Manual tablet bottle filling machine is the most handy machine with small footprint. Every layman can take advantage of this cheap but reliable machine for running their small business. It is small in structure in size with a handle, perforated tray, a back and small chute for discharging tablets. All these parts are made with stainless steel.

        Vibratory Tablet Bottle Filling Machine

        Fully Automatic Tablet Bottle Filling Machine

        Vibratory Tablet Bottle Filling Machine-Allpack

        Vibratory tablet bottle filling machine is the standard tablet bottle filling machine which has a vibratory channel for the counting of tablets. It mainly consists of a hopper, vibratory trays, counting head, filling nozzles, conveyor and main frame. The process of tablet bottle filling starts by machine releasing tablets from hopper onto vibratory trays where sequence takes place followed by the counting and ultimately filling of tablets into bottles. This machine has high production capacity, therefore, it is suitable for large scale industries.

        Rotary Tablet Bottle Filling Machine

        Rotary Tablet Bottle Filling Machine

        Rotary Tablet Bottle Filling Machine-Allpack

        Rotary tablet bottle filling machine is an advance equipment with proficiency in tablet counting as well as filling in one go. Its rotary counting channels enable the user to fill large number of bottles with tablets. This machine by Allpack can store up to 10 groups of settings, thereby, allowing you to easily switch for the setting which you needed. It is applicable to all types of tablets, capsules, pills and candies etc.

        Slate Tablet Bottle Filling Machine

        Slate Tablet Bottle Filling Machine

        Slate Tablet Bottle Filling Machine-Picture Courtesy: Integrated Packaging System

        Slate tablet bottle filling machine is unique design machine with unmatched speed and accuracy. It consists of a hopper, servo motor, single drive shaft system, perforated stale, automatic detection system, PLC control panel, stainless steel body and other parts. It undertakes the tablet bottle filling task by taking tablets from hopper and adding them into perforated mold slate. This slate is then powered by servo motor and move downward, where the tablets are released from molds into bottles. This fast tablet counting and filling has made this machine remarkable in its functioning.

        8.What Are The Applications Of A Tablet Bottle Filling Machine?

        A tablet bottle filling machine can be used for variety of products from different industries. Following details will disclose these areas:

        Pharmaceutical Industry

        Pharmaceutical Industry

        Multiple hard dosage medicines-Picture Courtesy: freepik

        All the solid dosage form of medicines under pharmaceutical industry can be processed by this tablet bottle filling machine including coated, uncoated tablets, capsules and softgel etc.

        Nutraceutical Industry

        Nutraceutical Industry

        Supplement capsule idea-Picture Courtesy: vitameros

        Nutraceutical industry is engaged in manufacturing supplements from food sources like vegetables, fruits, pulses and dry fruits etc. Therefore, this industry is growing day by day due to the demand for supplements, and to achieve this aim, tablet bottle filling machine is often used.

        Herbal Industry

        Herbal Industry

        Herbal powdered capsules-Picture Courtesy:

        There are plenty of herbal medicines extracted from herbs. These herbal medicines have little or even no side effects, as a result most of the people prefer using herbal medicines instead of pharmaceutical drugs. In this way, their need of tablet packaging in bottles can be fulfilled by this tablet bottle filling machine.

        Confectionary Industry

        Confectionary Industry

        Confectionary bottles-Picture Courtesy:

        As there is no age restriction for experiencing the delicious and sweet taste of candies, gummies, chocolates and bubbles etc. Similarly, the significance of a tablet bottle filling machine can be realized in this sector where packaging confections is an obligatory task.

        Skincare Industry

        Skincare Industry

        Beauty softgel capsules-Picture Courtesy: Carolin Hirons

        Since skincare is the priority of every second person, skincare industry has introduced new ways of treating skin problems like tanned skin, dark circles and wrinkles etc., by manufacturing capsules and gummies containing vitamins, proteins and minerals.

        Daily Use Chemical Industry  

        Daily Use Chemical Industry

        Detergent pods pouch-Picture Courtesy: Ralphs grocery

        Another institution where the use of a tablet bottle filling machine can be find is the daily chemical industry, where detergent or laundry pods are counted and filled into bottles.

        9.Can A Tablet Bottle Filling Machine Be Part Of The Full Fledged Production Line?

        A tablet bottle filling machine can be integrated with other machines for forming an entire production line that holds in it every machine required for tablet bottle packaging. These machines are described below:

        Bottle Unscrambler

        Bottle Unscrambler

        Bottle unscrambler-Picture Courtesy: Aipak

        This high-tech stable bottle unscrambler is particularly designed to end the complexity of positioning bottles manually. The operator loads the machine with bulk of empty bottles which are then processed by machine and feed the rightly positioned bottles to attached machine via conveyor belt.

        Bottle Labeling Machine

        Bottle Labeling Machine

        Bottle labeling machine-Allpack

        Bottle labeling is the most important aspect of pharmaceutical packaging. It is constructed to apply all types of sticker labels to the tablet filled bottles with wrap around, two side or three side labels.

        Desiccant Inserting Machine

        Desiccant Inserting Machine

        Desiccant inserting machine-Allpack

        Desiccant inserting machine is an excellent device that facilitates the pharmaceutical tablet processing by supplying the tablet filled bottles with precise cutted desiccant bags. These bags really helps in the preservation of quality of tablets by absorbing all the moisture and keeping it away from getting into the tablets.

        Bottle Capping Machine

        Bottle Capping Machine

        Bottle capping machine-Allpack

        As the bottles filled with tablets often have lids to be covered, Allpack's bottle capping machine is structured to undertake this task. The machine simply takes the caps of bottles from hopper and apply them over the tablet filled bottles intermittently.

        Induction Sealing Machine

        Vibratory Tablet Bottle Filling Machine

        Induction sealing machine-Allpack

        Induction sealing machine is carrying immense significance for tablet filled bottles due to its profound task. It has an electromagnetic system through which it creates radiation into induction coil which eventually produce heat and seal the bottles' opening with aluminum foil.

        10.What Is The Cleaning And Maintenance Procedure Of A Tablet Bottle Filling Machine?

        It is important to regularly clean and maintain the tablet bottle filling machine for smart working. Below is the description of these two methods:



        Cleaning machine-Picture Courtesy: iStock

        Cleaning of the tablet bottle filling machine is an inevitable task due to the high sensitivity and hygiene of tablets. For this, you can disassemble the parts of machine like hopper, rotary trays and filling nozzles to completely remove the debris and residues of tablets. Use edible water for washing these parts and wipe over clean cloth. After cleaning, make sure to place all the components of machine on exact place by taking help from manual guide.



        Girl maintaining machine-Picture Courtesy:

        By maintenance, we mean to keep the machine under strict observation. It requires you to check the internal setting of machine such as bottle separator distance, amount of tablets that has to be filled in each bottle and the speed of conveyor belt. While as, adjustment of conveyor belt according to bottle size, tightening of screws and adjustment of bottle filling head which come under external setting.

        11.Give Remedies To The Possible Pitfalls Occur While Using Tablet Bottle Filling Machine?

        The table below contains the remedies for curing problems which you might face when operating a tablet bottle filling machine:

        No Pitfalls Causes Remedies Pictures
        1 Too close nozzle create difficulty for bottles to pass You may have switched for large diameter bottles Make sure to adjust the height of bottle filling station whenever you change the size or diameter of bottle Disk cannot rotate

        Bottle under filling nozzle-Picture Courtesy: Bellatrx

        2 Machine does not deliver tablets to bottle Their may be fault in detector for no bottle no filling Check the setting of detector or clean it to clearly detect the presence of bottle Machine does not deliver tablets to bottle

        Control board of tablet bottle filling machine-Picture Courtesy:

        3 Bottles get overlapped on conveyor belt when moving for filling The separator may have different setting of bottle distance or the conveyor belt has double space to that of bottles It is obligatory to check the distance fixed for bottle separator and also adjust the conveyor belt width to avoid bottle falling Bottles get overlapped

        Bottles on conveyor belt-Picture Courtesy: C.E King Limited

        4 Disk cannot rotate Either the disk is jammed due to tablet get stuck or the loose of disk are too loose to support rotation Lightly move the disk by hand and get the stuck tablet out, also tight the screws if loosen close nozzle create

        Coated tablets on counting disk-Picture Courtesy: indiamart

        12.Consideration Of Which Factors Pave The Way For Getting Topnotch Tablet Bottle Filling Machine?

        Purchasing the right tablet bottle filling machine becomes difficult and certain queries may arise in your mind. Hence, it is crucial to get them answered, by looking into the following points:

        Production Volume

        Production Volume

        Beauty softgel capsules-Picture Courtesy: Olly

        The first question has its origin from the purchaser. Suppose, you are interested in buying a tablet bottle filling machine, but for how much volume? If you are able to measure your production volume it will ultimately pave the way for determining whether you want fully automatic tablet bottle filling machine, semi-automatic or manual.


        Another significant factor to consider is to check the features of machine. As you are going to automate your packaging line, it becomes essential to have the machine which can help you in many ways. For instance, machine with rejection system, bottle separator, no bottle no fill, and dust collection will ultimately increase the charm of your packaging.



        Now, it is crucial to check the adaptability of machine in many ways. For example, you can check whether the machine can process other objects like candies, grains and laundry pods etc., if your production is diverse.

        After-Sale Service

        After-Sale Service

        After sale service logo-Picture Courtesy: Marketing91

        The last but not the least, you must have to ask your vendor about the after-sale service they provide. It will also include the warranty policy, technical assistance and remote support.


        To wrap up, tablet bottle filling machine is an innovative device which can bring much ease in the production facilities of different industries. It is safe, versatile and consequently reliable in a way that it can be used for multiple objects. The machine support diverse containers apart from bottles. Moreover, the tablet bottle filling machine offered by Allpack has one-year warranty. If you are interested in making a purchase, feel free to contact us.

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        Tablet Bottle Filling Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2025 Read More »


        What Is Granulator

        What Is Granulator

        Do you know what is granulator? It is a common material processing machine which is widely used in various industries, this equipment is generally used to process powder materials, and it is very efficient. Of course, such a one-sided description is not enough to give you a good understanding of a granulator.

        So, in this blog, you will see the complete introduction of granulator and learn more information of this machine, such as its advantages, applications, working principle, structure, classification and so on. If you are interested at granulator, please keep on reading this article.

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          1.How can you define a granulator?


          Granulator is a processing equipment which is used to make different materials into a specific shape, this machine is widely applied in various industries which include chemical, food, pharmaceutical, construction, mineral, ceramic, plastic and so on. It can form powders or fine granules into larger granules, or grind solid materials into small granules.

          2.What are the advantages of granulator?

          There are many worth mentioning advantages of granulator, here are some of them:

          Uniform Granulation

          Uniform Granulation

          A basic advantage of granulator is that this machine can provide uniform granulation, no matter what the raw material is, as long as you put it into the granulator, the machine can make it into particles of the same size, which can ensure the quality of the final product.

          Increase Production Efficiency

          Increase Production Efficiency

          When choosing a machine, the most important thing you should pay attention to is its production efficiency, the granulator is such a machine which has high speed. The machine can handle a large amount of raw materials in a short time, as a result, it can improve the efficiency of the whole production line.

          Reduce Powder Flying

          Generally speaking, powder material is easy to be lifted up by the air, however, when using a granulator, the powder has less chance of contacting with the air, so it is not easy to be lifted up. At the same time, the dust in the air can not enter the machine, which can ensure the cleanliness of the whole granulation process.

          3. What are the applications of granulator?

          Granulator can handle a variety of raw materials so that it is widely used in many industries, including food, pharmaceutical, chemical, plastic and metallurgical, etc.

          Food Industry

          Food Industry

          In food industry, granulator is often applied in food processing, it is used to produce granular materials for food products such as beans, grains and so on. The granular food materials are easy to store and convenient for processing, which increase the production efficiency.

          Pharmaceutical Industry

          Pharmaceutical Industry

          Pharmaceutical Industry-Photo Credit: Fabtech Technologies

          Granulator is a ideal equipment for pharmaceutical industry, it can made drugs into granules, which can be pressed into tablets or used as brewing medicines. The granular medicines are simple to dissolve and absorb by your body, in addition, they have high stability.

          Chemical Industry


          Chemical Industry-Photo Credit: Mesto

          In chemical industry, the chemical materials are processed into granules by granulator, therefore, they are more stable, can be stored for a longer time, and are convenient for transportation. Granulator improves the quality of chemical products.

          Plastic Industry

          Plastic Industry

          In the plastics industry, the granulator is used to recycle plastics, it can process all kinds of waste plastics and make them into plastic granules, so as to achieve the purpose of plastic recycling.

          Metallurgical Industry

          Metallurgical Industry

          Granulator plays a vital role in metallurgical production, it turns metals and minerals into granules, which are convenient for smelting. Why the metallurgical industry need to use granulator? The reason is that the granular materials are easier to burn, so the production efficiency and safety are increased.

          4.How many types of granulators there are?

          In terms of categories, granulators can be divided into dry granulators and wet granulators, according to these two categories, there are various other types of granulators, which will be listed next.

          • Dry Granulator

          (1).Roller Granulator

          Roller Granulator

          Roller granulator belongs to dry granulator, it adopts compression to achieve its function, this machine performs granulation at a normal temperature, and does not require drying measures such as fuel oil and gas. By using a roller granulator, the dry material is extruded under pressure into hard chunks, then crushed and sieved into granules.

          (2). Swing Granulator

          Swing Granulator

          Swing granulator is another kind of dry granulator, it can turn mixed powder material into granules, and can also crush lumpy solid material into granules. This machine can perform granulation effectively, it is widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, food industries and laboratories, suitable for small scale production.

          (3). Rotating Granulator

          Rotating Granulator

          The rotary granulator is applied to turn mixed material into granules, it uses the oscillating action of the rotating drum to grind the wet powder raw material into granules through a wire sieve. This machine is very suitable for process materials which have high viscosity, commonly used in pharmaceutical, food, chemical, solid beverage and other industries.

          • Wet Granulator

          (1). High Shear Granulator

          High Shear Granulator

          High shear granulator is a typical wet granulator, it is equipped with a high speed rotor which is used to mix and shear raw material. This machine can provide effective granulation, in high shear granulator, the material is mixed, dried and sheared, finally made into uniform granules. This type of granulator is very common in various industries

          (2). Drum Granulator

          Drum Granulator

          Drum granulator uses agglomerate wet granulation, it uses a certain amount of water or steam to wet the raw material, and then its cylinder begins to rotate, through the rotating motion, the materials are constantly extruded and collided, and agglomerated into granules.

          (3).Fluidized Bed Granulator

          Fluidized Bed Granulator

          Fluidized bed granulator is also a kind of wet granulator, it uses heat air and adhesive to achieve granulation. The material is placed on the fluidized bed and sprayed with adhesive solution, then aggregated, next, they are suspended under the action of hot air. When the materials are dried by hot air, the granulation process is finished.

          5.Dry Granulator VS Wet Granulator

          As is mentioned that there are two major categories of granulators, dry granulator and wet granulator, however, what are the difference between these two granulators? Let’s discuss together.

          Dry Granulator VS Wet Granulator

          Dry Granulator VS Wet Granulator-Photo Credit: WANDA

          • Granulation Method: Dry granulator adopts dry granulation, which uses direct compression to squeeze bulk materials to obtain granules, during the granulation process, no liquid is required. However, wet granulator adopts wet granulation which uses liquid to mix the powder material, and then extrudes the material to obtain granules.
          • Suitable Requirement: Dry granulator is more suitable for making smaller sized granules while wet granulator is more suited for making larger sized granules.
          • Moisture Content: The granules which are made by wet granulator have higher moisture content than those made by dry granulator.
          • Cost:The granulation process of dry granulator is relatively simple, does not require drying, can save manpower and material resources, in other words, saves cost. However, the granules produced by the wet granulator need to be dried, which consumes more resources and increases the cost.

          6.How does granulator work?

          Since there are two major categories of granulator, when talking about the working principle of the granulators, there are different situations.

          • Working Principle of Dry Granulator

          Working Principle of Dry Granulator

          Working Principle of Dry Granulator-Photo Credit: Pharma Specialists

          As the picture shows, at the beginning, the raw material is fed into the dry granulator through a hopper, and then there are two rollers which are used to compress the raw material, under pressure, the powder is compressed into tablets.

          Next, the tablets are crushed into large particles, but this step is not over yet, the large particles have to be sieved through a screen, when they passing through the screen , they become smaller particles, and the granulation process is completed.

          • Working Principle of Wet Granulator

          Working Principle of Wet Granulator

          Working Principle of Wet Granulator-Photo Credit: TTP Group

          The working process of wet granulator can be divided into mixing and granulation, the whole process is happened in a closed container. At first, the raw material is fed into the machine, and stirred by stirring paddle, during the stirring process, the material becomes semi-fluid, efficient mixed state.

          At this moment, the adhesive solution is added, it is mixed with the material and forms a liquid bridge, the material becomes loose and agglomerated, next is the granulation process, the agglomerates are cut into fine and uniform granules by the cutter, and finally they are discharged, that’s the whole working process of wet granulator.

          7.Can you tell the main parts of granulator?

          The same as the working principle of granulator, in this part, it is still discussed in two cases: dry granulator and wet granulator.

          • Main Parts of Dry Granulator

          Main Parts of Dry Granulator

          Hopper: This is the entrance of the raw material, when you turn on the machine, you need to pour the material into the hopper.

          Switch: There are two buttons which are used to turn on and turn off the machine.

          Roller: A dry granulator is equipped with two rollers, which play a role in compression.

          Mesh Screen: This part is to sieve the large granules and turn them into fine granules.

          Discharge Port: The material which is processed will be discharged from this part.

          Machine Body: The machine body is to support the whole machine, it contains a frame, pedestal rack and 4 movable wheels.

          • Main Parts of Wet Granulator

          Main Parts of Wet Granulator

          Main Parts of Wet Granulator- Photo Credit: Science Direct

          Mixing Bowl: You can also call this part as the granulation chamber, here is the place where the whole granulation process takes place. In the mixing bowl, the raw material and adhesive solution are mixed and agglomerated.

          Bowl Lid: This is the cover of the mixing bowl, when the machine begins working, you need to open the bowl lid and pour raw material into the mixing bowl. And during the granulation process, this part is closed so that the material will not contact with the air.

          Liquid Inlet: As you know, adhesive solution is an important element in the granulation process of wet granulator, therefore, there is a small inlet on the bowl lid, it is called liquid inlet, is the entrance of adhesive solution.

          Impeller: This part plays a role in stirring, you can regard it as a stirring paddle, during the granulation process, the impeller will constantly stir the material to let it completely mixed with the adhesive solution.

          Chopper: When the material and adhesive solution are mixed and agglomerated, they need to be made of granules, and the chopper is such a component to do this operation, it cuts off the agglomerates so that they can become granules rapidly.

          Granule Outlet: When the whole granulation process is finished, the granules are discharged through the granule outlet.

          8.How to choose the right granulator?

          Choosing the right granulator for your business can get twice the result with half the effort, but, what factors should you consider before buying a granulator? Let’s discuss together.

          • Figure out which type of granulator do you need.

          Figure out which type of granulator do you need

          Firstly, you should determine which type of granulator can meet your demand, do you think you need dry granulation or wet granulation? Think clearly whether you need to buy a dry granulator or a wet granulator, and then choose a specific type from the certain category.

          • What material do you need to granulate?

          What material do you need to granulate

          And the second factor, you need to make it clear that what material do you want to process by using a granulator. This factor is very important, you need to know the particle size and property of your material, this can also help you choose the right type of granulator.

          • What is your granulation goal?

          What is your granulation goal

          Of course, you also need to consider your granulation goal, in other words, what kind of particle size do you need to make the raw material into? When you set up your granulation goal, you can have a specific standard when choosing a granulator, instead of blindly searching.

          • What is your criteria for evaluating the granulator?

          What is your criteria for evaluating the granulator

          Last but not least, you need to set your own evaluation standards, what should your ideal granulator look like? Think about your requirements for the working speed, production output, ease of operation, maintenance and service life of the granulator.In this way, when choosing a granulator, your requirements will be more concrete, and it will be easier to choose a high quality machine.


          Overall, granulator plays an important role in many production lines, therefore, learning the relevant knowledge of this machine can help you a lot. Well, after reading this blog, do you understand the basic information of granulator? Or, do you still feel curious about it? If you have some questions of granulator, you can contact and ask us.

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          What Is Granulator Read More »

          Small Bottle Labeling Machine

          Small Bottle Labeling Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2025

          Small Bottle Labeling Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2025

          Labeling small bottles is often like a conundrum which requires accuracy as well as safety. However, it is not possible for a user to label hundred and thousands of bottles manually while ensuring precision and efficiency. Therefore, small bottle labeling machine by Allpack is particularly designed for absolving this tiresome job on part of user.

          Small Bottle Labeling Machine

          This small bottle labeling machine is intelligent enough to take the entire mechanism of bottle labeling on its part while following the exact commands settled by operator. Equipped with range of astonishing features this machine is suitable for industries with diverse backgrounds. Do you also want to get rid of the false and slow labeling? If yes! Then don't miss reading this informative review which is holding striking solutions to all of your conundrums!

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            1.What Is A Small Bottle Labeling Machine?

            Small Bottle Labeling Machine-1

            Allpack Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Small bottle labeling machine as the name suggests, is an electrical machine structured for the labeling of small bottles, tubes and vials etc. This machine had been equipped with ergonomic features of automatic detection system, PLC control system and fast stable parts changeover as per bottle requirement. By using these attributes, the machine effectively apply adhesive sticker labels over bottles.

            2.What Are The Benefits Of Using A Small Bottle Labeling Machine?

            Small bottle labeling machine has been made with ergonomic features which ultimately give substantial benefits to the user and his business. Some of these essential attributes are enumerated below:

            Easy to Configure

            Easy to Configure

            HMI configuration-Picture Courtesy: technopack

            This small bottle labeling machine is developed with intuitive operating interface and PLC controller which together makes the machine extremely easy to configure. Moreover, by using this feature, you could have multitude of choices available to use such as storing multiple setting at the same time and using many software programs etc.

            Advance Features

            Advance Features

            Small bottle labeling machine is tailored with ergonomic features of checking missing labels, ejecting bottles and fast converting from two side labeling mode to wrap around labeling makes the machine to excel the labeling.

            High Output

            Small bottle labeling machine is proficient in labeling up to 50 bottles per minute. This indicates the efficiency and capability of machine to withstand bulk containers and label them in fast pace.

            Stable Performance

            Stable Performance

            Bottles getting labeled in small bottle labeling machine-Picture Courtesy: Direct Industry

            Small bottle labeling machine is compact and durable with all components working in harmony and leading to the stable performance where labeling of small bottles get exceptional quality precise labels.

            Diversity Of Labeling

            Diversity Of Labeling

            Various size bottles with different labels-Picture Courtesy: Mckenzieking Design

            Small bottle labeling machine can handle bottles of diverse shapes as well as sizes. In essence, ampoules, vials, canisters, plastic bottles and many other types of bottles can be labeled by using this machine.

            3.Which Type Of Labels Does A Small Bottle Labeling Machine Process?

            Labels not only give your products an identification rather it helps your customers know the quality of your packaging by analyzing how durable they are to last longer. Therefore, underlying types of labels will help you know the various types of labeling processed by this machine and which is more suitable:

            No Type Description Sample
            1 Waterproof Labels All types of plastic labels including white plastic, vinyl, holographic and transparent plastic labels are highly resistant to oil and water. These labels are cost-effective but not eco-friendly. Waterproof Labels

            Plastic labels-Picture Courtesy: Etsy

            2 Paper Labels Paper labels are cheap in price, and they are also eco-friendly due to their fast decomposition. Hence, paper labels of all categories including white paper, Avon classic, and black vellum paper labels are to be run by this machine. Paper Labels

            Labeling idea-Picture Courtesy: Etsy

            3 Laminate Labels Laminate labels are the combination of printed label and a protective layer over it to add extra protection against moisture, temperature and light. Thus, gloss laminate, matte laminate, and UV resistant laminate labels are perfect for bottles requiring extra protection. Laminate Labels

            Multiple labels-Picture Courtesy: Linxprint

            4 Foil Labels Foil Labels are made from metallic aluminum material with smooth shiny outlook and strong texture. These labels have adhesive back and can be applied by this machine. Foil Labels

            Sticker label roll-Picture Courtesy: Xinzing label

            4.Which Bottles Are Supported By A Small Bottle Labeling Machine?

            The modern technology has added ergonomic features to this small bottle labeling machine to better meet the diverse needs on part of labeling eclectic bottles. Similarly, it is versatile enough to support bottles with ranging material as well as shape including:

            Glass Bottles & Vials

            Glass Bottles

            Labels on glass bottles-Picture Courtesy: Behance

            Although glass bottles and vials are slippery and sterile, a small bottle labeling machine has foam rolling shafts to tackle this issue by preserving the protection of glass bottles.

            Plastic Bottles

            Plastic Bottles

            Labels on plastic bottles-Picture Courtesy: world brand design society

            Plastic bottles are lightweight and affordable due to which most of the food items, cosmetics and drugs are packed. In this way, a small bottle labeling machine can be used for their labeling.

            Bottles with respect to material



            Pack of labeled cans-Picture Courtesy:

            Cans is the most notable example of metal bottles which are used for holding goods and materials. These bottles too are eligible to be labeled by this machine.

            Bottles with respect to Shape



            Kids gummy bottles-Picture Courtesy: Behance

            As round bottles are more comfortable to hold and having big vertical space, these bottles are commonly used for packaging and can be labeled by small bottle labeling machine.



            Tomato ketchup bottle-Picture Courtesy: world brand design

            Labeling square bottles is a difficult task to do, however, there is a separate category in small bottle labeling machine which is particularly designed to undertake this task for square bottles.



            Triangular bottles with colorful labels-Picture Courtesy: Dieline

            Manufacturers who want to give their products unique and catchy look often opt for triangular bottles. Now, there is no need to worry about the labeling of such beautiful bottles, as this precise small bottle labeling machine is able to do that task effortlessly.



            Perfume bottle and box-Picture Courtesy: Aime Skincare

            Most of the cosmetics and food items including perfumes, cream, and ketchup etc., are packed in small flat bottles for easy carrying especially during traveling. Therefore, it can label flat shape bottles.

            5.What Do You Know About The Working Principles Of A Small Bottle Labeling Machine?

            The operation of a small bottle labeling machine is based on particular working principles which we have provided in underlying steps:

            Working Principles Of A Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Initial Step

            Initial Step

            Operator fixing parameters on HMI-Picture Courtesy: technopack

            Firstly, the working principles of small bottle labeling machine begin with operator setting of machine where basic parameters for label distance, conveyor speed, frequency of rolling shafts and the label applicator is fixed.

            Second Step

            Second Step

            Bottles on conveyor belt-Picture Courtesy: Joreshtech

            Secondly, the machine has to be loaded with a feed roller (labels) and bottles. The feeding of bottles may be done automatically if the machine is integrated with other machines.

            Third Step

            Thirdly, the machine is now fully ready to be started. The operator will press power button which will ultimately result in the pulling of label through rolling shafts on one hand and mobilization of bottles through conveyor on the other. In this step, the electric eye detects the gap between each label and send message to control system.

            Fourth Step

            Fourth Step

            Bottle labeling-Picture Courtesy: Herma

            Fourthly, when bottles will reach to the labeling station, the label applicator will apply labels over them in a tidy manner. Similarly, the rolling shafts will swiftly move around the bottles to make sure the labels are accurately adhered to the bottles.

            Final Step

            Final Step

            Labeld ketchup bottles on conveyor belt-Picture Courtesy: Shamesh Automation

            Finally, the labeled bottles will be automatically ejected by machine or manually taken out by operator.

            6.Describe The Components Of A Small Bottle Labeling Machine?

            Components Of A Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Structure of small bottle labeling machine-Picture Courtesy: SZHX Machine

            A small bottle labeling machine is made up of small to complex tools which are described below:

            Touch Screen

            Touch screen is a display in the small bottle labeling machine which allows the operator to fix the commands into machine control system according to which the machine will be executed.


            Power button is the unit in machine which is used to turn on or off the machine.

            Emergency Stop

            Emergency stop is large size highly visible button located on the front of machine. Its red color enables user to swiftly shut down the machine in case any mishap happen.

            Conveyor Motor

            Conveyor motor is integrated into machine to power conveyor for transportation in a synchronized manner.


            There are multiple rollers designed in this small bottle labeling machine. These can be divided into following two:

            Feed Roller: Feed roller holds over it the bulk of labels and supply the machine with labels during operation by the constant revolution of label plate.

            Shaft Rollers: One pair of shaft rollers is located near the feed roller in order to pull the labels from it and feed them to label applicator. While as, other pair of shaft rollers is placed to the opposite side of label application to help achieve wrap around labeling.

            Adjusting Part

            It helps in the adjustment of mainframe by changing its height according to bottle size.

            Label Applicator

            This part of machine is designed to apply the sticker labels over bottles when they pass through it.


            Conveyor is a flat belt fitted in Automatic small bottle labeling machine to pass the bottles through labeling phase.

            Bottle Separate

            Bottle separate device is located at the edge of indeed conveyor which maintains the gap between two bottles when they move onto conveyor belt for labeling. It thus helps to avoid bottle overlapping.


            Casters are also called wheels which are attached to the bottom side of the small bottle labeling machine and assist in its movement.

            7.Enlist The Different Types Of A Small Bottle Labeling Machine?

            Small bottle labeling machine can be fundamentally divided into two categories which are explained below in detail:

            Types Of A Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Fully Automatic Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Fully Automatic Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Fully automatic small bottle labeling machine-Picture Courtesy: Herma

            Fully automatic small bottle labeling machine is topnotch equipment with integrated features of PLC control system, electric detection system, automatic adjustment to the change in bottle dimension as well as the bottle separation for safe labeling. It fully relieves the user from any sort of interaction with machine and carry on its way towards stable, efficient and clean labeling. Every industry having huge production volume on daily basis can better take advantage of this efficacious equipment without any restriction on the field such as cosmetic industry, chemical industry, food industry and medical industry etc.

            Semi-Automatic Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Semi-Automatic Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Allpack Semi automatic small bottle labeling machine

            Semi-automatic small bottle labeling machine is an electronic device which is suitable for running medium range production. Unlike fully automatic machine, this machine requires an operator to initiate the operation. In addition, the bottles are loaded onto machine and discharged by it manually and rest process of taking labels from roller and applying over bottles is done automatically. It has small footprint with modest price which any mediocre business can afford to purchase.

            Manual Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Manual Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Allpack manual/handheld small bottle labeling machine

            Manual small bottle labeling machine is available in market to facilitate the small batch or home based businesses in meeting their needs of tidy labeling. This machine is most handy, affordable and requires less space to place as a result of which you can take it anywhere you want. You have to simply put the feed roller in the fixed area and start applying labels over bottle with the convenience of your hands.

            Wrap Around Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Wrap Around Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Allpack Wrap around small bottle labeling machine

            Wrap around small bottle labeling machine has been brought into the field to provide bottles with wrap around labels. It takes the labels from feed roller and cut them into individual labels as per distance or detection system fixed in the machine and apply over bottles. It primarily aims at encircling the bottles with one label on all sides. Most of the vials and round bottles are labeled with wrap around labels. Therefore, wrap around small bottle labeling machine are effective where multiple information is printed over single label.

            Two-Side Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Two-Side Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Two-side small bottle labeling machine-Picture Courtesy: Gosunm

            Two-side small bottle labeling machine is employed to deal with the double sides labeling of each bottle. The difference is of feed roller which are two in this machine. The rolling shafts on both side of the conveyor take labels and apply over opposite sides of bottle. Products such as perfumes, talcum powder and sauces are labeled by using this machine due to their presence in flat bottles.

            Top-Side Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Top-Side Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Top-side small bottle labeling machine-Picture Courtesy: Allpack

            Most of the innovative bottles we see on the market shelves grab our attention due to the appealing top-side labels. This is the result of an advance top-side small bottle labeling machine which effectively label every type of small bottles with beautiful labels. This machine has single feed roller on top side which dispenses labels over the top of each bottle passing under the label applicator. Hence, you can use this machine for making your little bottles more catchy.

            Horizontal Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Horizontal Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Allpack Horizontal small bottle labeling machine

            Horizontal small bottle labeling machine is especially designed for small size bottles, tubes and vials which have poor stability to stand. Therefore, this machine is perfect to label these round shape small bottles by taking them from hopper via plastic movable mold roller. The moving roller fall the bottles onto soft conveyor rail and take these bottles to labeling. After reaching under the label applicator, the labeling wheel apply labels over individual bottles and the belt press labels for good results. Hence, this effective small bottle labeling machine is safe to use for small and sterile bottles.

            Vertical Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Vertical Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Allpack Vertical small bottle labeling machine

            Vertical small bottle labeling machine is used for full or partial labeling of bottles with eclectic shapes and sizes. It labels the bottle which are standing on the conveyor and mobilized towards label applicator. Therefore, it is suitable for every industry including cosmetic, food and chemical etc.

            8.Differentiate Between Several Types Of A Small Bottle Labeling Machine?

            Below tables will resolve your queries by clearly marking differences among several types of small bottle labeling machine. After understanding these differences you will be able to choose right machine. Let's begin with it:

            On The Basis Of Automation

            No Factors Fully Automatic Small Bottle Labeling Machine Semi-Automatic Small Bottle Labeling Machine Manual Small Bottle Labeling Machine
            1 Nature Fully automatic, based on independent regulation of mechanism Semi-automatic in nature with compulsory operator intervention It is totally manual and is fully dependent on user
            2 Structure Complicated and large structure with multiple parts Precise in structure, larger than manual and smaller than fully automatic machine Smallest compare to both the fully automatic and semi-automatic machine
            3 Operation Started, regulated and ended by machine Started by operator, regulated by machine and ended by user Entirely carried out by the operator
            4 Speed Extra efficient Mediocre Slow
            5 Cost Expensive Cost-effective Cheap
            6 Application Large scale industries Medium level enterprises Home based businesses or retail market etc.
            7 Machine Fully Automatic Small Bottle Labeling Machine-1

            Fully automatic small bottle labeling machine-Picture Courtesy: Vkpack

            Semi-Automatic Small Bottle Labeling Machine-2

            Semi-automatic small bottle labeling machine-Picture Courtesy: direct industry

            Manual Small Bottle Labeling Machine-1

            Manual small bottle labeling machine-Picture Courtesy:

            On The Basis Of Function

            No Factors Wrap Around Small Bottle Labeling Machine Two-side Small Bottle Labeling Machine Top-side Small Bottle Labeling Machine
            1 Function To encircle the bottle with single label on all sides To apply two labels over single bottle To apply single label over the cap of bottle
            2 Feed Roller One Two One
            3 Label Applicator On one side with multiple rolling shafts on opposite side On two sides of the conveyor Only on the top side of conveyor
            4 Application Round, triangular and square bottles Flat, rectangular and square bottles Round, triangular and square bottles
            5 Sample Wrap Around Small Bottle Labeling Machine-1

            Jam bottle labeling idea-Picture by: Vector stock

            Two-side Small Bottle Labeling Machine-1

            Front & back label on juice bottle-Picture by: packaging of the world

            Top-side Small Bottle Labeling Machine-1

            Hand cream jars-Picture Courtesy: Behance

            On The Basis Of Structure

            No Factors Horizontal Small Labeling Machine Vertical Small Labeling Machine
            1 Structure It is vertical in structure with parts including label roller, applicator, hopper and label pressing device positioned in vertical form It is horizontal by structure with label applicator, feed roller and label pulling mechanism placed in horizontal parallel form
            2 Process It takes the bottles from hopper and apply labels through upside down label applicator The bottles reach to labeling station via conveyor where labeling wheel provide them with labels from right, left or both sides
            3 Label Applicator Only one One or two
            4 Application Round vials, ampoules and plastic tubes All shapes plastic, glass and metal bottles
            5 Machine Horizontal Small Labeling Machine-1

            Aipak Horizontal small bottle labeling machine

            Vertical Small Labeling Machine-1

            Vertical small bottle labeling machine-Picture by: Technopack

            9.Explain The Applications Of A Small Bottle Labeling Machine?

            Small bottle labeling machine has broad range of applications in small to large manufacturing sectors which are shown below:

            Medical Sector

            Medical Sector

            Capsule bottles-Picture Courtesy: Nutrafol

            In medical sector, tablets, syrups, injection water and vaccines etc. are packed in small bottles and vials which need to be properly labeled. For this purpose, a small bottle labeling machine is the first choice of every industry that comes under the category of medical sector.

            Food Sector

            Food Sector

            Juice bottles-Picture Courtesy: 365detox

            Small bottle labeling machine has good demand in food sector where products like sauces, sweets, beverages and condiments are supplied in plastic and glass bottles. These bottles are labeled with attractive labels via small bottle labeling machine.

            Cosmetic Sector

            Cosmetic Sector

            Different sized cosmetic bottles/jars-Picture Courtesy: Etsy

            While using daily personal care and beauty products, such as shampoo, lotion, hand wash and perfumes etc., you may have observed informative labels over these bottles. Indeed, this is the result of effective small bottle labeling machine.

            Chemical Sector

            Chemical Sector

            Chemical filled glass test tubes-Picture Courtesy: Compoundchem

            Chemicals in their vary forms need to be properly labeled to aware the users about warning and usage method etc. Hence, this small bottle labeling machine can be used to labels all the bottles containing chemicals and associated items.

            Oil & Lubrication Sector

            Oil & Lubrication Sector

            Lubricant bottle-Picture Courtesy: BMR

            Every mechanical machine even the small bottle labeling machine itself require lubrication for stable performance. Here, it is worthy to mention that lubricating these complex movable parts can be only done via small bottles containing lubrication oil. Thus, this small bottle labeling machine has also great significance in the relevant sector.

            10.Which Type Of Information Is Provided On The Labels Processed By A Small Bottle Labeling Machine?

            This question carries great significance for manufacturers who want to make their customers well-informed about their products as well as additional information related to them. In this way, underlying points can be helpful:

            Product Name

            Product Name

            Labeling idea-Picture Courtesy: Behance

            Product name is the most prominent element which must be clearly manifested over label alongside brand name. It is crucial to use such fonts for labels which can easily show that the product is for adults or kids.

            Brand Name

            Brand name is the important part of any label as it provides manufacturers an opportunity to let customer identify their products. Hence, it is the must-have of any label and is displayed on its front side.



            Label information-Picture Courtesy: Etsy

            Reputable brands are well known for their sincere production due to which consumers expect from them to give complete information about the ingredients used in items. Therefore, a portion of label is dedicated to hold ingredients.

            Nutrition Chart

            Nutrition Chart

            Nutrition chart sample-Picture Courtesy: Karen jolyn

            In case the label is of food product or medicines, it will contain nutrition chart that will elicit the percentage of nutrition and thus, allow consumers about daily nutritional intake.

            Usage & Warning

            Things like syrups or heavy food which can be taken by both adults and kids should properly display the daily usage for both entities. In addition, warning against allergy may be seen over it.

            Date Of Expiration

            Date Of Expiration

            Expiray date label-Picture Courtesy:

            Date of expiration is the obligatory information which every label must have. It simply enlightens the users to consume product before it lost the essence.

            11.Which Other Machines Can Be Integrated With A Small Bottle Labeling Machine?

            This small bottle labeling machine is well-equipped to support the direct connection of other machines with it for establishing a full scale automatic production facility. These machines include the following:

            Bottle Unscrambler

            Bottle Unscrambler

            Aipak Bottle Unscrambler

            Bottle unscrambler is an innovative machine resulted from the combination of mechanical and electrical energy. It is designed to facilitate the packaging of large industries by automatically positioning bottles onto conveyor belt for processing.

            Liquid Filling Machine

            Liquid Filling Machine

            Liquid filling machine-Picture Courtesy: Acasi Machinery Inc

            Liquid filling machine is made with advance features to accommodate a wide range of free flowing and viscous liquids into small bottles. It uses multiple hoses and nozzles to fill up to 120 bottles per minute. Hence, this machine is an integral part of the production line in correspondence with small bottle labeling machine.

            Tablet Counting Machine

            Tablet Counting Machine

            Aipak Tablet Counting Machine

            As the bottles processed by small bottle labeling machine, may contain tablets, capsules or candies, first they should be properly counted. To attain this objective, tablet counting machine is integrated to the main production line which by using detection system automatically count and fill the desired amount of tablets into bottles.

            Desiccant Inserting Machine

            Desiccant Inserting Machine

            Allpack Desiccant Inserting Machine

            Desiccant inserting machine is tailored to feed the bottles with silica bags. These desiccant bags functions as oxygen absorbers and remove the possible risk of humidity inside bottles. It takes the long strip of desiccant from feed roller and put it into bottles one by one after cutting it into individual desiccant bags.

            Bottle Capping Machine

            Bottle Capping Machine

            Allpack Bottle Capping Machine

            Bottle capping machine is the vital equipment employed to apply the plastic or metal thread lids over filled bottles. While capping, the machine ensures safety and serenity to preserve the hygiene of material and avoid cap damage.

            Induction Sealing Machine

            Induction Sealing Machine

            Allpack Induction Sealing Machine

            Another machine in the production line includes induction sealing machine. This machine is designed with electromagnetic radiation feature through which it creates heat and melt down the heating material attached to bottle cap. It eventually sticks the aluminum foil to the mouth of bottle resulting in tamper-proof sealing.

            Cartoning Machine

            Cartoning Machine

            Aipak Cartoning Machine

            Cartoning machine also known as cartoner is a device used to pack the bottles into cardboard cartons. It picks up the blank carton, transform into original rectangular shape and put the bottle into it. The carton is then closed via flaps of machine. This entire process of cartoning bottle is carried out by the machine automatically.

            12.What Is The Preventive Maintenance Of A Small Bottle Labeling Machine?

            Maintenance Of A Small Bottle Labeling Machine

            Preventive maintenance board-Picture Courtesy:

            It is necessary to keep the small bottle labeling machine clean and maintained for attaining excellent results and smooth performance. Following are the tips in this regard:

            Regular Cleaning: Keep the machine clean on regular basis to avoid poor labeling caused by dirt and pollution.

            Properly Set Up Machine: Take care of the machine setting before and after operation by checking internal parameters setting and examining external parts.

            Use of Quality Labels: Use quality labels to make best use of this brilliant machine and give unique look to your bottles.

            Lubricating Parts: Do not forgive to lubricate movable parts of machine for slippery and fast running.

            13.What Are The Troubleshooting Of A Small Bottle Labeling Machine?

            The underlying remedies can better help you to tackle the sudden problems faced when operating a small bottle labeling machine:

            No Problem Reason Troubleshooting Picture
            1 Machine fails to produce label When there is problem in electric sensor the machine stop producing labels Adjust the position of electric sensor and make sure the sensitivity setting of electric eye is altered after putting new label roller Machine fails to produce label

            Problematic label applicator-Picture Courtesy: Herma

            2 Problem of labeling deviation Either the bottle holding device is loose or the standard applicator is skewed Tight the screws of bottle holder and make sure the stripping device is located on standard place Problem of labeling deviation

            Bottle holder and label applicator marked with red circle-Picture Courtesy: Herma

            3 The quality of labeling is poor due to bubble appearance It occurs when the bottle is dusty or the labeling wheel is unparallel to bottle Keep the bottles and environment free of dust and adjust the labeling wheel by making it parallel to bottle poor due to bubble appearance

            Sequential bottle labeling-Picture Courtesy: direct industry

            4 The motor keeps rotating There may be problem with sensor detection or the speed of motor is too fast Check the sensor for correct working and also reduce the speed of motor motor keeps rotating

            Small bottle labeling machine with red encircled label feed motor-Picture Courtesy: Herma

            14.How To Get The Best Small Bottle Labeling Machine?

            To get the best small bottle labeling machine you need to be cautious and must consider certain questions among which important ones are discussed below:

            Production Range

            Production Range

            Multiple herbal liquid bottles-Picture Courtesy: Ly Labo

            Have you measured the current range of your production? Are you able to categorize your production either into small scale, medium scale, or large scale? If yes! Then you are just one step away from picking the best machine which will definitely work for meeting your desired throughput by being manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic small bottle labeling machine.



            Row of large to small glass bottles-Picture Courtesy: Gardenista

            If you have different types of bottles in size as well as shape then the machine is meant to be flexible in its function. For instance, a more resilient small bottle labeling machine will be perfectly able to label round, square and any other irregular shape bottles without any parts changeover.


            Cost is an undeniable factor for most of the consumers whenever they intend to make a purchase, and it is crucial to do so. Hence, your preference should be to get quality equipment while keeping in view its price which will ultimately depict your rational decision.


            You are going to make your packaging more attractive and unique in the vast market of choice. In this case, it becomes obligatory to have quality equipment integrated with broad spectrum of features for precise working. Therefore, you can check the features of machine from diverse aspects.

            Customer Support

            Customer Support

            Customer service-Picture Courtesy:

            Do you want to have support of the vendor in case you find any difficulty in operating machine or want to change any part? Definitely you would! Thus, never overlook the availability of customer support on part of supplier.


            To conclude, we hope that this article has been helpful in resolving your queries about small bottle labeling machine. The significance and demand of this machine is gaining momentum after every passing day as manufacturers want to beautify their labeling by using this machine. If you are also desiring the same for your business, Allpack as an extensive line of small bottle labeling machine which perfectly complement your needs. For further information please contact us.

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            Small Bottle Labeling Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2025 Read More »


            Fluid Bed Processor: The Complete FAQ Guide In 2025

            Fluid Bed Processor: The Complete FAQ Guide In 2025


            Do you know what is a fluid bed processor? How can we use them to process fine powders, pellets, granules, and crystals? As one of the highlighting and important machines in the pharmaceutical industry, the fluid bed processor can help you with more than blending, granulating, and drying, but also pelletizing and coating different powders, particles, and granules. This FAQ guide can offer you the most complete and latest information about the fluid bed processor and their different appliance. Let’s start together!

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              1. What Is The Fluid Bed Processor?


              Fluid Bed Processor -sourced: senieer

              The fluid bed processor refers to a process in which a comprehensive technology can convert dusty powders into desirable granules. This process includes: blending, granulating, drying, pelletizing, and coating. Those machines are professionally designed for processing powders, pellets, granules, crystals, and tablets in different industries. It contains four main parts including granulating, drying, pelletizing, and coating.

              2. In Which Industries Are Fluid Bed Processors Mostly Applied?

              Through the continuous development of technology, the fluid bed processors can be widely applied in different industries:

              Pharmaceutical Industry


              The first field of application of fluid bed processors is the pharmaceutical industry. It was first applied to laboratory research and was later put into use in medical use. They are mainly used for transforming raw powders into different pharmaceutical granules for medical purposes including tablets and pills.

              Chemical Industry


              Fluid bed processors are often used to process some chemical powders, such as urea, fertilizers, herbicides, chemical detergents, insecticides, fungicides, pesticides, pigments, etc.

              Food Industry


              Fluid bed processors also can be applied for dealing food ingredients into granules or pellets to increase the shelf life, taste masking, ease of handling, controlled release, and improved taste or color. The main products for foods include soybean protein, solid beverages, instant coffee, dietary supplements, Chinese medicines, etc.

              3. What Materials Are Mostly Processed By The Fluid Bed Processor?

              The fluid bed processor can process fine powders, pellets, granules, crystals, tablets, etc. with good effects.

              Fine Powders


              Fine powders and particles are small in size and valuable for granulation. Most of the tablets and pills are made with fine powders by the tablet press machine and the fluid bed processor.



              Pellets are the raw materials for the fluid bed processor that produces the granules and tablets. Pellets are good heat-sensitive materials. In the process of being dissolved in the fluid bed, it can be melted and pelleted very well.



              The fluid bed processor can deal with all kinds of granules in different industries including pharmaceutical granules, food granules, chemical granules, agriculture granules, industrial granules, etc.



              The crystals can be controlled by the fluid bed processor with good effects. They are often applied by the chemical and agriculture industry for all kinds of fertilizers and other materials.

              4. What Materials Are Not Suitable For Fluid Bed Processors?

              Some materials are not suitable for processing by fluid bed processors due to machine technology:



              The fluid bed processor mainly sprays a fine adhesive mist through the nozzle on the top of the fluid bed to form the required particle sizes and shapes. This spray is mainly produced by materialized air and flows downwards. So, during the drying process, if you deal with liquids, it will have no effect.

              Pasty Materials


              During the drying process of a fluid bed processor, the pastry materials are not easily heated and fluidized, so they are not easily dried and coated during processing.

              5. What Is The Fluidization In The Fluid Bed Processor?


              Fluidization In The Fluid Bed Processor -sourced:

              Fluidization refers to the process when the gases are fed into the nozzle at a velocity greater than the settling velocity of the particles or solids, and the particles tend to remain suspended in the air and continue to flow upwards. This technical is the main method used in fluid beds during the fluid bed processor.

              6. What Are the Stages Of Fluidization In The Fluid Beds?


              Stages Of Fluidization In The Fluid Beds -sourced: kurimoto

              There are several stages of fluidization in the fluid bed processing:

              Static Bed

              The static bed process refers to the process when the supplied air passes through the fluid bed at a low velocity without disturbing the particles. There is no air suspension of particles during this process.

              Expanded Bed

              The bed will get expanded when the air used is at an intermediate rate.

              Mobile Bed

              When the granules and particles are swept off to the top of the bed due to the high flow of the used air with high velocity. The mobile bed occurs.

              Bubble Formation

              When the bed expands, and the used air in a high velocity, the bubble begins formation.

              Pneumatic Transport

              With the air velocity dramatically increasing, the particles and granules are blown out of the stream. This is the pneumatic transport.

              7. What Is The Fluid Bed In The Fluid Bed Processor?


              Fluid Bed In The Fluid Bed Processor -sourced: gea

              The fluid bed is a special container for heating, cooling, drying, or moisturizing the bulk solid materials by controlling the air and pressure inside. Each particle in the fluid bed will experience intense mixing so that different particles can transfer moisture to each other and heat.

              They are widely applied to dry, granulate, and coat different active pharmaceutical ingredients, food powders, chemical solids, or other formulations.

              8. What Is The Fluid Bed Granulation In The Fluid Bed Processor?


              Fluid Bed Granulation In The Fluid Bed Processor -sourced: researchgate

              The fluid bed granulation, also known as agglomeration, is one of the most important parts and techniques in the whole fluid bed process. By adding binders to the fluidized powders, these powders are then uniformly granulated according to pre-set parameters by the fluid bed granulation.

              9. What Are The Stages Of Fluid Bed Granulation?


              Stages Of Fluid Bed Granulation -sourced: spray

              During the granulation, the particles need to be dried and moistened first.

              Dry Stage Granulation

              In the dry stage granulation of the fluid bed processor, the particles need proper heat to keep "dry" in the entire process with only a slight wet for keeping tacky and sticky to each other.

              Wet Stage Granulation

              In the wet stage granulation of the fluid bed processor, the particles need a great amount of moisture to become solvable for granulation. So the spraying rate needs to be higher than the evaporation rate until the particles build up enough moisture to granulate.

              10. What Are The Features And Advantages Of The Fluid Bed Processor?

              Key features of fluid bed processor:

              Through-the-wall Installation

              Through-the-wall Fluid Bed Processor -sourced: ACG

              Most of the fluid bed processors are installed inside the wall and outside the wall to comply with the GMP requirements.

              Explosion Protection Design

              The design and materials used in The fluid bed processor all comply with explosion-proof, verification, identification, and legal requirements. It can provide important guarantees for your safe operation and use.

              Uniformity Finished Products


              The fluid bed processor adopts top and bottom spray granulation, and bottom spray coating, which can evenly coat your granules. By setting different parameters, it can manufacture and control a wide range of particle types.

              Advantages of fluid bed processor:

              Drying Granulation Coating In One Machine

              There are designs both for the design of fluid bed processors with drying, granulation, and coating in one machine, and separate designs for fluid bed dryers, fluid bed granulators, and fluid bed coaters for your different needs.

              Simple Cleaning


              It uses a continuous filter cleaning system, which can provide you with a larger filter area and allow you to replace the filter very easily. Therefore, it is more convenient for your later maintenance and cleaning.

              Customized Machine Lines

              The fluid bed processor is capable of handling drying, granulation, and coating at the same time, all its components are easy to install. It can provide each individual working system according to your fluid bed processor, which can meet the needs of your different production lines.

              11. What Are The Types Of The Fluid Bed Processor?

              There are various types of fluid bed processors, and there may be more than the types that I listed. Your additions are welcome later:

              Table Top Fluid Bed Processor


              Table Top Fluid Bed Processor -sourced: shaktipharmatech

              The table-top type fluid bed processor adopts a vertical design and an automatic mode of electrical control. Because of its compact design and the fact that it can be installed directly on the operating table (without grounding), this fluid bed processor provides you with flexible installation options.

              Its unique drying, granulating, and coating methods can efficiently spray active ingredients onto the carrier by top spraying. The tabletop type fluid bed processor is suitable for efficient, accurate, and uniform drying of solid powder at low temperatures.

              Mobile Type Fluid Bed Processor


              Mobile Type Fluid Bed Processor -sourced: shaktipharmatech

              The mobile-type fluid bed processor is removable and mobile with four rolls on the ground. It adopts a modular structure and simple design, which can provide you with flexible installation. The heating modes are selectable with the electrical, steam, and thermic fluid types. The top spray and bottom spray both can be precisely controlled with the control pump.

              Through-the-wall Fluid Bed Processor

              Through-the-wall Fluid Bed Processor -sourced: ACG

              The through-the-wall fluid bed processor is a multifunctional piece of equipment integrating top spray granulation, coating, tangential spray granulation, and bottom spray coating. This equipment has high efficiency and low material consumption. It is mainly composed of air handling devices, spray systems, filtration systems, feeding systems, cleaning-in-place systems, safety measures, and other components.

              Because the main body is supported by two columns, and the air-handling device and the like are embedded in the wall. The base part is pierced by the wall. The part exposed to the outside is composed of four parts: the base part, the product container, the expansion chamber, and the filtering type.

              Fluid Bed Multifunctional Processor

              Fluid Bed Multifunctional Processor

              Fluid Bed Multifunctional Processor -sourced: senieer

              The fluid bed multifunctional processor is also called an FBM fluid bed processor. It is a versatile and practical device. The swivel lower part of this appliance system swivels easily for quick filter changes and cleaning. The fluid bed multifunctional processor can be used for drying, granulation, and granule coating at the same time.

              By adopting the back-blowing filter system, this device can filter and clean continuously, and give you a larger filter area for easy filter replacement.

              12. What Is The Working Principle Of Fluid Bed Processor?

              Working Principle Of Fluid Bed Processor -sourced: glatt

              The working process of the fluid bed processor includes drying, granulation/agglomeration, powder coating/particle coating, and pelletizing.

              Fluid Bed Drying

              Fluid Bed Drying

              Fluid Bed Drying -sourced: andritz

              The fluid bed processor contains the fluid bed dryer which is one of the best ways to dry solids and particles. During fluidization, the fluid bed dryer will be heated and all the liquids will be drawn out from every particle surface. The fluid bed dryer will offer you good heat exchange and perfect drying time.

              Fluid Bed Granulation/agglomeration


              Fluid Bed Granulation/agglomeration -sourced: sciencedirect

              The granulation or agglomeration can apply good ways to produce granules from powders. In the top or bottom of the fluid bed, it will spray liquids or adhesive binders to the raw materials to moisten the granulates that are dried or cooled already. After that, all the granulates are soluble in water in low density.

              Fluid Bed Powder/particle Coating


              Fluid Bed Powder/particle Coating -sourced: researchgate

              By applying a layer of coating or protective film on the outer edge of the particles, it can cover the taste of the particles, prolonging the shelf life of the particles, or increasing the color and luster. The fluid bed processor was able to provide a high-quality and uniform coating process to the granules without any damage or tearing.

              Fluid Bed Pelletizing


              Fluid Bed Pelletizing -sourced: solutionpharmacy

              During the pelletizing, the powders are well mixed and moistened. After being drying and granulated with the agent, the agglomerates will be transformed into the uniform pellets with different layers.

              13. What Are The Main Parts And Structure Of The Fluid Bed Processor?

              There are three main parts of the fluid bed processor.

              Fluid Bed Dryer


              Fluid Bed Dryer -sourced: pharmaceuticalsky

              The fluid bed dryer is a container that ensures raw materials drying with heating techniques of proper temperature. The warm inside the container will heat the airflow that gently dries materials until the required moisture is reached.

              Fluid Bed Granulator

              Fluid Bed Granulator -sourced: glatt

              The fluid bed granulation, also known as agglomeration, is one of the most important parts and techniques in the whole fluid bed process. By adding binders to the fluidized powders, these powders are then uniformly granulated according to pre-set parameters by the fluid bed granulation.

              Fluid Bed Coater


              Fluid Bed Coater -sourced: gea

              The fluid bed coater is the combination of the spray granulation and the coating device. It can offer you high-quality and high-speed tablet coating functions. The coat can be applied in small-scale research and production applications and is suitable for granulating, drying, and coating with high efficiency.

              The main structure of the fluid bed processor is:


              Main Structure Of Fluid Bed Processor -sourced: pharmacygyan


              The inlet is for supplying the air and gases. The gases must be introduced from the top and heated to the required temperature by the heater.


              The outlet is dedicated to the exhaust gas. Discarding occurs as a result of heating and then filtering of the introduced gas. Also, the exhaust needs to be expelled from the top.

              Re-circulation Control

              Re-circulation control is mainly used for the circulation system of all gases in the container. If the gas in the container cannot be circulated, the introduction and discharge of air or gas will not be smooth.

              Air Heaters

              The air heaters are made of special heat-sensitive materials. It is mainly used to heat incoming air and gases. The heated gas will melt the material through the circulation system so that the subsequent granulation and coating can be carried out better.

              Hot Air

              Hot air is produced by heating air and gas with an air heater. Air and gases expand when heated moderately. In this way, the air circulation in the container is accelerated, so that the materials behind can be heated and dissolved evenly.

              Air Filter

              After the air and gas are heated by the air heater, they enter the filter. The filtered gas then enters the material bed at the bottom.


              Fans are mounted on top of the container. Anyway, it can accelerate the airflow and gas circulation in the container. This allows the heated gas to better dry the bore in the container.

              Filter Bags

              Filter bags have the shape of fingers. This can increase the area of the drying bed, help to increase the drying rate and reduce the drying time.

              Detachable Bowl

              The detachable bowl is used for holding the fluid solids and particles. Some type of fluid bed processor is designed with a vibrated bowl for special purpose.

              Fluidized Solids

              When the gas is flushed, the material is heated and dissolved, forming a fluid bed. The fluid bed will be expanded. After that, the fluid solids will be dried, granulated, and coated.

              Perforated Plate

              The fluid bed processor has a stainless steel chamber. The bottom of the stainless steel chamber has a removable perforated plate. During the drying process, the perforated plate ensures a uniform and stable distribution of fluidization.

              14. What Are The Types Of Spray System In The Fluid Bed Processor?


              Types Of Spray System In The Fluid Bed Processor -sourced: cjtech

              According to the position of the spray gun, there are  three types of spray system in the fluid bed processor:

              Top Spray


              Top Spray -sourced: cjtech

              The top spray nozzles are generally located on top of the fluid beds. This gives a good and comprehensive spray of the liquid mist onto the raw materials. The purpose of this design is to dissolve the raw materials well and distribute them evenly in the container. In this way, their packing density can be well controlled.

              Bottom Spray


              Bottom Spray -sourced: cjtech

              The bottom spray nozzles are all at the bottom of the fluid beds, spraying the liquid mist onto all the raw materials from bottom to top. This gives the appearance of a fountain. The bottom spray design achieves the highest coating quality and is able to provide the highest quality coating for all granules.

              Tangential Spray


              Tangential Spray -sourced: cjtech

              The technical principle of tangential spray is very similar to that of the bottom spray. The rotation of the chassis is driven by the motor to keep the particles continuously rotating. While the pellets are kept spinning, bottom spray paint is sprayed evenly and cleanly into the pellets.

              This process can be applied in the granulation process for better compressibility, and also in layering and coating for film coating, enteric coating, delayed release and hot-melt coating, etc.

              15. What Are The Common Problems In The Fluid Bed Processor?

              There are some common problems are easily occur in the process of fluid bed processors in different stages:

              Excessive Fines


              The inlet air temperature is too high. If the temperature is too high, the raw material will be damaged and will be excessively fined. The low rate of binder spray and the insufficient binder will also lead to the excessive fines of particles. If the fluidization velocity or airflow is too high, it will cause excessive fines, too.

              Poor Fluidization

              Poor Fluidization

              If you put too many products in the container or there is not enough pressure for the processor fan, it will cause poor fluidization. At the same time, if the air distributor plate is incorrect, it will cause poor fluidization.

              Moisture Inconsistency

              Due to inadequate process of drying, improper fluidization, and the displaced temperature probe, all will lead to moisture inconsistency.

              Insufficient Drip

              If the exhaust filter porosity is blocked or too small, the spray drip will not be efficient. So you need to check the exhaust filter every time before you use it and clean it up after application.

              Non-uniformity Of Finished Products


              If the finished products are not as uniform as you planned, there may be some problems with the filter shaking or the materials are too lumpy before you upload. You can control the filter shaking and spray time and make sure the time is long enough.

              16. What Are The Troubleshooting For The Fluid Bed Processor?

              During the fluid bed processing, a lot of problems may arise and there are a lot of considerations you need to take into account:

              Accidental Blast


              Because high pressure is easily generated in the stainless steel container. In the event of an accidental blast, you should check the filter regularly for clogging and you should clean the filter regularly.

              Lumps Or Oversized Particles


              Excessive moisture or too high a binder concentration will cause lumps or oversized particles. You need to lower the spraying rate and increase inlet air and inside temperatures.

              Powder Layer At The Dome And Filters

              Before uploading the raw materials, you need to preheat the fluid bed and add more water to spray liquids. To avoid the powder layer at the dome and filters, you need to lower the inlet air temperature first and reduce the spraying rate.

              Particles Low Density

              Pre-milling the raw materials at first and then reducing the binder concentration.


              The fluid bed processor brings you great benefits including improving your product quality and reducing the processing time and manufacturing cost. This advanced technique can help with the mixing of powder and liquids efficiently and uniformly. About this complete fluid bed processor FAQ guide, if there is more you want to know or you are curious about, you are welcome to our official page or consult our professional customer service.

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              Fluid Bed Processor: The Complete FAQ Guide In 2025 Read More »

              Household Products Industry

              Shrink Labeller: The Complete FAQ Guide In 2025

              Shrink Labeller: The Complete FAQ Guide In 2025

              Do you feel strange about shrink labeller? This is a practical packaging machine, you can regard it as the combination of labeling machine and shrink tunnel, why? This machine is to add the labels on the bottles, and then adopts heat shrinking method to let the labels fit the bottles perfectly. In other words, shrink labeller can provide beautiful and fit labeling to all kinds of products.

              Therefore, adding a shrink labeller to your business is a good choice for you, do you know how to choose a good shrink labeller? And do you understand this machine? If you don’t, don’t worry, you can read this FAQ guide which will introduce shrink labeller in detail.

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                1.What is a shrink labeller?

                shrink labeller

                Shrink Labeller-Photo Credit: APACKS

                Shrink labeller is an efficient automatic packaging machine which is to apply sleeve labels to different shaped containers and heat shrink them so that they can fit the containers tightly, to provide beautiful package and strong branding effect to your products. Shrink labeller is widely used in food, beverage, personal care products, pharmaceutical, household products industries, etc.

                2.How can a shrink labeller benefit you?

                A shrink labeller has many advantages and it can benefit you a lot, some of its advantages are as follows:

                High Flexibility

                High Flexibility

                As is mentioned that shrink labeller can heat shrink the sleeve labels to make them fit different containers, whether the shapes of these containers are regular or irregular, they can be easily labeled by shrink labeller. Moreover, shrink labeller is suitable for all kinds of label demands, such as full body, half body and so on.



                Shrink labeller provides product a tamper-evident package, the sleeve label covers the whole container, if the sleeve label is broken, it is obvious that the product is tampered. This advantage of shrink labeller can protect your rights, help you purchase reliable products.

                360-degree Branding

                360-degree Branding

                By using a shrink labeller, you can add a beautiful and designed label to your product, such a large area of package can make your product attractive and promote your brand. Why? It is because of the information and brand logo which are printed on the label, which can strengthen the impression of products of customers and enhance brand awareness.

                Save Cost

                Save Cost

                To be honest, using a shrink labeller in your production process can save your cost. On the one hand, this machine combines the operation of labeling and sealing, which simplify the packaging process; On the other hand, the shrink labeller can provide high speed production and fast changeover, as a result, it can label more products in limited time.

                3.Which industries have demand for shrink labeller?

                As you know, shrink labeller can label a variety of containers, therefore, it can be used in different industries, which will be listed next.

                Food Industry

                Food Industry

                Food Industry-Photo Credit: PDC International

                In fact, shrink labeller is commonly applied in food industry to package food products, including but not limited to dressings, jams, salads, all kinds of jarred and bottled snacks and so on. These food products are labeled by shrink labeller so that they have tamper-evident packages, which are beneficial for their sale.

                Beverage Industry

                Beverage Industry

                Beverage Industry-Photo Credit: CCL Label

                There is no doubt that shrink labeller plays a important role in beverage industry because nearly 90% of beverages are packed by sleeve labels. Various bottled and jarred fruit juices, carbonated drinks, electrolyte drinks, are labeled by the shrink labeller. This machine provide attractive and beautiful packaged to beverages, to increase their market competition.

                Personal Care Products Industry

                Personal Care Products Industry

                Personal Care Products Industry-Photo Credit: Packaging Strategies

                The personal care products, such as shampoo, conditioner, body milk, shower gel, face cleanser and so on, are packaged by sleeve labels, what equipment can do this operation? Obviously, it is shrink labeller. The personal care products which are packed by shrink labeller have beautiful appearances, are popular on the market.

                Pharmaceutical Industry

                Pharmaceutical Industry

                Pharmaceutical Industry-Photo Credit: Dion Label Printing

                In pharmaceutical industry, there are many medicine bottles packed by shrink labeller, no matter there are capsules, tablets, syrup or other medicines in them, the machine can provide perfect packaging and labeling to these bottles. By applying shrink labeller, the medicines are sealed in the bottles, not affect by air.

                Household Products Industry

                Household Products Industry

                Household Products Industry-Photo Credit: Eastgate Group

                You’ll never be unfamiliar with household products, including dish washing liquid, toilet cleaner, laundry detergent, disinfectant, hand sanitizer and so on. It is not difficult to find that they are packed by sleeve labels if you usually observe them, these products are shrink labeled by shrink labeller and get their fitting packages.

                4.What is the classification of shrink labeller?

                Is there only one type of shrink labeller on the market? Of course that the answer is “No”. So, how many types of shrink labellers there are? Let’s discuss together.

                • According to Degree of Automation

                (1).Manual Shrink Labeller

                Manual Shrink Labeller

                Manual shrink labeller has a compact design, it is small in size and can be operated on any tabletop. This machine has low degree of automation, all operations need to be done manually, you should put the bottle and label the bottle by your hands. Therefore, the labeling speed and accuracy of manual shrink labeller are low, this machine is suitable for family use or small scale production.

                (2).Semi-automatic Shrink Labeller

                Semi-automatic Shrink Labeller

                Compared with manual shrink labeller, semi-automatic shrink labeller has higher degree of automation, you only need to put and remove bottles, the machine will label the bottles automatically. Also, semi-automatic shrink labeller is more accurate than manual shrink labeller, therefore, it is more suitable for small to medium scale production.

                (3).Fully-automatic Shrink Labeller

                Fully-automatic Shrink Labeller

                Fully-automatic shrink labeller has the highest degree of automation, it can do all operations, which include bottle feeding, shrink label forming, labeling, heat shrinkage automatically. Fully-automatic shrink labeller has fast speed and high accuracy, can package a large amount of products in a short time, therefore, it is an ideal equipment for industries which require high production capacity.

                • According to Labeling Direction

                (1). Vertical Shrink Labeller

                Vertical Shrink Labeller

                Vertical Shrink Labeller-Photo Credit: Allma

                In the vertical shrink labeller, the bottles are conveyed and labeled in a standing position, therefore, this type of shrink labeller is suitable for bottles and other containers with various width range and label position application. In addition, the vertical shrink labeller is easy to integrated with other equipment.

                (2). Horizontal Shrink Labeller

                Horizontal Shrink Labeller

                Horizontal Shrink Labeller-Photo Credit: GIENICOS

                Compare with vertical shrink labeller, the horizontal shrink labeller is more suitable for labeling small, light and long products, because the products are horizontally placed on the conveyor and labeled. Horizontal shrink labeller can be applied in a variety of industries such as cosmetic, stationery, medical, confectionery and so on.

                5.How does shrink labller differ from regular labller?

                Both the shrink labeller and regular labeller are designed to label containers, however, are there any differences between the two machines? Let’s make a comparison between them.

                Shrink Labeller VS Regular Labeller

                Shrink Labeller VS Regular Labeller-Photo Credit: Siddhivinayak Engineering

                • Labeling Method: Basically speaking, the labeling methods of shrink labeller and regular labeller are different. Shrink labeller is to apply sleeve labels to containers and adopts heat shrink method to label them, while regular labeller directly sticks the labels on the containers.
                • Label Material: As a matter of fact, shrink labeller and regular labeller adopt different labels. Shrink labeller use sleeve labels which are made of all kinds of plastic materials such as PE, PVC, PETG, etc, while regular labeller uses paper labels in general.
                • Label Durability: As is mentioned that shrink labeller uses plastic labels while regular labeller uses paper label, therefore, the labeling which provided by shrink labeller is more durable because paper label get wet and break easily.
                • Suitable Container: Shrink labeller is suitable for almost any container, regardless of shape, size and material, this machine can provide the most fit labeling for different containers. Regular labeller can apply labels to the side, top and bottom of round bottles, cans, jars and so on, however, it can not label on irregular surfaces.

                6.How does a shrink labeller work?

                The working process of shrink labeller isn’t complex, you can simply understand it, only need to remember the following steps:

                working principle of shrink labeller

                • Bottle Loading: At the beginning, the bottles are put on the conveyor and delivered to the working station.
                • Sleeve Label Forming: Next, the plastic film which is on the film holder are fed into the working station, pulled and shaped by film pulling mechanism.
                • Bottle Positioning: When the bottle is delivered to the working station, there will be a pause, at this moment, the bottle is stopped and positioned so that the label can be applied on it accurately.
                • Labeling: When the bottle is stopped on the correct position, the film cutting mechanism will cut off the shaped sleeve label so that it can fall on the bottle and cover it exactly.
                • Heat Shrinkage: The next step is heat shrinkage, when the bottle is covered by sleeve label, it is heated and the sleeve label will shrink until it fits the bottle tightly.
                • Cooling: After the heat shrinkage process, the bottle will pass by a cooling section to cool down, during this period, the temperature drops gradually, the sleeve label is stable and finalized.
                • Inspection: Some shrink labeller is equipped with photoelectric sensors which can inspect unqualified products, then these products are rejected.
                • Discharging: And next is the final step, the labeled bottles are conveyed to the output and discharged.

                7.What is the structure of shrink labeller?

                structure of shrink labeller

                • Film Holder: The function of this part is to hold the plastic film which is used to label the containers.
                • Conveyor: Conveyor plays a role in delivering bottles, conveys them to the correct position, this is an important component of shrink labeller.
                • Film Feeding Mechanism: This part is to feed the film on the film holder to film pulling mechanism.
                • Film Pulling Mechanism: This part consists of several rollers, it is to pull and tension up the film and shape it.
                • Film Cutting Mechanism: After the film is shaped by film pulling mechanism, the film cutting mechanism cut off it so that a sleeve label is produced.
                • Touch Screen: You can regard the touch screen as the brain of the shrink labeller, it communicates instructions to other parts of the machine so that the whole machine can work smoothly.
                • Brush: The function of brush is to let remove the wrinkles on the labels, when the bottles pass by it, the brush will sweep up and down the label on the bottle, make the surface flattened, as a result, the labeling effect w+ill be perfect.
                • Shrink Tunnel: Shrink tunnel plays a role in heat shrinkage, when the bottle passes by this part, the label is shrunk under high temperature.

                8.Which kinds of shrink labeling styles can be provided by shrink labeller?

                Do you know that? Shrink labeller can provide different shrink labeling style, to meet different labeling demands, such as the following styles:

                Full-body Shrink Labeling

                Full-body Shrink Labeling

                Full-body Shrink Labeling-Photo Credit: Impact Sleeves

                As the picture shows, full-body shrink labeling is to cover the whole body of the bottles, including the caps. Full-body shrink labeling is generally applied in food and beverage packaging, make the products attractive and obvious.

                Standard Shrink Labeling

                Standard Shrink Labeling

                Standard shrink labeling is also called partial shrink labeling, which means that the label covers a large area of the bottle body, but doesn’t cover the cap. Standard shrink labeling doesn’t has the tamper-evident function, it is more suitable for packaging juices and drink water.

                Collar Shrink Labeling

                Collar Shrink Labeling

                Collar Shrink Labeling-Photo Credit: Traco Packaging

                This is a kind of tamper-evident labeling method, you can see that the bottle mouths are tightly sealed by the label. The collar shrink labeling is always used for packaging wine, beverage, cleaning products and so on, ensure a safe packaging.

                Multi-pack Shrink Labeling

                Multi-pack Shrink Labeling

                Multi-pack Shrink Labeling- Photo Credit: Traco Packaging

                This shrink labeling style is not as common as others, it is not label a singe product, but used to pack a group of products together, which is convenient for combination sales. This method is always applied in beverage and cleaning products packaging.

                9.Which types of containers are compatible with shrink labeller?

                It is mentioned that shrink labeller can package different containers, including bottles, cans, cups, jars, etc.



                Bottles-Photo Credit: Packaging Gateway

                Shrink labeller can deal with all kinds of bottles such as water bottles, wine bottles, juice bottles, drop bottles, irregular bottles and so on, and the labels can fit the bottle body perfectly. Generally speaking, industries such as beverage, pharmaceutical, chemical, personal care products, household products, need to add labels on bottles.



                The application of shrink labeller for cans is common in beer and carbonated beverage packaging. Originally, the products are packed in pure colored aluminum cans, which look a little ordinary. However, if you use shrink labeller to add colorful and designed labels on the cans, they will be totally different.


                Under what circumstances does the cups need to be shrink labeled? In general, there are many food products such as yogurt, ice cream, cheese and so on, are packed in cups. To make these products attractive and hot-selling, it is necessary to use shrink labeller to add labels on them.


                Of course, shrink labeller can be applied to package jars, no matter glass jars or plastic jars. No matter what kinds of shrink labeling styles you need to achieve on the jars, the shrink labeller can meet your needs. It is a good choice to use shrink labeller to package jars, because the machine can provide a tamper-evident and airtight labeling.

                10.What are the common issues of shrink labeller? How to solve them?

                As a commonly used equipment, there will also be some small issues during the work process of shrink labeller. When this situation happens, calm down, and try to solve them by yourself. And here are some common issues of shrink labeller, let’s learn them together.

                • There are wrinkles and fish eyes on the shrink label.


                Wrinkles & Fish Eyes-Photo Credit: Label & Labeling

                When there are wrinkles and fish eyes on the shrink label, the problem may be in the temperature, during the heat shrinkage process, if the temperature is uneven or not high enough, there will be this situation. What should you do to solve this problem? Just need to increase the tunnel temperature or airflow so that the degree of shrink is also increased.

                • The position of shrink label is up

                If the shrink label is positioned higher than originally planned, there might be two reasons, the first one, maybe the bottle is a a tapered design, and the other reason is that there are too much heat on the top of the bottle. The solution of this problem is simple, you should fix the label on the correct position before the heat shrinkage process.

                • Tearing or Over-Shrinking

                Tearing or Over-Shrinking

                Tearing or Over-shrinking-Photo Credit: PDC International

                If there is a tearing or over-shrinking problem of the shrink label, it may be that the temperature is too high or the heating time is too long during heat shrinkage. According to different causes, there are two solutions, the first one is to lower the temperature, and the other one is to shorten the heat time in the shrink tunnel.

                11.Are there any tips to maintain a shrink labeller?

                If you want to extend the service time of your shrink labeller, it is important to make good maintenance, the maintaining tips are as follows:


                The most vital thing is the cleaning, if there are too much dirt on your shrink labeller, it can not work smoothly. Every time when you finish using the shrink labeller, you need to use a wet cloth to swipe the machine body, and remove the dirt and dust on its surface, this operation is not only for cleaning, but also to prevent scratches on the machine.

                Notice that besides the surface of the whole machine, you also need to clean the rollers of shrink labeller, you should use soap water to swipe them so that they can work smoothly in the next time.

                Except cleaning, checking is also important, there are many things to check, you need to check whether there is a oil leakage of the machine, whether the screws are loosen, and whether the moving parts are worn. If these situations happen, remember to solve them in time, so as not to affect the normal operation of the shrink labeller.

                12.How to choose a shrink labeller for your business?

                Before purchasing a shrink labeller, you need to figure out what kind of machine is suitable for your business, therefore, there are some factors for you to consider.

                Production Speed

                Production Speed

                The most important thing is the production speed of a shrink labeller, you need to ask the manufacturer how many bottles can be labeled by the machine, and judge whether the speed of this shrink labeller can meet your demands. Don’t choose a shrink labeller whose speed is too slow, it will affect the whole production output.

                Machine Quality

                Machine Quality

                Also, you need to judge the quality of a shrink labeller, if the machine has a poor quality and often breaks down during production process, this is not allowed. Therefore, you’d better to test and try out the machine before purchasing, only if you confirm that the quality of the machine, you can consider to buy it.

                Space of Workshop

                By the way, the size of the machine you buy depends on the area of your workshop, there are large and small sized shrink labellers on the market, if you have enough space to accommodate this machine, you can buy a large one, otherwise, buy a smaller one.


                There is no doubt that shrink labeller is a high grade packaging equipment which can benefit you a lot, it has high efficiency and accuracy, is the best choice for industries. Anyway, after reading this blog, do you understand the shrink labeller? How do you think of this machine? Welcome to contact us if you have questions about shrink labeller.

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                Shrink Labeller: The Complete FAQ Guide In 2025 Read More »

                Sticker Labeling Machine-6

                Sticker Labeling Machine: The Complete Buying Guide in 2025

                Sticker Labeling Machine: The Complete Buying Guide in 2025

                Why is there a sticker label on every packaging container? The purpose of sticker labeling is to improve aesthetics, conveying information, and the brand’s logo or message to every consumer. A sticker labeling machine is an advanced solution for today’s competitive market which every successful business relies on. Have you ever seen any product without a label? Of course not!

                Sticker Labeling Machine

                Visual attraction is an important factor that prospers your business, and that accounts for the use of labels that appeals any customer. For this a sticker labeling machine accommodates its advantage in many industries.  If you’re planning to invest in a sticker labeling machine, then hold on! Go through this comprehensive article to get useful knowledge about this robust solution. Plus, how this machine can bring high profitability to your production; you’ll get to know this by reading this article.

                  Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

                  1.What Is A Sticker Labeling Machine?

                  Sticker Labeling Machine-1

                  Sticker Labeling Machine

                  A sticker labeling machine is an equipment that works by applying various types of adhesives to your packaging material, working efficiently at high speed with automatic functioning making it a reliable choice for your business that would require a good labeling system. The sticker label mentions details like manufacturing date, expiry date, ingredients and any advice for storage or how to use.

                  2.What Are the Industrial Applications Of Sticker Labeling Machine?

                  In today’s world product identification is of immense importance. That is where sticker labeling machine play its role. This machine is the part of routine labeling and is essential in brand recognition and product information labeling. This handy instrument has found its use in several industry, some of which are listed below:

                  Chemical Industry

                  Chemical Industry

                  Use of Sticker Labeling Machine in Chemical Industry

                  This industry regularly deals with dangerous and explosive chemicals. So, it is very necessary to label these chemicals for safe usage and effective disposal. Sticker labeling machine is usually utilized in chemical industry to apply safety instruction and descriptive labels to large chemical containers such as drums, buckets as well as small jars and bottles.

                  Food Industry

                  Food Industry

                  Use of Sticker Labeling Machine in Food Industry

                  Have you thought from where food ingredient labels come? Well, these plastic or paper labels are frequently glued to food product container such as pouches, bottles, jars, trays, tins, etc by the sticker labeling machine. By using this machine, brands usually provide information regarding ingredients, nutritional value, calories, expiry date to their customers.

                  Pharmaceutical Industry

                  Pharmaceutical Industry

                  Use of Sticker Labeling Machine in Pharma Industry

                  Use of pharmaceutical products can significantly affect the health of patient. Hence, it is essential that these products must be correctly labeled. Sticker labeling machine perform this job of accurately labeling pharmaceutical containers. Labels having generic formulas, usage information, expiry dates, etc, are often glued to exterior of pharmaceutical containers by sticker labeling machine.

                  Nutraceutical and Herbal Industry

                  Nutraceutical and Herbal Industry

                  Use of Sticker Labeling Machine in Nutraceutical and Herbal Industry

                  Since nutraceutical and herbal industry is the part of pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, it is recommended by drug regulatory authorities that nutraceutical and herbal supplements must be labeled with 100% accuracy to avoid miscommunication about these products. Sticker labeling machine are part of packaging lines in nutraceutical and herbal industry for precisely adhering durable and readable labels to various kinds of supplement packs.

                  Cosmetic Industry

                  Cosmetic Industry

                  Use of Sticker Labeling Machine in Cosmetic Industry

                  Beautifully design and aesthetically pleasing labels helps cosmetic packaging to standout on retail shelves. So, these labels are applied with caution and great care by sticker labeling machine. This machine labels front and back information panels of cosmetic containers. Moreover, it also glues wrap around labels to creatively package atypical shaped cosmetic containers.

                  Agriculture Industry

                  Agriculture Industry

                  Use of Sticker Labeling Machine in Pesticide Industry- Picture Courtesy: Cropaia

                  Weather-resistant and tough labels are adhered to large pesticide jerrycans, fertilizer pouches, and other agriculture packaging by sticker labeling machine in agriculture industry. This machine carries out traceable labeling and usually aids in sterilized information communication to guide farmers about usage of agriculture product.

                  Veterinary Industry

                  Veterinary Industry

                  Use of Sticker Labeling Machine in Veterinary Industry

                  In veterinary and pet industry, sticker labeling machine plays a significant role in labeling pet related products such as pet feed, bathing products, pet supplements, etc. This machine prints superior quality barcode and other useful information on different containers to helps customers selecting right kind of products for their beloved pet friends.

                  3.How Sticker Labeling Machine Works?

                  Sticker Labeling Machine Works

                  This machine is an integral component of different production lines because of its simple working process. Have a look at its undemanding working steps.

                  Loading Labeling Film

                  For prefect working of sticker labeling machine, first bulk labeling film is loaded for the holder and adjusted correctly to prevent label slippage. After precisely positioning labeling roll next fine tune tension in the labeling film. Then run test to ensure labeling components are in ideal working order.

                  Loading Labeling Film
                  Container Positioning

                  Next step is loading of containers on conveyor belts. A mechanical sensor detects the position of containers on the containers and keep them at fixed distance from each other. This part also moves the containers in the direction of conveyor.

                  Container Positioning

                  Picture Courtesy: CDA

                  Container Labeling

                  When containers reach labeling area, the drive wheel in this area force labeling belt to move which causes the labeling sticker to move out of the roll. The labeling wheel then sticks the labels to the surface of containers.

                  Container Labeling

                  After label adhering containers leave the labeling station and enter downstream packaging machine from where they are moved to final shipment area.


                  4.Why Sticker Labeling Machine Is Important And How Beneficial Is It?

                  Sticker labeling machine are often employed for security purposes in different industry for tamper-proofing and anticounterfeiting purposes. Some handy pros of this equipment are discussed below for your understanding.

                  Accuracy and Precision

                  Accuracy and Precision

                  Picture Courtesy bb-automation

                  One of the biggest cons of manual labeling is-human error. Manual labeling can frequently result in misplacement or peeling of glued labels. But with sticker labeling machine you can accurately and precisely label your products. This results in durable and rightly placed labels thus reducing products recalls.

                  Flexibility and Versatility

                  Flexibility and Versatility

                  Sticker labeling machine offers you flexibility in your product labeling. You can label tens of differently designed containers using sticker labeling machine. Moreover, this instrument is versatile as it can process various types of labels whether paper or plastic, peel-off or self-adhesive.

                  Product Communication and Brand Building

                  Product Communication and Brand Building

                  In this digital world people want to know what kind of product they are buying. Sticker labeling machine glues labels for better product information communication. These labels inform users about facts and details of products. Furthermore, labels are adhered on containers for brand building and awareness.

                  Tracing Products

                  Tracing Products

                  Picture Courtesy: Labeling Machine

                  With the help of modern technology QR codes, RFID, tamper-evident labels, etc, are stick to containers by sticker labeling machine for security and safety of products while in transit. Sticker labeling machine is routinely employed in industry for better tracing and tracking of products and also by using products labels you can decrease anticounterfeiting activities.

                  Ease in Operation

                  Ease in Operation

                  Picture Courtesy: JDP Automation

                  Current sticker labeling machine is designed with high-tech components such as advanced HMI, sensors, safety gears, and PLC systems that allows for ease in operation and simplicity in machine programming. Furthermore, operators can easily change format with pre-saved data recipes.

                  5.What Is the Basic Classification Of Sticker Labeling Machine?

                  Sticker labeling machine is classified in several different ways. Classification of this machine is discussed in detail below:

                  Basic Classification Of Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Based on Design Configuration

                  There are two sub-categories of sticker labeling machine based on design configuration.

                  Linear Sticker Labeling Machine


                  This type of sticker labeling machine has a straight line or L shaped design configuration. The conveyor systems in this machine transport packaging containers one by one through the labeling station. The production speed of this machine is slow than its rotary counterpart because conveyor pause while container labeling is in process.

                  Rotary Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Rotary Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Picture Courtesy: Cosmetic Equipment

                  This machine has rotary table or star wheel where multiple labeling heads are present for simultaneous container labeling. The star wheel rotates to label multiple containers in a given time. This rotary sticker labeling machine is ideal for larger production because of its fast speed and high label processing.

                  Based on Automation

                  Three types of sticker labeling machines are present in market when classified on automation level.

                  Manual Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Manual Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Manual Sticker Labeling Machine

                  It is a simple device needing high human intervention. Label roll is manually loaded on the unwind disk. Labeling head and other components are adjusted and aligned by operator in this equipment. Containers are placed under labeling head one by one for labeling. This machine is popular in home-based industry due its easy operation and low cost.

                  Semi-automatic Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Semi-automatic Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Semi-automatic Sticker Labeling Machine

                  An ideal solution for small and medium scale industries as this machine process thousands of packaging containers per hour. Operator simply have to load and unload containers while this equipment is capable of carrying out labeling functions independently. Semi-automatic sticker labeling machine has compact construction and is accommodated in small space.

                  Automatic Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Automatic Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Automatic Sticker Labeling Machine

                  This type of sticker labeling machine requires minimal human assistance and operate as an independent unit. Operator just have to set labeling format on the touch screen. This machine operates at higher speeds and is easily integrated into production plants. It has automatic sensors, PLC systems, and alarms for fast and safe labeling.

                  Based on Adhesive Characteristics

                  Three types of sticker labeling machines are available depending upon adhesive characteristics.

                  Wet Glue Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Wet Glue Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Wet Glue Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Wet or cold glue is type of adhesive that is employed by this sticker labeling machine for container labeling. This machine is typically employed for labeling over products that are not thermos-sensitive and also for aesthetic labeling because it applies thin glue layer. It is effective for hard-to-peel labeling on glass, tin, and plastic containers.

                  Hot Melt Glue Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Hot Melt Glue Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Hot Melt Glue Sticker Labeling Machine- Picture Courtesy: Higee

                  This type of machine uses hot melt glue for labeling purposes. Glue applicator in this machine melts glue at high temperature and then put this glue on back labels. It uses precut paper, foil, or label film and has the advantage of lower glue consumption. It is usually employed for wrap-around heat resistant labeling.

                  Self-Adhesive Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Self-Adhesive Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Self-Adhesive Sticker Labeling Machine- Picture Courtesy: ibc machine

                  Rather than using hot or cold glue, this machine uses labels that self-adhesive. It is also known as pressure-sensitive sticker labeling machine as it applies sticky labels on containers using pressure. It can process containers with different shapes and sizes such as square, round or oval, etc.

                  Based on Label Position

                  On basis of label positioning, there are four categories of sticker labeling machine.

                  Three Roller Positioning Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Three Roller Positioning Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Three Roller Positioning Sticker Labeling Machine- Picture Courtesy: vkpak

                  As name suggest, this machine has three rollers that assist in precise positioning of labels over packaging. These rollers prevent misorientation and crumpling of labels. It is mostly employed for accurate and fast labeling of curved objects.

                  Wrap-around Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Wrap-around Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Wrap-around Sticker Labeling Machine

                  This machine work best with round containers and cover them at centre fully or partially. Wrap-around sticker labeling machine easily handles long labels and apply them perfectly without any positioning error.

                  Double Side Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Double Side Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Double Side Sticker Labeling Machine- Picture Courtesy: Pacific Inline Filling, Filler

                  It is also known as front and back sticker labeling machine since it applies labels at front and back panel of packaging objects. It handles every shaped container whether oval or rectangular, square or cylindrical. This equipment usually uses pre-glue stickers to create strong and durable bond with containers.

                  Flat Top Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Flat Top Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Flat Top Sticker Labeling Machine- Picture Courtesy: Higee

                  For one side labeling flat objects such as pouches, bags, boxes, cardboard cartons, etc, flat top sticker labeling machine is employed in industries. It can be offered with printers for printing bar codes, dates, and batch numbers on packaging. Moreover, it has benefit of superior quality labeling without air bubbles or crinkles.

                  Based on Printing

                  There are two kinds of sticker labeling machine when classified on the basis of printing.

                  Preprinted Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Preprinted Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Preprinted Sticker Labeling Machine

                  It is a simple machine without any printers and usually uses custom-made film label rolls for gluing stickers on the exterior of packaging. It can label one or two sides of containers or can be used as a wrap-around sticker labeling machine. This equipment has fewer components and is easily to maintain.

                  Print & Apply Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Apply Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Print & Apply Sticker Labeling Machine- Picture Courtesy: Labeling Machine

                  This machine is customized with printers and is utilized for directly printing labels and applying them to objects. It has UV inks and thermal transfer printer for printing high-definition graphic labels and barcodes on film or paper. Moreover, it has high-speed label applicator for steady label application.

                  Based on Orientation

                  There exist two categories of sticker labeling machine when classified based on orientation.

                  Vertical Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Vertical Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Vertical Sticker Labeling Machine- Picture Courtesy: Sharp Pharma Machinery

                  This machine sticks labels in the vertical direction over product packaging such as lip-gloss, eye liner, ampules, vials, and tubes. It is ideal for creating a smooth and elegant finishing over products. Usually, this machine is employed for aesthetic purposes in pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic industry.

                  Horizontal Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Horizontal Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Horizontal Sticker Labeling Machine- Picture Courtesy: vkpak

                  This machine has glue applicator and label applicator for applying labels horizontally over products. It is suitable for accurately labeling flat containers like boxes or cartons or on bottles. Moreover, this machine applies self-adhesive, thermal transfer, and wet glue labels. It operates at high speed for consistent labeling.

                  Based on Packaging Type

                  There are three different kinds of sticker labeling machine when classified depending upon packaging type.

                  Pouch Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Pouch Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Pouch Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Pouch packaging is gaining immense recognition in packaging world. So, special pouch sticker labeling machine is developed that deals with flat or standup pouches, zipper pouches, sachets, or stick packs. This machine normally applies double-sided labels on pouches with minimal error rate.

                  Carton Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Carton Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Carton Sticker Labeling Machine- Picture Courtesy: vkpak

                  This machine adheres both preprinted as well as machine printed labels at the front, back, top, and bottom sides of cartons or other tertiary packaging for tracking, tracing, scanning, and storing, and identifying products during transportation. It sticks firm and durable labels that withstand rough handling while shipment.

                  Bottle Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Bottle Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Bottle Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Automatic bottle sticker labeling machine are equipped with fast controls and highly accurate sensors for labeling bottles and jars having shapes such as round, cylindrical, hexagonal, square, oval, and also atypical shaped bottles. This machine has low error rate thus is preferred by food, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, beverage, and chemical industries.

                  6.What Are the Components Of Sticker Labeling Machine?

                  Components Of Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Some important components of sticker labeling machine are listed below:

                  Touch Screen HMI It is a touch sensitive HMI display screen which facilitates the programming of machine operation. Users can modify labeling settings on this smart and intuitive touch screen interface.
                  Electric Cabinet It is an enclosure where different kinds of relays, switches, knobs, buttons, wires, etc are present for smooth running of sticker labeling machine. This is usually made with fire-proof and explosion-proof material to prevent electric accidents.
                  Labeling Positioning Photoelectric It is an extreme sensitive sensor that automatically detects the direction and placement of labels. Light beam is employed by these sensors for accurately placing labels on moving containers.
                  Label Recycle It is like a label rewind system as it can be employed for rewinding the label back into roll once no container is detected on the conveyor.
                  Unwind Rollers They are different types of rollers that are essential in in unspooling labels from the label rolls. These rollers are normally located at the top or start of the sticker labeling machine and play important role in label feed.
                  Labeling Head Adjusting Mechanism This component is responsible for manually or automatically altering the height of labeling head. This mechanism consists of hand wheel or level for manual adjustment. It aids in accuracy and consistency of labeling process.
                  Product Conveyor Conveyors are the transport systems that carries product containers across the sticker labeling machine. These conveyors are powered by motors or hydraulic cylinders for movement. They increase the productivity of sticker labeling machine by rapidly transporting containers across labeling station.
                  Label Unwind Disk It is a rotating plate having holes or slots for passing labels. It is powered by motors which facilitates its rotation. This component aids in unwinding of labels from roll and ensures smooth and steady label feed.

                  7.What Is the Complete Production Line Of The Sticker Labeling Machine?

                  A good label always creates a great impression on customers. Sticker labeling machine is useful instrument that aids in standing out of products among crowd. But this machine is often integrated with other machine to create unique packaging results. The order of machine in production line of sticker labeling machine is listed below:

                  Bottle Unscrambling Machine

                  Bottle Unscrambling Machine

                  Picture Courtesy: HG Molenaar

                  This machine aligns bulk amount of containers in proper standing position on the conveyors systems. The containers are typically loaded in the random order inside the hopper but this machine collects containers for their proper orientation.
                  Filling Machine

                  Filling Machine
                  Picture Courtesy: PCI Magazine

                  This machine utilizes several kinds of filling systems such as auger fillers, volumetric fillers for precise loading different kinds of products inside the containers.
                  Capping Machine

                  Capping Machine

                  Picture Courtesy: Asset Packaging Machine

                  For preventing product leakage and spillage, capping machine are normally employed in production lines. It uses servo motors and capping heads for seurely fixing caps or lids on the opening of containers.
                  Induction Cap Sealing Machine

                  Induction Cap Sealing Machine

                  Picture Courtesy: Industry Plaza

                  It is often employed for creating hermatic seal bwteen cap and opening of container. Heating create electromagnetic field for melting and bonding foil with container. This form premanent seal that reduces tampering risk.
                  Cartoning Machine

                  Cartoning Machine

                  Picture Courtesy: Shineben Machinery

                  It is a tertiery packaging machine that has carton errector for errecting carton and product loader for automatically packaging products inside the carton. This machine usually packs bulk quantities of product packaging inside the secure box for convinent shipment.

                  8.How To Clean and Maintain A Sticker Labeling Machine?

                  Clean and Maintain A Sticker Labeling Machine

                  Cleaning and maintaining a sticker labeling machine ensure its long and healthy operational life. So clean and do preventive maintenance regularly to avoid dust accumulation that causes problems in longer run. Here are some cleaning and maintenance tips for your learning.

                  Cleaning of Sticker Labeling Machine Maintenance of Sticker Labeling Machine
                  Before washing any part of sticker labeling machine, first remove any powdered products or label materials from the machine with the help of brush.

                  Then use lint-free cloth to remove dust or debris from the surface of the machine.

                  Dissemble the machine parts.

                  Use mild detergent and water mixture to thoroughly wash the equipment for removing sticky product or left-over glue.

                  Use brush and detergent solution to fully clean hard to reach parts.

                  Use air blowers or direct sunlight to completely dry dismantled components before reassembling them.

                  Examine sticker labeling machine on the daily basis for defects or damage to any component. Repair or replace any worn-out or defective part.

                  Check the alignment and configuration of rollers, labeling head, conveyors, and unwinding disk on the weekly basis.

                  Lubricate the moving parts as well as different nuts and bolts weekly.

                  Check working order of sensors correctly on weekly basis.

                  Examine loose cables and other electric connections monthly.

                  Check level of oil in gear box on the monthly basis. If level of oil is low then top it up.

                  9.What Are the Major Technical Problems And Solutions Of Sticker Labeling Machine?

                  Technical problems in sticker labeling machine are the major source of headache and stress for businesses because they could cause a lot of money and time. However, these problems are easily resolved by training operators. Below is the list of some major technical problems and their solutions.

                  Tearing of Labels

                  Probable Cause Solution Picture
                  This problem could arise due to incorrect tension or sharp edges of the labels.

                  It also occurs due to debris buildup on rollers.

                  Adjust the settings of labeling procedure to ensure that tension is either not too tight or not too loose. Secondly make ensure that labels do not have any sharp point. Clean the rollers thoroughly before start of labeling process. debris buildup on rollers

                  Picture Courtesy: Design & Paper

                  Flagging or Bulging of Labels

                  Probable Cause Solution Picture
                  This problem could arise because of incompatible label size. If labels have big size or does not design according to curvature of container. This could cause label slumping or swelling. Redesign your labels keeping in mind dimensions of your packaging container. could cause label slumping or swelling

                  Picture Courtesy: Food Navigator Asia

                  Air Bubbles in Labels

                  Probable Cause Solution Picture
                  When container is manufactured using lower quality glass then this results in rigid glass containers having minute peaks and valleys. This rough surface of container traps air upon label application resulting in visible air bubbles. This problem is avoided by using containers manufactured with appropriate materials. traps air upon

                  Picture Courtesy: Label & Litho

                  Labels Jamming the Labeling Head

                  Probable Cause Solution Picture
                  On high temperature, glue on labels become soft and oozy resulting in strain in removing labels from roll. Moreover, these gluey labels also block label head. Maintain accurate temperature as recommended by label manufacturer during labeling process as well as storage of labels. block label head

                  Picture Courtesy: Aligned

                  Labels Do Not Stick Properly to Containers

                  Probable Cause Solution Picture
                  If tension in the film is not accurate this could result in peeling off of labels. Moreover, if labeling head is not properly aligned this could lead to non-stickiness of labels. Another possible reason is defective in die strike. Adjust the tension in the film. Properly configure labeling head. Replace damaged die strike.



                  Picture Courtesy: Wizard Label

                  10.What Is the Factor That Must Be Considered When Purchasing A Sticker Labeling Machine?

                  Purchase of sticker labeling machine is a big investment that could have zero return if no planning is put into buying process. Several factors should be considered to purchase right kind of sticker labeling machine that is completely compatible with your production line.

                  Determine Your Production Efficiency

                  Determine Your Production Efficiency

                  Picture Courtesy: BellatRx

                  Before going for purchase first look into production efficiency of your production line. If you are processing hundreds of thousand products per day then it is best that you buy automatic sticker labeling machines as it can label thousands of containers per hour. This will speed up your production.

                  Access Installation Space

                  Access Installation Space

                  Picture Courtesy: Lab Packaging

                  Measure the plant space that will accommodate your future sticker labeling machine. This will give you an idea about the size of sticker labeling machine. This is important as installing large machine in overcrowded space can negatively impact packaging process.

                  Evaluate Your Existing Machines

                  Evaluate Your Existing Machines

                  Picture Courtesy: ULMA Packaging

                  Before buying sticker labeling machine, access your existing instrumentation and determine what kind of sticker labeling machine will work best with your production line. This will help in easy integration of your purchased system.

                  Look into Container and Label Types

                  Look into Container and Label Types

                  Different Labeling Formats

                  Determine your container shape and manufacturing material. As not all kinds of labels are suitable for every container material-glass, plastic or metal. If you are dealing with unusual shaped containers then select that machine that is capable of handling said shaped container.

                  Prioritize Advance Machine Controls

                  Prioritize Advance Machine Controls

                  Picture Courtesy: Nevatio Engineering

                  Go for sticker labeling machine that is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and computerized controls. This machine would have ease of usage and latest alarm sensor systems to assist in safety and accuracy of production systems.


                  Labeling has significant important in every industry for product recognition. Thus, sticker labeling machine is a wide-ranging and adaptable solution that boost high accuracy and lower labeling error rate. This increases your product sale by visually pleasing labeling. Allpack is a brand best known for its excellent quality labeling turnkey solutions and ever-ready customer support. We are offering cutting-edge sticker labeling machine with best price range. Contact us on our helpline if interested in purchase.

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                  CONTACT US

                  Tell us your raw material and project budget to get quotations within 24 hours.

                  WhatsApp Us: +86 181 7101 8586

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                  Sticker Labeling Machine: The Complete Buying Guide in 2025 Read More »

                  Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine-5

                  Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2025

                  Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2025

                  Got tired of repeating tablet counting to confirm accuracy? Be ready to forget this tiresome job! If you are small batch runner or having medium scale production in pharmaceutical, chemical or food industry, Allpack's striking solution of semi-automatic tablet counting machine is one-step solution to boost up your productivity, ensure counting precision and preserve hygiene.

                  Tablet Counting Machine

                  This efficacious equipment is particularly designed for all these industries who want to automate their packaging line but are hesitant to spend huge amount on expensive machine. Therefore, the machine is perfectly equipped with ergonomic features and with having small footprint, it is affordable and easy to maintenance. So, what are you waiting for? Take start and delve into the deep sea of knowledge for exploring a semi-automatic tablet counting machine!

                    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

                    1.What Is A Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine?

                    Tablet Counting Machine-1

                    Allpack Semi-automatic tablet counting machine

                    Semi-automatic tablet counting machine is an electrical machine made with high quality corrosion resistant stainless steel to facilitate the tablet counting. It is particularly designed to sort, count and fill the prescribed amount of tablets, capsules and troches into bottles or containers while preserving their hygiene and sterility. While performing the assigned task, it only requires operator to load the hopper with tablets and stand with empty bottles, thereby, carrying the rest of counting task automatically.

                    To put into context, the machine is holding immense significance for small to medium scale production facilities due its affordable price, compact texture and the intelligent alerted system for incorrect counting.

                    2.Explain The Essential Features Of A Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine?

                    A semi-automatic tablet counting machine has been made with astonishing features which are explained below:



                    Various pills-Picture Courtesy: Body Logic MD

                    Unlike manual tablet counting machine, semi-automatic tablet counting machine requires limited operator intervention and therefore, increase tablet counting efficiency.

                    High Precision

                    High Precision

                    Tablets-Picture Courtesy: Plenty lifestyle

                    Featured with photoelectric system, the machine is able to ensure high accuracy rate during counting. In addition, the-built in weighing and dosing system enable the machine to extremely perfect counting results by preventing over or under-dosing.


                    This is flexible and can be easily adjusted for meeting various needs of tablets counting. For instance, bottles with different diameters can be processed by this machine by simply adjusting the U-shaped positioner up and down.

                    Compact Structure

                    Compact Structure

                    Semi-automatic tablet counting machine-Picture Courtesy: pharmatec engineering

                    Semi-automatic tablet counting machine is more precise and compact in its structure enabling user for easy controlling and mobilization.



                    Cost-effective-Picture Courtesy: AH accounting

                    Despite having advance technological features and heavy-duty construction, the machine is cheaper than fully automatic machines which is making it more cost-effective.

                    3.Which Type Of Bags And Containers Can be processed By A Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine?

                    There are range of containers and bags which a semi-automatic tablet counting machine is able to process. These are shown below:



                    Bags-Picture Courtesy:

                    All types of bags including sachets, pouches, standup pouches, and stick packs made up of plastic or aluminum can be processed by a semi-automatic tablet counting machine.



                    Bottles-Picture Courtesy: thingtesting

                    Bottles are the most common storage containers used for holding tablets and capsules. Therefore, bottles whether of plastic or glass are often kept under the chute of semi-automatic tablet counting machine to be filled with tablets and other stuff.



                    Jars-Picture Courtesy: The Hive

                    Jars are storage containers usually made from glass or plastic. They are comparatively larger than bottles, thereby, suitable for candies and grain etc.



                    Cans-Picture Courtesy:

                    Cans are steel containers widely used for products which needs extra protection against breakage. Hence, operator may hold cans for loading under the semi-automatic tablet counting machine.

                    4.What Do You Know About The Working Principles Of A Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine?

                    Semi-automatic tablet counting machine is extremely handy to use. You will get its working process just by going through the points below:

                    Working Principles

                    Manual Placement

                    Manual Placement

                    Manual placement-Picture Courtesy: Technopack

                    To begin with the operation of the machine, the first phase consists of the manual placement of bottles under the machine filling chute and loading of hopper with tablets or capsules etc.

                    Tablet Detection

                    Tablet Detection

                    Tablet detection-Picture Courtesy: CVC Technology

                    Now, when machine is turned on, the process of tablet counting get started with tablets being released from the hopper onto vibratory tray and circular disk sequentially. At the same time, these tablets are detected by the electric photo sensor for broken tablets.

                    Tablet Counting

                    Following the pace, tablets which undergone detection phase are pushed into the tablet counting compartment. Here, the prescribed amount of tablets are counted.

                    Bottle Filling

                    At the end, counted tablets are filled into bottles or containers through V-shaped positioner one after another. These filled bottles are then manually ousted by the operator.

                    5.Describe The Structure Of A Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine?

                    The structure of semi-automatic tablet counting machine is made up of several components each performing each crucial. They are as follows:

                    Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine

                    Structure of semi-automatic tablet counting machine-Picture Courtesy: CVC Technology


                    Hopper is a type of container with pyramidal or conical shape which is used for holding bulk tablets or capsules in semi-automatic tablet counting machine.

                    Vibrating Unit

                    It consists of vibratory trays which is attached to the feeding hopper from where it takes the tablets and releases into sorting disk.

                    Sorting Disk

                    It is round disk where tablets are processed for accuracy. When tablets revolve in this disk, dust separator filter the dust in collection bin.

                    Counting Compartment

                    Counting compartment is a small device with integrated photoelectric system where tablets are accurately counted.

                    Sleeve Hopper

                    Sleeve hopper is V-shaped stainless steel device through which counted tablets are discharged into bottles.

                    U-shaped Stand

                    This stand is located under the sleeve hopper, over which bottles are placed for filling tablets. Its height can be adjusted with varying sizes of bottles.

                    Stainless Steel Body

                    The body of machine includes its main frame, standing support and other parts made up of stainless steel. Together they contribute to the stable performance of machine.

                    Touch Screen Display

                    Touch screen display is located on the front side of semi-automatic tablet counting machine through which user communicates the commands to machine.

                    Emergency Stop

                    It is big button with red color positioned in the front of machine. It helps the user to suddenly stop the operation in case of error or any abnormality.

                    6.Which Products Are Supported By A Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine?

                    A semi-automatic tablet counting machine is capable of counting vast array of products including:



                    Tablets-Picture Courtesy: Venus Galea

                    All types of coated, uncoated and compressed pharmaceutical tablets can be easily counted by this machine while preserving their sterility.

                    Hard Capsules

                    Hard Capsules

                    Capsules-Picture Courtesy:

                    Counting hard capsules containing liquid, powder or granules, is a difficult task due to their risk of getting separated, but this machine is intelligent enough to perform this task safely.

                    Softgel Capsules

                    Softgel Capsules

                    Softgel Capsules-Picture Courtesy:

                    A semi-automatic tablet counting machine can be used for counting softgel capsules different types such as omega-3, vitamin and proteins softgel capsules etc.



                    Candies-Picture Courtesy:

                    Apart from medicines, sweets and solid dosage confectioneries such as candy, jelly, chocolate balls and bubble can also be counted via this machine.



                    All types of food grain including heart beans, kidney beans, pulses and cereals can be counted by using this machine.

                    7.What Are The Types Of A Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine?

                    This question is holding immense pleasure for you, as it is going to disclose the huge varieties of semi-automatic tablet counting machine among which you can pick any one which compliment your needs. Let's have a look at these innovative machines:

                    Tabletop Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine

                    Tabletop Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine

                    Tabletop semi-automatic tablet counting machine 

                    Tabletop semi-automatic tablet counting machine is unique design double-rail machine with simple vibratory system that automatically regulates the tablet counting once machine is supplied with tablets. It is capable of supporting diverse containers including bags, bottles and cans etc. Moreover, range of industries including food, medical and cosmetic can take advantage of this efficient machine for high output.

                    Rotary Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine

                    Rotary Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine

                    Rotary semi automatic tablet counting machine 

                    Rotary semi-automatic tablet counting machine is a light weighted machine made with electromagnetic energy which also provides easy way for operator to administer the counting process without any interruption. Several components including stainless steel rotary disk, stand, molds, a hanging brush, control unit, and a discharge funnel. The process of machine starts with loading bulk tablets into rotary disk, whose constant vibration create rotation and eventually lead to the filling of empty molds with tablets. These tablets are then fall from the molds into discharge funnel and container respectively. It is widely applicable to hospitals, food and herbal industries.

                    Electric Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine

                    Electric Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine

                    Electric semi-automatic tablet counting machine-Picture Courtesy: Omnia Health

                    Electric semi-automatic tablet counting machine is small footprint device which perfectly carry out the counting of tablets, pills and capsules. It consists of a disk, digital display, electric system, and a discharge chute. The machine simply works, when operator put the uncounted tablets onto disk, by constantly moving disk as a result of which the tablets are counted and filled into bottle or container via discharge chute. It is ideally recommend for laboratory use.

                    8.Differentiate Between Fully Automatic Tablet Counting Machine and Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine?

                    To know the differences between fully automatic tablet counting machine and semi-automatic tablet counting machine consider the table below:

                    No Factors Fully Automatic Tablet Counting Machine Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine
                    1 Nature It is fully automatic by nature with minimum or no manual intervention It is semi-automatic in nature which is upon user for functioning
                    2 Process It follows continuous process until the desired number of bottles are filled and stop automatically The process of semi-automatic tablet counting machine is continuous until the user is involved in bottle loading and unloading
                    3 Structure It has complex structure with large number of components, thus, cover more space It is precise and compact which requires less room surface and is easy to mobilize
                    4 Speed Its speed is extraordinary due to full automation of process It is efficient than manual tablet counting machine but slower as compared to fully automatic tablet counting machine
                    5 Cost It is expensive due to heavy-duty construction and integrated features It is cost-effective and affordable to purchase
                    6 Application Large scale industries Small to medium volume production facilities
                    7 Pictures Fully Automatic Tablet Counting Machine

                    Full automatic tablet counting machine

                    Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine-1

                    Semi automatic tablet counting machine

                    9.What Are The Applications Of A Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine?

                    There is a long list of small to medium scale industries where the use of a semi-automatic tablet counting machine is undeniable. These industries are highlighted below in detail:

                    Pharmaceutical Industry

                    Pharmaceutical Industry

                    Pharmaceutical pills-Picture Courtesy: health

                    Pharmaceutical industry is all time top sector where the entire processing is based on tablets, whether it is manufacturing, counting or packaging. Hence, this precise machine is the perfect choice for undertaking the counting and filling of tablets, pills, hard capsules and softgels.

                    Veterinary Industry

                    Veterinary Industry

                    Pet pills-Picture Courtesy:

                    With growing concern for animals' treatment, veterinary industry has been instrumental in providing effective drugs for this purpose. Here, a semi-automatic tablet counting machine can play its role in this respect.

                    Food Industry

                    Food Industry

                    Candies-Picture Courtesy:

                    Huge number of food items including gummies, candies, chocolates, and bubbles need to be counted before their packaging. Therefore, semi-automatic tablet counting machine is the best suitable to perform this task.

                    Cosmetic Industry

                    Cosmetic Industry

                    Nutritional gummies-Picture Courtesy:

                    As cosmetic industry is engaged in producing beauty gummies, vitamin capsules and softgels, it is clear that a semi-automatic tablet counting machine is relevant to be used there.

                    Agricultural Industry

                    Agricultural Industry

                    Seeds-Picture Courtesy:

                    You might be surprised after reading that agricultural industry can be among the areas where this machine can be used. However, it has been long that different agricultural seeds such as cereals, beans and rice etc., are counted during their packaging.

                    10.What Are The Drawbacks Of A Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine?

                    Tablet Counting Machine-5

                    Drawbacks-Picture Courtesy:

                    Where semi-automatic tablet counting machine holds lucrative features for your benefits, there are some limitations on its part which are taken into account. These include:

                    Require Manual Intervention

                    Semi-automatic tablet counting machine relies upon manual intervention. It means that one person must be needed for operation, otherwise, the machine cannot accomplish the tablet counting.

                    Limited Capacity

                    This machine has limited capacity of counting tablets per hour as a result of which it cannot boost the production level of any industry.

                    11.How To Maintain A Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine?

                    Tablet Counting Machine-6

                    Maintenance-Picture Courtesy:

                    Maintaining your semi-automatic tablet counting machine on regular basis is the key to its long life working. Hence, it must be consistently maintained for which we have enlisted few steps for your ease:

                    Configuration Setting

                    It is important to alter the parameters of machine in accordance with quantity of tablets required for counting and filling each bottle. For instance, the amount of tablets for different cycles may not be homogeneous rather it varies accordingly. Therefore, the regular modification of counting number on HMI must be checked.

                    Structural Adjustment

                    As semi-automatic tablet counting machine is relied upon user for functioning, it is necessary to adjust the height of bottle positioning stand and hopper with changing diameter of bottles.

                    Parts Cleaning

                    Cleaning is the most essential step in maintenance to disinfect machine, it must be done thereafter daily workout. For this following points can be used:

                    • Disassemble the hopper and wash it ethanol rag and purified water
                    • Use a brush or vacuum cleaner to remove dust from vibratory tray and circulating disk
                    • Clean the touch screen display by wiping it with tidy cloth

                    Parts Lubrication

                    There are few parts of the machine which are in constant state of revolutionary motion. Therefore, it is obligatory to keep them lubricated to avoid jamming and friction. For this, lubrication oil can be used for parts like motor located below rotating disk.

                    12.Give Remedies To Cure General Errors Of A Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine?

                    In order to solve the general problems occur when operating a semi-automatic tablet counting machine, the underlying remedies can be useful:

                    No Errors Causes Remedies Pictures
                    1 Filling of two bottles at once It happens when the screw of changing flipper get loose Make sure to well tight the screw of flipper for filling one bottle at the time Filling of two bottles at once

                    2 Inaccurate counting If the feeding hopper is located too high, it may result in overlapping tablets Modify the height of feeding hopper Inaccurate counting

                    3 Tablet Dispersion The change in bottle diameter requires change in the height of bottle holding stand Adjust the height of bottle holder to that of diameter of bottle Tablet Dispersion-4

                    4 Rotating disk does not move It may be jammed with tablet stuck in it or the motor, gear or screws need adjustment Remove the tablet by hand, tigh screws and lubricate the motor located below the disc Rotating disk does not move

                    13.What Quality Standards Should A Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine Comply?

                    Tablet Counting Machine Comply

                    Standards-Picture Courtesy:

                    There are several quality standards established for the regulation of safe and quality equipment. Hence, a semi-automatic tablet counting machine must comply these standards in order to be a quality machine. These include:


                    International Organization for Standardization is the broad non governmental organization formed for the purpose of promoting safe goods. An ISO certified semi-automatic tablet counting machine will be one having outstanding machinery in terms of quality as well as protection.


                    Current good manufacturing practices is the most important standard developed to improve the quality regulations in areas including pharmaceutical, chemical and biotechnology field. A quality semi-automatic tablet counting machine will be always complying cGMP's principles.


                    CE is a standard fixed by European Union to allow goods' an access in European market which are eligible to the EU safety, health, and environmental requirements.


                    Food and Drug Administration is an agency established to ensure that drugs, products and associated equipment being made are fully safe and hygienic. Therefore, semi-automatic tablet counting machine must follow the rules prescribed by FDA.

                    14.What Should Be Considered To Purchase Good Quality Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine?

                    When purchasing a semi-automatic tablet counting machine, remember to consider the essential factors highlighted below:

                    Considered To Purchase Good Quality

                    Accuracy Level

                    If you are opting for a semi-automatic tablet counting machine instead of manual one, it means that accuracy and precision of counting is in your priority list. Therefore, it is necessary to check the sensors and optics of machine which can help you attain desired accuracy.


                    Another factor to look for is the resilience of machine. Make sure it can process multiple objects such as tablets, capsules and candies etc.

                    Cost and Maintenance

                    Cost and Maintenance

                    Cost&Maintain-Picture Courtesy:

                    Before making any decision, consider the cost of machine as there are different semi-automatic tablet counting machines with varying prices. Along with that, ask your vendor for the maintenance of machine and even test the machine once. Together it will lead you to make a sound purchase.


                    To summarize the discussion, a semi-automatic tablet counting machine is most precise and effective machine with low cost and maintenance requirements. Manufacturers from diverse sectors can take advantage of this machine with the help of above guidelines. Besides, you can also get your smart semi-automatic tablet counting machine from Allpack inventory where quality is the condition for every equipment. If you are interested in buying this machine feel free to contact us via given website!

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                    CONTACT US

                    Tell us your raw material and project budget to get quotations within 24 hours.

                    WhatsApp Us: +86 181 7101 8586

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                    Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2025 Read More »

                    Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                    Tablet Counting and Filling Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2025

                    Tablet Counting and Filling Machine: The Complete Buying Guide In 2025

                    Today, in the fast era, counting and filling medications and timely adhering to dispensing limits has become a tough challenge across the globe. In the corporate world, tablet counting and filling machine has changed the perception of packaging significantly. With the abundance of versatility, this equipment is considered as a tool of profitability in every production processes. Due to overwhelming performance and promising business revenue; a tablet counting and filling machine is now an indicator of competitive market success.

                    Tablet Counting

                    ‘Tablet Counting and Filling Machine: The complete buying Guide in 2023’ is a comprehensive informative guide article that will help you in understanding all essential parameters one must know when thinking about investment on this machine. This article is composed of basic exploration about working principles, parts, types, troubleshooting, and other important key attributes about the machine.

                      Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

                      1.What Is a Tablet Counting and Filling Machine?

                      Tablet Counting-1

                      Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      A tablet counting and filling machine is advanced solution that is used for accurate counting and filling of tablets, capsules, pills, and related items into their packaging materials.

                      The machine is compact in structure available in various sizes, designs, automation, and with different working principles. Due to tremendous significance and offering sustained productivity; this is adopted by practices in many small to large industries for accurate and precise counting and filling outcomes.

                      2.Where Do You Use the Tablet Counting and Filling Machine?

                      Not only confined to the huge pharmaceutical sector of industry, but this tablet counting machine is perfect to be used by other industries. Let’s read their industrial applications now.

                      Food and Confectionery Industry

                      Food and Confectionery Industry

                      Gummy Candies- Picture Courtesy:Kopper’s Choco

                      The food industry is an important production area that produces delicacies like candies, chocolates, chewing gums, gummies, chocolate beans, and other food products like coffee beans, frozen items, condiments and spices, cornflakes, chips, and biscuits can be filled using a tablet counting and filling machine. These items require to be filled with accurately weighed processes so that undercounting doesn’t disappoint the consumer.

                      Nutraceutical Industry

                      Nutraceutical Industry

                      Multivitamins- Picture Courtesy:Nutragean Healthcare

                      The Nutraceutical industry is another important sector where manufacturers of nutritional supplements use this machine for errorless counting of their products. Their products include multivitamins, dietary supplements, probiotics, probiotics, glutathione, capsules for skin, nails, and hair health, etc. These are found usually in the form of pills or capsules and so require a precise counted quantity of the product.

                      Chemical Industry

                      Chemical Industry

                      Deodorizing Tablets- Picture Courtesy: Blue Mountain

                      A chemical industry where day to day manufacturing of chemical takes place require tablet counting and filling machine to dispense right quantity of packaging chemicals such as laundry pods, detergent tablets, phenyl balls etc. Precise counting is necessary to prevent any hazard and cross-contamination.

                      Veterinary Industry

                      Veterinary Industry

                      Nutritional Pills- Picture Courtesy: Vet Practise Magazine

                      This industry deals with preparing and packaging of nutritional food for animals. For the purpose of veterinarian health and food, their products like cat and dog food, fish food, medicines for different animals are packaged using a tablet counting machine.

                      Agricultural Industry

                      Agricultural Industry

                      Fertilizer Booster

                      The agricultural industry uses this machine to count seeds, beans, lentils, pulses, peas, fertilizer, etc. These products are present in circular, oblong, and even irregular shapes that can be otherwise difficult to count manually.

                      Herbal Industry

                      Herbal Industry

                      Organic Tablets- Picture Courtesy: Banyan Botanic

                      Now a days, the herbal industry is generating profitable revenue as people around the globe are more interested in using organic herbal products. For instance, all types of perennials, herbs such as such as, Medical Cannabis, Basil, Catnip, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon verdena, Lemon balm, Mint, Peppermint, Rosemary, Thyme and others are easily counted using tablet counting and filling machine.

                      Cosmetics Industry

                      Cosmetics Industry

                      Waxing Beans Cosmetic Products

                      The cosmetics industry deals with the manufacturing of cosmetic products where accuracy and aesthetics can boost the products. This industry uses tablet counting and filling machine as well for products like wax beans, whitening beads, wax strips, nose strips, face masks , artificial nails, and some accessories like hair clips, rubber bands etc.

                      Electronics Industry

                      Electronics Industry

                      Screw, Nuts, Bolts

                      This industry produces hardware items that are required for engineering, construction, automobile, and other construction industries. For example: nails, screws, screw bolts, buttons, electronic chips, and other mechanical small parts are also countable using tablet filling and counting machine.

                      Stationery Industry

                      Stationery Industry

                      Fancy Pen, Pencil’s Toper

                      The stationery industry is also significant zone for producing items like pencils, erasers, sharpeners, staple pins, thumb pins, clips etc also find its application with this tablet counting and filling machine.

                      3.What is the Significance of utilizing Tablet Counting and Filling Machine and why is it worthwhile?

                      Significance of utilizing Tablet Counting

                      Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Many industries rely on tablet counting and filling machine because it offers key benefits to every consumer who opts for this in production processes, including:

                      Dosage Accuracy: A sophisticated technology ensuring tablet counting and filling method with accuracy.

                      No Cross-Contamination: The machine allows the filling of prescriptions and packaging of medication with lesser physical contact. Furthermore, it is made up of finest stainless steel and complies with safety features, it offers products safety and no chances of cross-contamination.

                      Simplified Detectors: The machine is equipped with electronic and digital features that are equipped with scanners and detectors that pick up the errors or malfunctioning either in the machine or tablet and sort the problem by simply notifications.

                      Improved Efficiency: The tablet counting and filling machine has eliminated manual sorting, counting, and filling of pills, tablets, and capsules. This machine has streamlined the hectic process with flexible automation which is a good indicator for improving production efficiency.

                      Cost-Saving: Many industries, pharmacies, and other sectors save money when they don’t have to pay for technicians to stand all day long watching, counting, and packaging tablets in bottles, and containers. Plus, this machine saves your time, and energy, resulting in more productivity with high throughput.

                      4.What are Tablet Counting and Filling Machine Components?

                      Tablet Counting and Filling Machine Components

                      PART DESCRIPTION
                      Feeding Hopper This is a storage tank that holds tablets or pill in the bulk quantity for further packaging and filling stage. A feeding hopper is located at top of the machine where it ensures the supply of tablets are steady and smooth for counting.
                      Alarming Light The tablet counting and filling machine is designed with alarming light that features the certain situation such as power on, working mode, emergency mode, and other related condition. For e.g., once hopper is empty or tablets supply is stopped machine indicate it by indicating an alarm.
                      Vibratory Channel A tablet counting and filling machine prevent clumping or jamming of tablets flow. This is due to vibratory channel that provide a confined pathway where uniform movement of tablets take place. Moreover, the vibratory channel promotes the transporting tablets toward filling nozzle via shaky or vibratory movement.
                      PLC Touch Screen This is a Programmable Logic Controller which is controlled by touchscreen keys present on the monitor. You can consider this unit as a commander of the machine that sends and receives signals of entire procedure. When operator feed in the protocol and adjustments, machine send signals and begin working as interpreted command.
                      Sensor Sensors or detectors are featured in the tablet counting and filling machine which is responsible for various important functions. First of all, it senses the presence tablet and marking them among counted lot, monitor and notifies if any tablet missing, determining any malfunctioning and send signals to major unit (PLC) for further evaluation.
                      Feeding Nozzle This unit is composed of a narrow passage that facilitates a cleared and uniform follow of tablets which are considered as counted and filled into respective present packaging material. This unit performs promising tasks that ensure entire operation is well-controlled.
                      Conveyor This unit acts as a limb of the system that helps you transportation of packaging material such as bottles, pouches, jars, etc toward counting and filling section. Upon filling conveyor moves and discharge the packed material from the machine. A conveyor helps in continuous flow of the material in a proper aligned manner. The speed of conveyor can be regulated using PLC controller.
                      Outfeed Once the tablets are counted and filled, they’re released to another machine via outfeed.
                      Rejection Unit This unit works when receive negative feedback. This unit is featured with advanced detectors that identifies abnormality in packaging container, for e.g., missing tablets, might be filled with defected tablets are sent to rejected section. This section is performing promising tasks as it ensures all approved tablet packaging bottles for final process are 100% corrected.
                      Electric Panel This section is housed with important electrical parts that are composed of wiring, switches, plugs, connections, relay, that ensure proper and safe distribution of electric current across various parts of machine that allows simultaneous electricity during processes.
                      Support Frame The structure of the tablet counting and filling machine is supported by frame which is made up of stainless steel offer a stable holding capacity. Moreover, it supports the machine and prevent vibrations, so the counting and filling procedure take place in stable work condition.

                      5.How to Classify a Tablet Counting and Filling Machine?

                      Classify a Tablet Counting

                      A tablet counting and filling machine is categorised into various types which is based on different technical behaviour of the equipment. The prime purpose of presenting this classification is to understand the possible available features of the machine in the market for the better selection.


                      In this case, machine is sub-classified into three broad classes.

                      Manual Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Manual Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Manual Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      You can call it a robust method of counting and filling solid medication that entirely requires human intervention. Here, you can subject the medication on the counting tray; with the help of spatula each of the counted tablet is separated from the random category and at the same time, you can put each tablet into the filling material. For the smaller businesses or small scale operations, this is suitable method as it does not cost you higher or need a large space for installation. Side by side, this way of counting can help in accurate filling with minimum chances of error and cross-contamination.

                      Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Semi-Automatic Tablet Counting and Filling Machine- Picture Courtesy: CVC Tech

                      By comparison to manual, a semi-automatic tablet counting and filling machine is way too advanced development in the field of packaging and branding. This machine is the fastest solution that can counts and fills hundred of tablet packs in an hour. But, as it name shows, it still expects some human involvement. The machine is absolutely automatic but when it comes to loading containers or any packaging material, you need a technician, once the tablets are counted and filled, they’re discharged manually. This machine is best fit solution for medium to large production sectors. As this machine is way too cheap that’s why it is mostly preferred one for those who’re beginning with the business.

                      Automatic Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Automatic Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Automatic Tablet Counting and Filling Machine-Picture Courtesy: Cremer

                      When it comes to automatic machines; No one can beat it working efficiency. This machine is mostly recommended for a larger industry where day night working batches are easily catered with no chances of errors. Machine itself is responsible for infeed, counting, filling, and discharging the containers by the help of conveyor belt. Here, you don’t need a fixed manpower throughout the process. An operator must click the data and start the process. This is an ideal solution for obtaining hundreds of accurate packaging products per minute.


                      Based on technologies, a tablet counting and filling machine is classified into rotary wheel, vibratory and slat methods. Although the basic design and working presentation of these types are different but primary objective of counting is the same.

                      Rotary Wheels Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Rotary Wheels Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Tablet counting and filling machine- Picture Courtesy: Allpack

                      This technology is present in semi-automatic and automatic tablet counting and filling machines. The significant benefit of this technology is easy to handle and easy to change over for various shapes and sizes of tablets, capsules or other pills. The most important feature of this machine is gentle movement of rotary wheel allows tablets to drops into filling nozzle unit where presence of detector senses the tablet and making them count and fills into respective containers. The entire work process is accurate and very easy. This machine is available in relatively low price and not suitable for high or larger production industries as it output capacity is relatively lower than other machines.

                      Vibratory Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Vibratory Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Vibratory Tablet Counting and Filling Machine- Picture Courtesy :NMJ Packaging

                      This machine is much fast solution than a rotary tablet counting and filling machine in which tablets utilizes feeding channels for alignment; by implementing vibrations each tablet passes through scanning area one by one and drops down toward feeding nozzle for further counting and filling process. This machine is suitable for running large production capacity zones where requirement of packaging is almost higher. Moreover, this machine is further classified in the term of available channels, this is presented as single, 8, 16, or 24 vibratory channels ensuring counting and filling task in a bulk with no chances of errors.

                      Slat Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Slat Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Slat Tablet Counting and Filling Machine-1

                      Slat Tablet Counting and Filling Machine- Picture Courtesy:Surplus Solution

                      Indeed, a fastest solution than rotary wheel and vibratory tablet counting and filling machine. The slat technology utilized special cavities for tablet counting where each tablet fixed and counted and dropped toward filling containers. in this way, thousands of containers are filled accurately each hour. The presence of cavities are meant for typically specific shape of pills that follows particular operation where each tablet is capable to fix in each cavity with no chances of leaving empty or double-filled. In this way, it offers quite accurate results. This machine has a limitation of having continuous changeover for different sizes tablets if required.


                      A tablet counting and filling machine is a versatile machine which are available in different counting heads. Such as:

                      Single Head Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Single Head Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Single Head Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      A single heading machine is a simple structure and the most cost-economical solution for attaining automatic tablet counting and filling features. This machine is basically designed for those consumers who’re wished to add this robust solution but running a smaller or moderate projects. The machine is equipped with only single counting and filling feeder that are equipped with all amazing features like other machines such as sensors, PLC, visualizing camera, etc.,

                      Multi- Head Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Multi- Head Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Multi- Head Tablet Counting and Filling Machine- Picture Courtesy: COUNTEC

                      This is incredible machine that’s featured with multiple counting and filling heads located parallel to each other respectively. Hence, the use of machine offers significantly high counting and filling tasks with faster throughput each time. Due to this property; the machine is highly recommended for running larger production areas for catering bulk production flexibly.


                      The counting channel is an important feature of tablet counting and filling machine that orient tablets and allows their smooth movement. These channels are equipped with scanners that pick the tablet structure and evaluate it for approval or disqualify from the lot. The channels are further sub-classified into the following:

                      Single Channel Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Single Channel Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Single Channel Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      This is generally suitable option for lower capacity production lines where machine ensure accurate counting and filling method for a limited capacity. This machine is featured with only one or single pathway through which tablets or pills are easily flow toward feeding nozzle for further filling.

                      Multi- Channel Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Multi- Channel Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Multi- Channel Tablet Counting and Filling Machine- Picture Courtesy:COUNTEC

                      This machine is featured with multiple channels that allows flow of tablets for counting and filling task simultaneously. The working and movement of tablet flow takes place parallel to each other that offers high counting and filling speed. The counting channels are equipped highly advanced scanners where any fault or damage can easily be detected. This machine is highly recommended for large production industries because it can cater bulk quantity products so far.

                      6.How Does Tablet Counting and Filling Machine Work?

                      The working of the tablet counting and filling machine is pretty simple. For your understanding, we have explained it with mentioned illustrations. Keep reading!

                      Bottle Feeding The tablet counting and filling process begins when bottles are come inside the system by the help of conveyor. These bottles or packaging materials are transferred in proper upright direction for easy filling. Bottle Feeding
                      Tablet Flow Tablets from hopper are subjected to the vibratory channels where they move properly by gently vibratory movement that pushes them and one by one falls toward filling nozzle. These vibratory trays are equipped with scanners that determine the shapes, structure, and presence of the tablet. Tablet Flow
                      Counting and Filling The number of tablets drops down into the filling feeders that are equipped with high-degree sensors which detects and count the tablet and allow them to fill the container. The specified number of tablets are introduced into each container depends upon protocol fed by an operator. Counting and Filling
                      Discharge This is the final stage, where containers are filled and leaves the system by the help of conveyor. Discharge

                      7.What Integrated Units of Tablet Counting and Filling Machine?

                      The tablet counting and filling machine is best fit machine works flexibly in a packaging production line composed of various machines. We have discussed them one by one below, have a look.

                      Tablet Counting and Filling Machine-2

                      STEP 1: Bottle Unscrambler
                      The packaging bottles, containers, or jars are fed into the system randomly. The bottle unscrambler is responsible for making them an upright and proper position by use of air blowers, vibratory tray and sensors. If any bottle is damaged or not approved for further packaging would be rejected and added to the discard unit.

                      STEP 2: Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      By the help of conveyor, bottles are entered to tablet counting and filling machine where optimized numbers of filling product is introduced. The packed product is now subjected to the next machine of the system.

                      STEP 3: Desiccator Feeder

                      To avoid development of moisture inside the container, a desiccant is inserted that assure product is safe throughout the transportation and usage. The roll of desiccant is adjusted using supporters equipped in the machine. By the help of roller cutter each strip is separated and positioned inside the bottle. Now, bottle is ready to leave the system.

                      STEP 4: Capping Machine

                      Inside the capping machine, bottles/containers/pouches are subjected to automatic grippers that helps in holding and twisting caps over the neck of each container. The purpose of this machine is to secure product firmly.

                      STEP 5: Induction Sealing Machine

                      Every healthcare, food sector and relevant field secure their packaging by inducing tamper evident sealing. An induction sealing machine works by generating electromagnetic field that melts inner lining of the cap once warmed. The lining forms a firm bond with neck edges of the bottle upon cooling that make packaging more secure against external physical factors such as light, temperature, moisture, etc.

                      STEP 6: Labeler

                      This is an important piece of equipment that enhances your brand and sharing important messages, company’s slogan and information to consumers such as dosage, interaction, precaution etc., the labelling machine works by fixing roll using roller feeders which opens the label and starts applying on bottle surface. The roller pressers firmly and evenly press the label.

                      8.What Other Products Can Tablet Counting and Filling Machine Counts?

                      A tablet counting and filling machine can not only count your tablets, but it can also be beneficial to numerate other products used in food, confectionery, chemical and agricultural industries as well. Some of these products are as follows:



                      Capsule Counted By The Tablet Filling And Counting Machine

                      Capsules are counted by the use of same working principle as tablets are counted. This oblong-shaped medicine is transferred to the vibration plate where sensors sense the product, count and then fill into their containers.



                      Pills Counted By The Tablet Filling And Counting Machine

                      Pills are quite similar in shape and size to tablets and capsules. So, they can also be counted and filled likewise. Hopper is filled with bulk quantity of pills, and they are further dispatched to the sensory device which counts and fills into their containers.



                      Gummies Counted By The Tablet Filling And Counting Machine

                      Gummies belong to confectionery industry, and so transferring it in bulk amounts can be helpful using a tablet counting and filling machine. This machine is modified to handle its tangling and delivers clean and accurate count of gummies.

                      Coffee Beans

                      Coffee Beans

                      Coffee Beans Counted By The Tablet Filling And Counting Machine

                      They are small, round or oval shaped solid product which can be dumped into the hopper and further processed in a tablet counting and filling machine to be counted for bulk packaging.

                      Laundry Pods

                      Laundry Pods

                      Laundry Pod Counted By The Tablet Filling And Counting Machine- Picture courtesy: Best Seller

                      As these detergent pods or dishwashing tablets are sticky in nature, a separating vibration plate is helpful for this purpose.  The tablet counting and filling machine has a bucket conveyor and multiheaded weigher specification which presents accuracy and efficiency in counting.

                      Candies & Chewing Gum

                      Chewing Gum

                      Candies and Chewing Gum Counted By The Tablet Filling And Counting -Picture Courtesy:Taste Tech

                      Candies & chewing gums as well belong to confectionery industry . Similar to gummies and laundry pods, they also present stickiness problem. For this an elevated plate and ground level hopper is present in a tablet counting machine which can count and fill, without the problem of stickiness or undercounting.



                      Lozenges Counted by Tablet counting and filling machine- Picture Courtesy :Difflam

                      These are commonly produced in the nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industry that are intended to dissolve in mouth once administered. Tablet counting and filling machines are worthwhile for the packaging of lozenges.

                      9.What is the Difference between Rotary and Slat Tablet Counting and Filling Machine?

                      Rotary and slat tablet counting and filling machines are intended for the same purpose (counting) but machine itself encompasses some prime distinctions.

                      Rotary Wheels Tablet Counting and Filling Machine

                      Slat Tablet Counting

                      For example:

                      ROTARY SLAT
                      STRUCTURE The machine is featured with circular wheel that helps in continuous movement of tablets and arrangement for counting and filling procedures. This is an advanced machine that has equipped with unlimited number of cavities where tablets are fixed and indicated as counted and filled into the following packaging material.
                      CAPACITY The rotary tablet counting and filling machine production capacity is relatively low. Therefore, it is suitable for small to medium production industries. The production capacity of slat tablet counting and filling machine larger. Therefore, it is recommended for the larger industrial sector.
                      Working Principle The working principle is based on rotation. The working principle is based on cavity filling with linear motion.
                      Limitation The work process is relatively slow. The changeover rate is higher.
                      Cost This machine is relatively cheaper. This machine costs you higher.

                      10.How to Clean and Maintain Tablet Counting and Filling Machine?

                      Maintain Tablet Counting

                      tablet counting and filling machine- Picture Courtesy:Integrated packaging

                      A tablet counting and filling machine is a reliable machine giving you fast and accurate counting and filling tasks; this working efficiency could be affected if you’re not properly taking care of the machine. Please check below following points to extend life of the equipment with excellent working.

                      Cleaning Maintenance
                      Always clear the hopper after work and inspect prior work to avoid cross-contamination. Lubricate movable parts regularly to avoid abrasion, development of rust, and noise.
                      Use clean and dry fabric for cleaning important parts such as vibratory channels, sensors exterior and feeding nozzles. The worn-out or damaged wiring must be removed and replaced with new parts to enhance the work efficiency of the machine.
                      Calibrate the equipment and ensure the correct configuration of the machine.

                      11.What Type of Packaging Material Can be Supported with Tablet Counting and Filling Machine?

                      The tablet counting and filling machine is designed to support packaging material of various different formats such as:



                      These are commonly used in food and nutraceutical industry that is formatted as a wide mouth container. A tablet counting and filling machine can accurately and flexibly support jars for dispensing pills, capsules, tablets.



                      You can use bottles of various shapes and sizes in tablet counting and filling machine with accurate dose dispensing.



                      They are commonly used for packaging pharmaceutical medicines that are usually small in structure and can easily be adjusted in tablet counting and filling machines for perfect dose storing.

                      Stand up pouches

                      Stand up pouches

                      Whether pre-made or film form pouches are compatible with tablet counting and filling machine for efficient and fast packaging.

                      12.What are the Problems and Troubleshooting of Tablet Counting and Filling Machine?

                      Problems and Troubleshooting of Tablet Counting

                      Tablet counting and filling machine

                      Although a tablet counting and filling machine robust and reliable machine but seldom it develops and faces some technical problems. For that, no need to worry as the machine itself is capable enough to notify and try to manage. Some of the major issues and troubleshooting are discussed below:

                      Machine Counts Twice

                      Machine Counts Twice

                      Tablet counting and filling machine- Picture Courtesy :Ropack Russia

                      This is an obstacle when the machine senses tablet double instead of single.

                      This problem occurs in multichannel tablet counting machine where the flowability of tablets is in the bulk.


                      We would recommend clearing the scanners and vibratory channels tray. Secondly, re-calibrate the system and run the test.  Clean the machine and remove unwanted foreign particles so false readings would be avoided.

                      Tablets Movement are Jammed

                      Tablets Movement are Jammed

                      Tablet counting and filling machine

                      This is another common problem where the flow of tablets is interrupted.

                      This condition is caused by slow or agitated movement of the vibratory channels and increased feeding of tablets from the hopper.


                      Regular maintenance of the machine can solve this problem. Lubricate the movable parts, clean the sensors, and feeding head, and assess the movement of the conveyor. Please check the alignment of the hopper and fix it properly so tablet movement can be controlled.

                      Machine Fails to Detect Tablet

                      Machine Fails to Detect Tablet

                      Tablet counting and filling machine- Picture Courtesy :Maharshi

                      This is another problem where the machine can’t identify the presence of a tablet. This problem could arise due to the poor sensitivity of sensors hence machine fails to respond.


                      This problem can be solved by wiping out the sensor by using a dry cloth. Check and evaluate camera settings and run the test.


                      In a summary, a tablet counting and filling machine is an exceptional technology that has successfully replaced manual handling and conventional method of counting and filling products. That’s why this machine is extensively adopted in broad range industrial sectors such as pharma, nutraceuticals, food, and other businesses. Planning to purchase? Allpack is well-recognized company offering broad range tablet counting and filling machine with amazing prices. For more information, Get in Touch with Us Now.

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